A few months ago a retired rocket scientist told me NASA has two space programs—the one NASA wants you to know about and the real one that has been kept hidden for decades. Since I had already heard about secret space programs, this came as no big surprise.
There’s been enough leaked evidence over the years to support the existence of this “other” space program. In 1993, at an engineering conference in Los Angeles, Dr. Ben Rich, former CEO of Lockheed’s Skunkworks (a secret research and development arm of Lockheed), showed a slide of a black disk headed for space using anti-gravity technology. Dr. Rich, known as the “Father of Stealth,” told his audience: “We now have the technology to take ET home.” Translation: “We have already reverse-engineered crashed ET craft and that picture up there is one of ours.”
If we already had this advanced technology almost 30 years ago, one has to wonder what else is going on in space that they also are not telling us (which our taxpayer dollars have paid for). Finally, a new documentary is spilling some pretty incredible secrets on that very subject and the evidence is quite compelling.
Packing for Mars, a new documentary for release in November 2015 by Screen Addiction company filmmakers Frank Jacob and Tonia Madenford, tells of an secret space colony on Mars that started back in the 70’s. Complete with leaked footage by even a Vatican whistleblower, it reveals classified information concerning secret joint US/Soviet Apollo 19 and 20 missions to the Moon and Mars known as “Project Red Sun.” This might shed some new light on what President Ronald Reagan alluded to as a highly classified space fleet in the June 11, 1985 entry in his diaries where he revealed that “our shuttle capacity is such that we can launch 300 people into orbit.” He reports having seen this massive space fleet and being awed by it. He probably assumed by the time his personal diaries were made public, everyone would already know this incredible information as well. Wrong.
But truth is oftentimes stranger than fiction, which is how the documentary’s two filmmakers became interested in the Packing for Mars investigation. A number of years ago the film’s writer, producer and director, Frank Jacob, happened to be talking to a man about the 1977 sci-fi novel called Alternative 3, when he learned something quite astonishing—it wasn’t fiction at all.Alternative 3, which aired on BBC-TV on April Fool’s Day in 1977, was about Earth facing a catastrophic coming disaster. Since the human genome had to be preserved from possible extinction, scientists were recruited into a top-secret space program in order to build a survival colony on Mars for the elite few. That solution was known as “Alternative 3.”
Sure sounds like science fiction, but Jacob’s “highly intelligent and well-respected” source made him think again. In fact, just this week astronomers say they discovered a “death star” that may be Earth’s eventual undoing. But perhaps this is old news to some already in the know. Have scientists already discovered that Earth is indeed heading for a planetary collision with a large planet X object in space by the year 2042? Did they step up the space program and build an off-planet habitat on Mars in preparation for such an event? And, have they been secretly recruiting and colonizing Mars as well as building elaborate and life-sustaining underground cities on Earth? Jacob had to find out—and so began Frank Jacob’s and Tonia Madenford’s ultimate Search for Truth. They would keep their project so secret that even their family and friends didn’t know what they were working on. After five years of filming a la “Scully and Mulder” type fashion, Packing for Mars, will hopefully provide some solid answers for the rest of us.
Packing for Mars has a luminary cast of scientists, physicists, researchers, an astronaut, and some well-informed whistleblowers. “I thought that if I could get close to a person telling a highly unbelievable story and ask a lot of questions,” Jacob explains, “I would be able to rely on my own inner compass to tell me if they were really telling the truth.” Consequently, there are many ultra-closeup camera interviews.
As the pieces of the puzzle start to come together for the viewer, we begin to get a glimmer of why even our ancient ancestors were so intent on searching the stars “for signs.” Most revealing are the interviews with Vatican whistleblower, Luca Scantamburlo. The viewer learns that the Vatican believes, due to something revealed in one of the prophesies at Fatima, that Earth will be revisited again by a 10th planet that returns every 3600 years. Thus, a secret Jesuit maintained observatory and a space program known as Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano (SIV) was put into operation. This program was “ordered” into effect after the Roswell incident in 1947 by then Pope Pius XII. Today, the vast majority of telescopes and space probes which observe the sun are owned by the Vatican. It is clear they have their eye on the sky.
In Packing for Mars, Laura Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of President Dwight D Eisenhower, reveals how she was recruited for the Mars Colony during 2006-2007, but after refusing was harassed until she finally went public. Seattle attorney, Andrew Basiago, recounts his experience as a child teleportation subject for DARPA’s Project Pegasus and how time and space travel is possible today using wormhole and time overlaps which create shortcuts in space. This discovery led to DARPA’s Mars “jump room” program. Sort of a “Beam me up Scotty” type device. If only Matt Damon had known that travel between Earth and Mars is not the 1.88 Earth year-long journey he was led to believe in the movie, The Martian.
It’s always interesting how anything dealing with secret time and space travel always links back to the great inventor Nikola Tesla. On January 16, 1901 the New York Times reported that the Harvard Lowell Observatory recorded a 70-minute light that emanated from Mars to Earth. This inspired Tesla to erect a large transmission device on Pike’s Peak hoping to establish communication with Mars. Was something or somebody already out there? If nothing else, it certainly served to light the fire for all space exploration.
The film’s many interviews reveal that there are already established U.S. bases on Mars. A few “Super Soldiers” from a Mars “Universal Soldier” program have come forward and given some mind-blowing accounts of their time on the Red Planet. Can we believe them? They appear to have been selected due to having natural born enhanced psi communication abilities, a highly valued trait.
Our perception of Mars has always been based on pictures transmitted back from the Mars Rover. It’s a pretty safe assumption that the images we do see have been carefully screened by NASA. Yet, even the ones they allow us to see oftentimes have blurry questionable images that can’t be verified. Contrary to general belief, NASA did not just discover liquid water on Mars. They’ve known for some time that the planet is sustainable for life. Mars does not have a red sky and reportedly has some bigger pyramids on it than found in Egypt, which tells us, if true, that ancient civilizations have visited Mars in the past and left their mark.
I found myself captivated by this intriguing and well-done documentary. I saw it for the first time at a sneak preview screening at Contact In the Desert in Joshua Tree, California in May 2015. I watched it a second time this week, thanks to the filmmakers. I hope it manages to get wide distribution, as it gives the viewer much to think about concerning the world in which we live and how much we actually know about it. Obviously, not as much as we may think. (For notification of upcoming screening events you can check out their Facebook page.)
I asked Madenford for her thoughts about making such a controversial documentary. She quoted that age-old saying, “It ain’t what you ‘don’t know’ that gets you in trouble…It’s what you ‘do know’ that just ain’t so.” How true. It’s evident that from all the recent news stories that NASA and our government are slowly getting the general public used to the idea of possible colonization on Mars. President Barack Obama actually directed NASA to get people to the vicinity of the Red Planet by the mid-2030s. Is there a time frame reason for such urgency? Get ready. Someday, you, too, might find yourself packing for Mars. Hopefully it won’t be a one-way trip.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
https://i0.wp.com/trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/man-on-mars.jpg?fit=480%2C270&ssl=1270480Kathy J. Fortihttps://www.trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/FINAL_trinfinityLOGOrevised-for-web-logo-300x174.pngKathy J. Forti2015-10-23 13:26:522016-01-04 20:04:19Packing for Mars: Revelations on the Secret Space Program
If we could all look into the future, what might we see? Remote viewer and visionary intuitive E.M. (“Gene”) Nicolay is so good at predicting future events that governments and corporations have tried to pick his brain for years. Consequently, he learned quickly to fly low under the radar, which is why you’ve probably never heard of him. He is a modern-day Nostradamus and his remarkable gift has led him to lead a very seclusionary life.
I’ve known Gene for many years. In 2010 he warned me that my scheduled February 2011 trip to Egypt would most likely be cancelled. He saw escalating civil unrest in the area. He advised me to purchase travel insurance to protect myself against cancellation. Six months later, and two weeks before I was supposed to leave for Cairo, Tahir Square erupted in chaos and the country was literally locked down. The trip was cancelled due to unforeseen “Acts of God.” I was grateful for having taken his advice about buying that travel insurance.
Around the same time that Gene warned me of Egypt’s upcoming civil unrest, he also informed me that World War 3 would be played out in Syria and to look for certain signs. At the time, not much was happening in Syria. But later, when President Bashar Al_Assad was erroneously accused of using chemical weapons on his people (it was later learned that the rebels obtained the chemicals from Western sources), and Russia saved the day by preventing the U.S. from waging war against Syria, I thought we had dodged a bullet on the WW3 prediction. In the past two weeks, I began to wonder if back then was only the beginning of something much bigger heating up and perhaps Gene was right after all.
It is now evident that events in Syria are quickly taking on disturbing global proportions. Many of us are wondering if this is indeed the “war of all wars” as biblical prophesy has predicted. Since I hadn’t spoken to Gene for some time, I decided it was time to see what else was appearing on his personal radar screen. I was surprised to hear he has just released his newest book on this very subject. Timeline Collapse & Universal Ascension: The Future of Third Dimensional Earth and Fifth Dimensional Terra is a riveting look at coming world events on the future timeline of Earth from now until 2569. It also explores the Ascension of Human Angelic Souls to Earth’s Fifth Dimensional counterpart, planet Terra.
While the book is densely packed with information, more importantly it explains why things are transpiring in the world in accordance with one’s soul “essence path.” Man is in the process of moving from a 3rd dimensional plane to a 5th dimensional one, skipping right over the 4th dimensional realm—and all this is within a 12 dimensional sub-level structure within a 12 dimensional universal structure. Yes, it gets complicated, but then the divine plan of our world entails multiple complexities. But after reading it, it all begins to make sense.
Gene explains that people’s concepts about “the Rapture or Armageddon” are very misunderstood from a dimensional perspective. People aren’t going to be just “beamed up” one day. Some souls will choose to cycle out of this 3rd dimensional realm to a higher dimension, while others will choose to stay here and continue to work on this level, but there is a process involved. It doesn’t all happen one sunny day.
Since timelines are always shifting and can’t be measured in a linear way, it is important to understand the difference between “possible vs. probable” futures from a prediction standpoint. There are multiple universal timelines running parallel to each other simultaneously, but there is only one dominant timeline which is the most “probable” one. This is where Gene focuses his energies to see what the future may hold.
The future appears to hold some rather challenging times ahead for all of us. The good news is it won’t destroy man or the Earth and we will eventually get through it. This is important to keep in mind. Below are a few events written on our most probable present and future timeline:
Around March 2015, there was an assassination attempt on Vladimir Putin by Western covert operations. During this time, he mysteriously disappeared from the world stage for approximately 10 days. Speculation abounded on “Where is Putin?” and if he was dead or alive. As a result of this attempt on his life, Putin experienced a near-death experience or what might be called a “spiritual awakening” where he was shown his true destiny. This significantly changed him. He turned his back on any secret treaties already in effect with some of the power cabals. Instead, he decided to heavily protect himself and his people from these covert activities by taking new action.
World War 3 has already started even though it is not yet being called that. It will be officially given that title in the latter part of the 2010’s. Expect a lull in the fighting after Russia helps Syria destroy terrorist installations. There will come a regrouping by the terrorists after being re-funded by covert Western operations. Once the war spills over into Lebanon and Jordon there will be an escalation. Nuclear weapons will be deployed in not only the Middle East but important parts of Europe. This will cause devastation, severe economic turmoil and many world economies will collapse by 2025.
Expect Israel to try to rebuild the Temple Mount. They will exile Palestinians from the area.
The end of the Catholic Church will occur between 2025 and 2030 due to Islamist terrorists fleeing the Middle East after WW3 and causing the destruction of Rome. (The destruction and end of the church was actually one of the prophesies given to the children at Fatima, which the Church has kept hidden.)
Conflict continues to rage in the Middle East because many of these areas sit on key vortex portals that amplify and/or quickly manifest what a person thinks or feels, whether positive or negative. Consequently, violence is amplified with more violence due to the energy spiraling through these areas.
There will be continued economic problems in the U.S. but a global currency reset, based on a return to the gold standard, will not actually take place until 2017 or 2019 at the latest.
Around 2030 the U.S. will be embroiled in a civil war after the break off of states into regional unions. One of the strongest and more prosperous unions will be the New England Region. Many of these regions will have their own currency and militias, especially after the bankrupting of the federal government by 2030.
Russia will usher in a new Eurasian Enlightenment period in the latter part of the 21st century. It will lead the world in a cultural revolution and ultimately be seen as the “savior” while other parts of the world lie in ruin.
The second coming of the Christ figure (an enlightened avatar being) will emerge from the Northern Turkey area and help bring forth a “New Golden Age on Earth” beginning in Russia.
Russia and China will eventually become the world’s policemen for protection on U.S. soil.
For their own preservation, Mexico will form a close alliance with China and Canada will be allied with Russia.
From these world predictions, it appears much of the geopolitical influence will shift to Eurasia by 2050. The Rise of Civilization moves westward once again, repeating what history has already shown us is a natural progression. The United States, as the world’s leading superpower, will undergo change. Some of us will be untouched by these changes. The more we let go of fear, the better our outcome. For this long-awaited, 26,000 year dimensional shift to happen, it may seem darkest before the dawn as old ways and patterns begin to crumble and fall away. But we will come through it,
From what Gene describes, 5th Dimensional Terra sounds like an answer to many of our prayers. While our soul may never stop learning and growing, this 5th dimension has no need for cellphones or the internet connecting us to each other. Goodbye Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and Google. Funny—but it appears all our mobile devices and the internet are just a dress rehearsal getting us ready for total telepathic communication with everyone and everything. Stay tuned, it should be an interesting ride.
LISTEN to the full Audio Interview with E.M. Nicolay, with more incredible insights and predictions…(01:28:17)
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
https://i0.wp.com/trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/07966f5.jpg?fit=800%2C600&ssl=1600800Kathy J. Fortihttps://www.trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/FINAL_trinfinityLOGOrevised-for-web-logo-300x174.pngKathy J. Forti2015-10-14 16:14:592015-10-14 16:14:59Timeline Shifts: Incredible World Predictions Until 2050
With the recent concern over the threat of a possible World War III being waged with nuclear weapons, one has to wonder if we are once again repeating the errors of not only our past, but the blunders of ancient civilizations that came long before us. Evidence supports that our current weapons of mass destruction are very similar to weapon technology that may be the cause of some past civilizations mysteriously disappearing.
On February 16. 1947 the New York Herald Tribune ran an article about some unusual archaeological anomalies that had surfaced. They explained that when the first atomic bomb exploded in New Mexico, the desert sand turned to fused green glass. When digging began in the ancient Babylonian Euphrates Valley (current day Iraq), archaeologists uncovered a layer of agrarian culture 8000 years old, and a layer of herdsman culture much older, and a still older caveman culture. Under the caveman culture there was a layer of fused green glass.
Scientists speculated that fused glass could be caused by powerful lightning strikes during thunderstorms and this is what must have happened. The problem was apparent that this did not explain why whole areas of the desert had a uniform and a circular;y distribution pattern of green glass. They also tried to explain it away as the aftereffects of a very large meteor impacting the desert which generated enough sufficient mechanical energy to fuse the glass. The problem with this theory was that meteors leave craters and there were none.
Researchers were left with the only other astounding conclusion—the area had to have experienced blasts caused by nuclear and thermonuclear detonations in some long fought ancient atomic war. Atomic explosions are normally air bursts whose tremendous heat fuses the silica of desert sand and dirt, leaving green glass. This is exactly what happened in the desert of New Mexico when they first tested the atomic bombs that were later used on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.
If you think this discovery is a onetime anomaly, then think again. There is further evidence that atomic weapons were once deployed against Ancient Egypt, the Near East, and the Indian sub-continent. In the Southwest Egyptian desert, near the borders of Libya, Chad, and Sudan, there is sea of the same fused green glass, known as “The Libyan Desert Glass.”
In 1996, in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Italian mineralogist Vincenzo de Michele spotted an unusual yellow-green gem in the middle of one of Tutankhamuns necklaces. The jewel was tested and found to be glass, but intriguingly it is older than the earliest Egyptian civilization. Geologists traced its origins to unexplained chunks of glass found scattered in the sand in a remote region of the Sahara Desert. But the glass is itself a scientific enigma. Pieces of Libyan Desert Glass weighing as much as 16 pounds are found in an oval area measuring approximately 130 by 53 kilometers. The clear-to-yellowish-green pieces are concentrated in sand-free corridors between north-south dune ridges. No one knows how it got there or what made it. Ancient texts may provide some answers to this mystery…
The Ramayana and Mahabharata, ancient Hindu epics that are said to originate more than 24,000 years ago, describe massive “fireball” weapons from the sky during a war with the Rama Empire and “Atlantis.” Consider these verses from the ancient Mahabharata:
“ a single projectile charged with all the power of the Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame as bright as the thousand suns rose in all its splendor a perpendicular explosion with its billowing smoke clouds the cloud of smoke rising after its first explosion formed into expanding round circles like the opening of giant parasols ..it was an unknown weapon, an iron thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas. The corpses were so burned as to be unrecognizable. The hair and nails fell out. Pottery broke without apparent cause and the birds turned white. After a few hours all foodstuffs were infected to escape from this fire, the soldiers threw themselves in streams to wash themselves and their equipment.”
Modern mankind had never heard and/or experienced such horrific descriptions until the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Yet they accurately describe the effects of an atomic explosion and radioactive poisoning which makes hair and nails fall out. In light of this, these Hindu epics may not be as mythological as some people think. In the ancient remains of the India city of Mohenjo Daro, archaeologists found clear evidence of vitrification by intense heat. Human skeletons lie in streets of stone, oftentimes holding hands with each other or engaged in normal human activity. Something must have taken them surprise and caused them to be burnt and fused with the molten stone.
Skeptics tried to dismiss the evidence. David Davenport, a British Indian researcher, spent 12 years studying ancient Hindu scripts and evidence at the site where the great city once stood. In his book Atomic Destruction in 2000 B.C. he reveals some startling findings: the objects found at the site appeared to be fused, glassified by a heat as high as 1500°C, followed by a sudden cooling. Within the city itself there appeared to be an “epicenter” about 50 yards wide within which everything was crystallized, fused or melted, and sixty yards from the center the bricks are melted on one side indicating a blast. A. Gorbovsky in his book Riddles of Ancient History, reported the discovery of at least one human skeleton in the area with a level of radioactivity approximately 50 times greater than it should have been due to natural radiation. Davenport claimed that what was found at Mohenjo Daro corresponded exactly to what was seen at Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
Davenports theory was met with intense interest from the scientific community. Nationally known expert William Sturm said: the melting of bricks at Mohenjo Daro could not have been caused by a normal fire, while Professor Antonio Castellani, a space engineer in Rome said: Its possible that what happened at Mohenjo Daro was not a natural phenomenon.
J. Robert Oppenheimer, the modern-day “father of the atomic bomb,” was known to study the ancient Hindu and Vedic texts. Upon the first atomic test detonation, Oppenheimer was asked if this was indeed “the first” nuclear explosion. His significant response was, Yes, in modern times. Later when Oppenheimer saw the destruction his work had caused upon the people of Japan, he remarked that it brought to mind words from the holy book, Bhagavad Gita: “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” He would eventually come to express a deep wish to see all atomic weapons banned and the end to future nuclear wars.
There’s that old proverb: “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” Are we doomed to repeat the past, again?? With the world’s growing nuclear arsenal, you would think this would be a deterrent to anyone thinking about a “first strike” nuclear war. But today, we live in a world of extremists who shoot now and think later, if at all. God help us all.
https://i0.wp.com/trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/4f423-l_76fda3c0-66ec-11e1-8276-b539a7e00001.jpg?fit=400%2C258&ssl=1258400Kathy J. Fortihttps://www.trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/FINAL_trinfinityLOGOrevised-for-web-logo-300x174.pngKathy J. Forti2015-10-08 13:25:112017-05-16 20:14:03Evidence of Ancient Civilization Nuclear Wars
If you’ve haven’t been living life in a bubble, you already know that California has been in the worst drought ever for the last four years. We are told not to water our lawns, to flush toilets only when necessary, and to take either very quick showers or bring in a shower bucket to collect run-off water to perhaps water plants afterward. We have an ocean alongside our great State, but not a drop can be used for drinking or to sustain life (unless we start desalinating ocean water).
But the real story is how the water we do have is sometimes mysteriously disappearing. This past week we heard about how the 5,800 acre Mountain Meadows Reservoir (commonly called Walker Lake) dried up completely overnight leaving thousands of fish to flounder and die. The day before, people were fishing on this very lake. It’s as if someone pulled the bathtub plug during the night. Area residents blame Pacific Gas & Electric for emptying it, but PG&E claims they didn’t do it. Maybe they did and maybe they didn’t. It was the general consensus that the reservoir would probably dry up in another two weeks anyway, and PG&E would have had to relocate all the fish before then. Granted, we will never know if it was done to save time and money—or perhaps other culprits were responsible.
So let’s looks at some of the villains in this water scarcity problem:
GEOENGINEERING: To start, many geoengineers believe the California drought is a man-made disaster. They point to the U.S. military’s “High Frequency Auroral Research Program” (HAARP) for manipulating the weather, by seeding clouds with chemicals (causing chemtrails) to make it easier for their weather and spy satellites to function over greater distances, without interference, along the Earth’s curve. Unfortunately, this pushes away rain-bearing clouds. While HAARP dries out the largest agricultural food producing lands in our country, it makes weather more extreme in other parts of the U.S. (READ MORE)
THE WATER BARONS: “Familiar mega-banks and investing powerhouses such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, UBS, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, Macquarie Bank, Barclays Bank, the Blackstone Group, Allianz, and HSBC Bank, among others, are consolidating their control over water. Wealthy tycoons such as T. Boone Pickens, former President George H.W. Bush and his family, Hong Kong’s Li Ka-shing, Philippines’ Manuel V. Pangilinan and other Filipino billionaires, are also buying thousands of acres of land with aquifers, lakes, water rights, water utilities, and shares in water engineering and technology companies all over the world.” While the government limits citizens rights to become water self-sufficient, it has no problem selling “water rights” to the corporations and banks. (READ MORE) This is the newest form of asset-stripping. First they amassed our oil, now our water! How much will a barrel of water cost in the future?
NESTLE: You might love their chocolate, but they have been given free rein in California’s San Bernadino National Forest to continue bottling their Arrowhead 100% Mountain Spring Water in the midst of a severe drought. They are operating on permits that have lapsed and without government and/or environmental scrutiny. The people of the area are protesting this special treatment, but so far their concerns have fallen on deaf ears. (READ MORE)
MARIJUANA GROWERS: “One of the other major culprits in California’s rising water thefts appears to be illegal marijuana cultivation. Particularly in rural areas of Northern California, large-scale illegal grow operations have been discovered siphoning billions of gallons of water from nearby rivers and streams. Many of these sites are operating out of state and national parks, where environmental damage is an additional concern.” (READ MORE)
FRACKING: California oil producers use 214 acre-feet of water, equivalent to nearly 70 million gallons, in the process of fracking for oil and gas. Not only does fracking use up an obscene amount of water (which then contaminates groundwater), but it also destabilizes the earth and makes California more earthquake prone. (READ MORE)
MISCELLANEOUS: This one is pretty far out there (only a theory), but since there have been reported UFO sightings around the Walker Lake area in the past, one cannot totally rule out possible ET involvement in the lake drying up mysteriously overnight. Many international UFO sightings that occurred above lakes have reported seeing ET craft siphon off large amounts of water. What ET craft might need water for is anyone’s guess. An Australian video, with multiple witness testimony (including local authorities), occurred over a Lake Gosford. Believe it or not, it is only one of many on the subject of ET water theft. (VIDEO-1) (VIDEO-2)
Every day thousands of Californians pray for rain. Even when a few drips come down, we celebrate. If we could only get rid of the thieves, the greedy corporate profiteers, and government weather interference, we could rightfully reclaim the natural resource that’s meant for all of us to freely share.
Please send California your RAIN THOUGHTS!
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God.
https://i0.wp.com/trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/635593467314128406-AP-California-Drought.jpg?fit=3200%2C1680&ssl=116803200Kathy J. Fortihttps://www.trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/FINAL_trinfinityLOGOrevised-for-web-logo-300x174.pngKathy J. Forti2015-09-30 15:48:552015-09-30 15:48:55Is Water the New Oil? – Water Theft Shenanigans in California
I am a big fan of the History Channel’s highly acclaimed TV show, Hangar 1: The UFO Files. I’ve had my own UFO sightings over the years and agree with over 50% of the general public that we are not alone in the Universe. So when I heard that the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), who created the Hangar 1 show, was conducting a full day training for field investigators at their recent MUFON Conference in Irvine, California, I decided to check it out. As a life-long enthusiast of strange and other-world anomalies, it was like offering crack to an addict.
First off, I had no idea how much detailed scientific analysis and interviewing goes into verifying each reported MUFON case. Their database contains over 60,000 cases since they began amassing data in 1950 and their infamous (and very secret) Hangar 1 warehouse contains trace evidence samples along with a host of other corroborating materials. Approximately 20 new reports come in to their online database daily and, once verified by their expert scientific team, some of the more interesting stories make it on to the Hangar 1 show.
The day started with Alabama and Mississippi MUFON State Director, Rich Hoffman, telling us how he became involved with MUFON’s predecessor, the Midwest UFO’s Investigations Network, when he was 13 years old in Dayton, Ohio. His teacher gave him a “D” on a written paper after Hoffman dismissed UFOs as having no scientific merit (the teacher was a true believer), which then prompted the teenage to find out more on the subject. He read research books and was intrigued to learn that Project Blue Book, the military’s (now defunct) UFO investigative arm, was located right in his home town. Coincidence? By age 15 he was participating in area investigations and was clearly hooked. A UFOlogist was born. He’s been doing this work now for over 50 years and is well-respected in the field.
Hoffman related how he once gave a briefing on UFO investigations to military personnel at Wright Paterson AFB. He asked the assembly whether any had witnessed a UFO. Only one brave soul raised his hand. Hoffman recalls that during the break, “I was deluged with other men wanting to tell me their own UFO stories. One man even told me his job was to take pictures of retrieved UFO craft.”
According to statistics, only one out of every 12 sightings gets reported. Fear, ridicule, and career sabotage are the most common deterring factors, but that seems to be changing as more military men are coming forward and going on the record (see The Citizens Hearings on Disclosure).
MUFON has an extensive list of technical experts to draw upon on their Scientific Review Board. They gather data from the FAA, local police, weather services, airport radar, military personnel, laboratory analyzers, and usually file numerous Freedom of Information Act requests (FOIA) to get all the data needed to make a determination. They check NOAA to rule out weather balloons and, from what Hoffman claims, the swamp gas explanation is “extremely rare.”
Today’s field investigators rely on a wide range of modern-day phone apps for measuring such things as gauging magnetic fields, altitude, distance, determining hoax photos, identifying commercial aircraft, satellites, and iridium flares, scouting terrain, metal detection, and other electronic applications I had no clue what they actually did. We were given a list of over 30 apps (imagine that!) which can be useful tools to collect data during field research. Years ago they had to carry all this equipment around with them. I had no idea my iPhone had three magnetic sensors already built into it, making a field investigator’s life much easier. However, the paperwork involved is daunting and interviewing techniques were extensive to maintain witness consistency. When there are multiple witnesses present, it becomes even more complex to gather their stories without interference and collusion.
Marc D’Antonio with UFOTOG-2 Prototype
I talked with MUFON’s Chief of Photo & Video Analysis, Marc D’Antonio. He’s ferreted out plenty of hoaxes, like the UFO that was sighted over Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock in January 2011. Film students were responsible for this hoax that went viral, but the inconsistency of their multiple angle footage tripped them up. D’Antonio can tell a PhotoShopped picture quite easily with simple tools. He is currently working on a sophisticated UFO detector that can be placed on any mountain top or a tall pole. Teamed up with Academy Award winning special effects inventor, Doug Trumbull (responsible for the effects in 2001: A Space Odyssey), the two have designed and developed the UFOTOG-2 for MUFON field investigation.
The unique gadget tracks moving objects in the sky, can differentiate and screen out all planes and satellites with a decoder (i.e., that’s United Flight 482), and hone in on real ET craft. The invention has seven high-resolution cameras for overlapping fields and 360 degree viewing 24 hours a day. It includes infrared cameras for night vision and poor visibility. It can detect gamma rays, measure magnetic fields, employs a spectrum analyzer and even has a cell phone antenna so investigators can call it and ask what it’s currently seeing. Since the UFOTOG-2 can signal a GPS satellite, MUFON can send a picture to everyone who has a cellphone and is signed up to receive real UFO pictures. And it all operates on solar cell energy. It’s still in prototype stage, but I want one!
As a clinical psychologist, I wondered about how they handled “the experiencers” of such close encounters of the third kind. The Director of Experiencer Research, Kathleen Marden, just happens to be the niece of Betty and Barney Hill (the most famous and controversial abduction case in history). Marden is a social worker who heads up a team of helpful therapists across the country specializing in PTSD and clinical hypnosis to aid the experiencer, if needed.
Between learning interviewing techniques, how to process data, and keeping clear professional and objective boundaries, I found the entire training to be very enlightening. I hear they also have an investigator’s Boot Camp. Hmmm?
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God.
https://i0.wp.com/trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/ufo_investigator_baseball_cap-p233611878354016181bzprz_512-e1443220546399.jpg?fit=416%2C456&ssl=1456416Kathy J. Fortihttps://www.trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/FINAL_trinfinityLOGOrevised-for-web-logo-300x174.pngKathy J. Forti2015-09-25 23:05:372015-09-25 23:05:37Training to Become a “HANGAR 1” UFO Investigator
The Ancient Indian Rishis called 7.83 Hz the frequency of OM. It also happens to be Mother Earth’s natural heartbeat rhythm, known as the “Schumann Resonance.” According to Wikipedia, “Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere.”
For many years this resonance frequency has hovered at a steady 7.83 Hz with only slight variations. In June 2014 that apparently changed. Monitors at the Russian Space Observing System showed a sudden spike in activity to around 8.5 Hz. Since then, they have recorded days where the Schumann accelerated as fast as 16.5 Hz. (The graph is usually blue with some green, and no white.) At first they thought their equipment was malfunctioning, but later learned the data was accurate. Everyone was asking, what’s causing this intermittent spiking activity?
Is the Earth’s frequency speeding up? Since the Schumann frequency is said to be “in tune” with the human brain’s alpha and theta states, this acceleration may be why it often feels like time has sped up and events and changes in our life are happening more rapidly.
These emerging resonances are naturally correlated to human brainwave activity. So this means, we are changing. Many years ago I was trained in EEG Neurofeedback, so I looked at what these accelerated frequencies might be telling us about human evolutionary change. A 7.83 Hz frequency is an alpha/theta state. Relaxed, yet dreamy—sort of a neutral idling state waiting for something to happen. A 8.5 – 16.5 Hz frequency moves one out of the theta range into more of a full calmer alpha state with faster more alert beta frequencies starting to appear. (This correlates with slowly waking up cognitively). Since the Schumann Resonance has had sudden spikes between 12 – 16.5 Hz (see pic’s white areas), I found this even more interesting. In Neurofeedback, 12-15 Hz is called Sensory-Motor Rhythm frequency (SMR). It is an ideal state of “awakened calm.” Our thought processes are clearer and more focused, yet we are still “in the flow” or “in the know.” In other words, Mother Earth is shifting her vibrational frequency and perhaps so are we. This may be one of many signs that we are AWAKENING.
Whatever is happening, it’s clear that this acceleration may make you feel more tired, exhausted, dizzy, depressed, and even strange as you raise your own frequencies to be more “in tune” with the New Earth. Adaptation is not always an easy process, but keep in mind it’s all part of your own unique AWAKENING.
https://i0.wp.com/trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/czc499stotliwoc59bc487-schumanna.jpg?fit=936%2C460&ssl=1460936Kathy J. Fortihttps://www.trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/FINAL_trinfinityLOGOrevised-for-web-logo-300x174.pngKathy J. Forti2015-09-24 13:37:552017-06-08 18:36:20Why Is Earth’s Schumann Resonance Accelerating?
My first question was “What were they working on that put them at deadly risk?” What came to light is not only deeply disturbing, but explosive. On June 19, 2015, Dr. Jeff Bradstreet reportedly shot himself in the chest after his offices were raided by U.S. FDA agents and State of Georgia law enforcement agents. Three days before his death, agents exercised a search warrant to gather information about the use of GcMAF with autistic patients in his clinic.
Human GcMAF holds great promise in the treatment of various illnesses including cancer, autism, chronic fatigue and possibly Parkinsons. Since 1990, 59 research papers have been published on GcMAF, 20 of these pertaining to the treatment of cancer.
Dr Bradstreet was an alternative autism specialist and is widely regarded as a pioneer in the naturopathic field. He was using GcMAF and successfully treating dying cancer patients. To understand what put him on the deadly radar of the U.S. FDA and the pharmaceutical companies was that GcMAF has shown the ability to completely reverse autism and cancer without the use of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery.
GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor) is not a drug, but a naturally occurring compound produced in the human body. GcMAF was being produced in Europe and Dr. Bradstreet was using it with his patients. He was conducting clinical experiments the results of which were published in scientific medical journals. (The European company that manufactured GcMAF was shut down in July 2015.)
The ability of GcMAF to do its normal job can be inhibited by the presence of a protein called alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase or nagalase for short. Nagalase is made by all cancer cells and viruses (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, and others). Nagalase blocks production of GcMAF, thus preventing the immune system from doing its job. By using injections of GcMAF, one can boost the immune system to destroy the cancer and virus. It’s the most natural cure in the world and other countries are already using it, even for pets.
In the course of his research, Dr. Bradstreet discovered that the levels of nagalase are elevated in children with autism. The result of the immune suppression caused by nagalase is seen in digestive disorders, sensory overload, and numerous types of processing dysfunction in the brain. Increased levels of nagalase are associated with higher levels of autistic symptoms. Nagalase is like Attila the Hun in the amount of destruction it can wreck on the body.
Nagalase is not something children are born with. This puzzled Bradstreet and his colleagues (the other dead doctors). If autistic children dont have cancer or viral infections, which correlates with nagalase production, then how did it get into the bodies of infants and young children?
Using nagalase blood testing, they learned that children receiving vaccinations had a super abnormally high concentration of nagalase. It became clear that nagalase was being introduced into the body through vaccinations. For what reason is still unknown—perhaps population control? Could this be why vaccinations are now being made mandatory–no exceptions allowed?
Dr. Bradstreet understood that people have different reactions to nagalase, and a small percentage of people do not experience suppression of their immune systems. However, for the majority, there is dangerous immune system suppression, which opens the door to cancer and autism. Dr. Bradstreet was getting ready to publicize the truth of these findings when his clinics, and the clinics of other doctors associated with him, were raided by the FDA.
Imagine a world where autism and cancer no longer exist and the immune system is empowered naturally to fight off all destructive invaders INEXPENSIVELY? The cancer drug industry is a $100 billion business. It has increased 6.5% annually since 2010 and is expected to grow at a rate of 8% between now and 2018. Cancer is big business, huge profits. It’s obvious BIG PHARMA does not want a “natural” cure out there they can’t patent and profit from. And what about the findings that nagalase proteins are being put in vaccine serums? Dr. Bradstreet’s explosive findings must have caused alarm in the halls of the big vaccine manufacturers. Enough to get the government to come in and shut him down. Dead doctors tell no tales. The deaths, poisonings, and vanishings are sending a clear message from the medical industrial complex—DO NOT FIND CURES.
“To Fear or Not to Fear,” that is the question many of us ask ourselves these days as we read more and more dire prophesies and predictions for this month’s “September to Remember.” We have no way of knowing how future events will transpire, nor how they will affect each of us individually or as a whole.
There are some quantum theory scientists that suggest life on this planet is merely an illusion within a hologram. We are creating it with our thoughts, our fears, our desires, and even our expectations as we “strut and fret our hour upon the stage” as Shakespeare would say. We are all playing our cosmic and karmic roles during this human transfiguration process. As divine spiritual beings we know on a soul level, that all will work out well as divinely planned.
This is not to suggest that we should all docilely accept everything we are being told. Much in the world is being revealed as inaccurate as we awaken in consciousness to greater truth. It is apparent we have been deceived for decades by many of our leaders, the mainstream media, and the corporate oligarchy. As individuals, it is important that we seek out our own individual TRUTH, that is devoid of hate, intolerance, manipulation, greed and, of course, FEAR. This is why it is important to recognize FALSE FLAGS.
False flags, the acts carried out by “military or security force personnel, which are then blamed on terrorists,” are beginning to occur more frequently. Identifying the tell-tale signs of a false flag event is crucial to disconnecting from fear and seeing it for what it is—mass manipulation.
Unfortunately, we are living in a world where illusion is oftentimes fostered. Things are not what they appear to be on the surface. A whole new area of employment has sprung up around false flag events. Trained “Crisis Actors” are often used to fool the people to accomplish pre-set agendas. Here are a few examples:
ISIS BEHEADINGS: Every world leader and news source outside the US seems to already know that ISIS is a CIA creation fueled by illegally leaving behind American military equipment in Iraq designed for ISIS use. The ISIS mission is twofold. The first goal is to unseat President Assad of Syria in order to gain his country’s gold reserves and natural gas pipeline routes. However, the primary objective is for the West to draw Putin into a military conflict starting in Syria in order to topple Syria and preserve the U.S. Petrodollar at all cost. This week the U.S. attempted to bully both Greece and Bulgaria into denying Russian aircraft permission to use their airspace to come into Syria to wipe out ISIS and deliver humanitarian aid as they have been doing. Why won’t the U.S. let Russia fight ISIS and stop their reign of terror and beheadings? The ISIS beheadings are a psyops designed tho inflame the American pubic into accepting a coming WWIII with Russia (who recently dumped our petrodollar). After one political whistleblower leaked behind the scenes footage of a rehearsed ISIS beheading in a fully-equipped TV studio complete with green screen, experts took a closer look at many of these “beheading” films and came to the same conclusion— staged actors were used. Read More
WDBJ7 – TV REPORTER SHOOTING: Reporter Alison Parker and cameraman Adam Ward had already participated in crisis actor scenarios prior to the shooting in question (see photo). The fake TV boyfriend was also outed by the evidence of a real Facebook boyfriend Alison had. Even Alison’s father is a professional actor on Broadway. More importantly, experts say there are too many holes when comparing the cameraman’s film with the shooter’s footage. The dialog and angles do not match up, implying more than one take before the shooter, made his escape, uploaded it to Facebook, all the while being chased by authorities on the highway and putting a gun to his head. Even a stunt man would find that challenging with only two hands. Hollywood prop experts say the Glock 19 gun used in the shooter’s film does not fire anything like the real thing. Hollywood uses a “Non-Gun” to make it look real, because shooting blanks can cause injuries. Side-by-side comparison videos on the internet show the obvious differences. No cartridges were discharged either. Makes one wonder why there were no wakes or funerals for the two victims afterwards. Also weird was how footage of the scene does not show any blood. Alison was allegedly shot at point-blank range more than 6 times, and then managed to run from the scene wearing high heels. So WHY the Hoax? To promote gun-control laws and legislation, which is what Alison’s father immediately did on every TV and radio station afterward. Read More
THE BOSTON MARATHON BOMBING: On the day of the bombing, the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA were conducting “counterterrorism drills” at the race which they referred to as “Operation Urban Shield”. This explains why operatives were on the scene so quickly. One running coach reported witnessing bomb sniffing dogs and authorities proclaiming a “drill” was underway at the marathon finish line. This pattern makes it clear that the attack came with the prior knowledge of, and perhaps participation of the government. Street photos from those watching the marathon near the finish line, show official-looking operatives with backpacks and communications gear near the bomb site beforehand and immediately after the bombing. While some participants really were seriously hurt, facial recognition software suggests some were clearly crisis actors (SEE PHOTO). The Department of Homeland Security admits that the real thing was eerily similar to the ‘”drill”. So WHY the Bombing? If you will recall immediately after the bombing, Boston was put under “martial law” and residents were forced to leave their homes so military could search without warrants. This was probably to see how people would respond to future martial law scenarios. Unfortunately, only a few people protested about the infringement on their rights and property.
DRILLS are often a preclude to FALSE FLAG events. This is why many this week took note that major Department of Defense (DOD) government contractor, Linxx Global Solutions, Inc. of Virginia Beach, Virginia, has been soliciting “role players” for counterterrorism drills scheduled to take place in Boston from September 10-23, 2015. Read More
During this same week, Obama ordered an “unexpected and highly provocative” massive nuclear war drill all along the eastern coastal areas of the United States to last until October 1st. The notice was then given to all U.S. aircraft by the FAA:
The last time the U.S. conducted such a massive war drill along its eastern coastal regions was on September 11, 2001 when the aircraft flying over the United States, and air controllers directing them, became so confused as to what was a real and what was false, the World Trade Centers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. were able to be successfully attacked killing thousands. Many people still have no idea that there was a massive “drill” going on that same day, which is why NORAD was told to “stand down.” Everyone thought it was part of the exercise drill.
We are all awakening to consciousness during this time. It is becoming more difficult to hide the truth from the collective consciousness. We are learning to see through the lies, to diffuse the fear-based human ego, and know that united we are stronger than the few that govern over us. I sincerely hope Boston and all its people are safe this month, despite any scheduled role-playing “drills.” Who are we looking to blame next for our false flags—Russia, Syria, China? It’s a good time to stay vigilant, discerning, and focus on a massive amount of Healing Light that will engulf us all.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God. amazon.com/author/k
https://i0.wp.com/trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/tumblr_static_7bk42qafi2w4wsos4gg0ks4gg.jpg?fit=640%2C360&ssl=1360640Kathy J. Fortihttps://www.trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/FINAL_trinfinityLOGOrevised-for-web-logo-300x174.pngKathy J. Forti2015-09-10 14:35:472015-09-10 17:07:28FEAR: False (Flag) Evidence Appearing Real
August is pretty much the end of the international crop circle season. It’s always interesting to look back and see if any particular formation received more attention then others. Last year the June 6, 2014 “No More War” crop circle, formed in Morse Code in Chilcomb Down near Winchester, Hampshire, United Kingdom, marked the 70th anniversary of the D-Day invasions of 1944. It was a fitting reminder that no war is worth the cost of human life.
This year 61 crop circles made the scene, leaving researchers to once again figure out which were man-made circles and which were the real thing (i.e. having possible ET other-world involvement).
Unlike prior years, there were more 2015 crop circles popping up in countries outside the usual UK areas. Germany, Russia, France, Holland, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, Bavaria, Slovakia, Brazil, Norway, and quite a few in Italy made their debuts.
Crop circles appear to be going global. One expert researcher in the field, told me that the consciousness of the area definitely affects crop circle formation. Many of the UK farmers are no longer tolerant of people trampling their fields at all hours of the night and day to soak up the “energy”—meanwhile destroying their valuable crop. Consequently, these farmers are more likely to plow their field immediately when one appears and send out a strong “Do Not Disturb My Fields” thought form to the circle makers. It appears to be working.
One of the more interesting crop circles of 2015 appeared in Turin, Italy right in the flight path of the Aeroporto Torino on June 23.
The intricate crop formation appeared seemingly overnight and has baffled locals and experts alike. It appears to be the real thing. If it were the work of moonlighting pranksters it is estimated it would have taken a team of up to 15 people to etch it out in the space of a night and not be seen by airplanes flying over.
The circle message was written in binary–ASCII code (the universal language) and the meaning has sparked controversy between many interpreters. The code, when translated, spells out in Latin “timeo et ferentes!” Timeo = fear/beware; et = and/even/of; ferentes = bearing or coming. In other words: “Beware of what is coming.”
Many have interpreted the “et” as “ET” and think it warns of some kind of alien attack. Others Googled the Latin phrase and found it to be used in reference to “Beware of Greeks bearing false gifts.” (Think Trojan Horse debacle.)
Further analysis of the Torino crop formation of June 23rd shows it also contains two small binary codes along its two inner rings. No one has been able to decipher these details. Some suggest these inner marks “may form an alignment with the Aztec Sun Stone, aka the Mayan Calendar.” On the Aztec/Mayan calendar, the stone uses the inner rings to reference dates made up of Mayan glyphs. The question everyone is asking is whether this contains an additional message regarding an upcoming event.
At the top of the center of the Sun Stone (called the “Ollin”) is a date – “1 Flint” which means “the distribution of the days.” It is a 260-day calendar, with 20 periods of 13 days used to determine the time of religious and ceremonial events. Each day is numbered from one to thirteen, and then repeated. The day is also given a name (glyph) from a sequence of 20 day names. The calendar repeats itself after each cycle. So, “1 Flint” is the first day of the Flint period in the sacred calendar, which lasts 260 days.
The last known “1 Flint” day was December 29, 2014. Adding 260 days to get to the next “1 Flint” day gives September 15, 2015. If you Google September 15th, you have NASA predictions of a comet/meteor/asteroid hitting Earth, Biblical Blood Moons occurring, worldwide economic collapse and even the end of the world. Sounds like an interesting day to watch.
From a less hysterical perspective, I was curious to know what was happening in the world around the time this particular crop circle appeared. Had no one considered that the message might be linked to a global event currently taking place?
Interestingly enough, the week the crop circle appeared the Greek people were trying to avoid accepting a stringent austerity program being imposed upon them by the IMF and EU. It was predicted that if Greece economically collapsed, other bankrupt countries in the EU would be next—such as Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain (given the unfortunate acronym— the PIIGS nations). Greece is a macrocosm of the microcosm of where the world economy is right now. So “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts” or “Beware of what is coming” might make more sense to the Italian people and the world economically. Italy would be next to face default, since it has the largest government debt in all of Europe ($2.5 trillion). And this would eventually impact all of Europe and then everyone else in a domino effect.
I was even surprised to see a financial news article, that came out the week this crop circle appeared, entitled, ‘Timeo Danaos et Dona Ferentes.” Interesting synchronicity. No where in the article was there any mention of the crop circle message. It was a news story about the desperation the Greek people were encountering being cut off from their bank accounts, experiencing food and gas hoarding, bank holiday closings, and resorting to barter since no one was being paid. Everyone was waiting to see whether the Greek government would honor the people’s vote to reject the terms being pushed on them by the Eurogroup, or would they be tricked in the end by their own people in accepting the harsh IMF bailout proposal. Coincidence? Now we know that the Greek government let the Trojan Horse in the country (the IMF banker cabal) and Greece will never be able to fully recover.
What are we not being told? This week, Yanis Varoufakis, the former finance minister, said he feared the Greek government would pass new rounds of economic reforms only for the IMF to pull the plug on the program later this year and leave them stranded.”Beware of those bearing false gifts!” is a lesson for the entire economic world to be conscious and take note of. That might be the most pertinent message any crop circle could have imparted to us this year as we all hope for the best for our world economy.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God. amazon.com/author/k
https://i0.wp.com/trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/torino-binary-best1-e1440540008475.jpg?fit=586%2C518&ssl=1518586Kathy J. Fortihttps://www.trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/FINAL_trinfinityLOGOrevised-for-web-logo-300x174.pngKathy J. Forti2015-08-26 16:11:592015-08-26 16:23:44Crop Circle Message of 2015
Can we ever believe what our government tells us about airport security devices? Apparently not. First they told us those X-ray scanners (that showed way too many naked body parts) were perfectly safe. Even the manufacturer of the device, Rapidscan, openly admitted the scanners had not been adequately tested. The truth was later revealed that the safety tests turned out to be totally rigged, as reported by Natural News. With fabricated results, the technology was quickly rushed into every airport worldwide. No one listened to what the scientists in the field of radiation were trying to tell them–it’s not safe. It wasn’t until the backscatter radiation levels the scanners were putting off began showing an increased incidence of cancer in TSA agents (along with the lawsuits that quickly followed), that the devices were finally yanked. The TSA quickly scrambled for another solution.
Now they also want us to believe that the replacement technology, millimeter wave “digital strip search” scanners, are also “perfectly safe”. Don’t believe it for a second. The TSA failed to adequately test these devices for health and safety factors as well. Unfortunately, in today’s world, security trumps human safety.
These millimeter wave technologies are designed to bombard innocent travelers with high frequency energy particles known as terahertz photons. A study conducted by Boian S. Alexandrov et.al. at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, revealed that these terahertz waves could “…unzip double-stranded DNA, creating bubbles that could significantly interfere with processes such as gene expression and DNA replication”. In other words, this study is the smoking gun that raises serious concerns about the impact of terahertz radiation upon fertility, fetal development, and cancer. Now think about the thousands of people who are subjected to these levels of untested energy particles every day in the name of “National Security”.
The military’s Active Denial weapon uses millimeter wave technology to create an intense burning sensation on the skin’s surface using a 95 GHz (3.2mm wavelength) beam. But the TSA tells us not to worry about their millimeter waves because, “Millimeter wave technology bounces harmless electromagnetic waves off the body to create the same generic image for all passengers.” This is completely inaccurate because the nature of millimeter waves is that our bodies and water are excellent absorbers of these waves. Millimeter waves do penetrate and absorb into our skin. At the microwave technology center in Malaysia, health subjects were exposed to microwave radiation between 20 — 38 GHz, the range in which the TSA scanners operate. They found that millimeter waves penetrated the subject’s skin at depths of between 1.05 mm at 20 GHz to 0.78 mm at 38 GHz. This is enough to penetrate below the epidermal layer of the skin.
Millimeter waves have been reported to produce a variety of bioeffects, many of which are quite unexpected from radiation penetrated less than 1 mm into biological tissues. Of particular concern is the citing of studies that show there is an irreversible water memory effect by millimeter waves operating in the 36GHz frequency, and that the millimeter wave effects on blood plasma vary greatly from one person to the next.
Does this information make you extremely uncomfortable? Well, it should. And it should also make every one of us mad as hell. Since the day they first rolled out these human violation technologies in 2007, I have always chosen to “opt out”. I would rather endure the intrusive body pat down any day than subject myself to covert DNA alteration.
So what if it takes an additional 5-15 minutes of your time getting to your gate? It’s time to exercise your own personal body health consciousness, since the US government has clearly demonstrated they don’t possess any qualms about not protecting you. Alternation of DNA can be subtle and deadly down the line. Who would ever make the connection that a TSA scanning machine might have contributed to any negative health effects you eventually experience. If you are a frequent air traveler, like myself, you should be concerned about your levels of exposure. If you’re a TSA agent, you should find another job.
This past weekend as I was trying to make a flight back to Los Angeles from the Columbia, South Carolina Airport, I did my usual “opt out” thing. The TSA agents from this little backwater airport tried to feed me the propaganda line about “minimal risk.” I told them I’d read the studies and they needed to be better informed. They looked at me blankly trying to tell me it was just like using a cell phone. Not true. The millimeter wave scanners the TSA operates put out more than 20 billion times more oscillations per second in smaller terahertz waves, so the cellular effects will be different from cell phones. I’m sure no one ever told TSA agents this, but they feed the same lies back to the people that they’ve been told, so I tried to be more forgiving.
I’m sure no one had requested an opt out for some time in this South Carolina airport, which is why I got the pat down of all pat downs. The female agent made sure to give me karate chops straight up to my private parts twice in the back and then another two times in the front. Totally unnecessary. She kneaded my waist in a strange manner, grabbing hold of any loose skin she could find.
I have had hundreds of pat downs over the years, and no one, I mean no one, has ever been as intrusive as this TSA agent. My first instinct was to tell her how inappropriate she was being, then I remembered how I would most likely be punished for my non-sheep-like behavior and not be allowed to make my flight. During the procedure she also sniffled and sneezed, spreading her germ warfare all over me through out the entire security grope session.
I think we have all had enough of this undignified treatment in the name of security. It’s already been proven that these scanner devices and intrusive pat downs have not made our world any safer from terrorists. Airport security testers have snuck through everything from guns to explosives, clearly proving their ineffectiveness. Metal detectors should be sufficient enough.
If everyone opted out of the scanner, the whole program would eventually fall apart. The lines of opt outs would be so long it would bring the air travel industry to a standstill. It would also send a clear message that unsafe devices are not going to be tolerated. Take the extra time and just do it—opt out. If you love yourself, than you owe it to yourself. Now I’m already ahead of you on what you’re thinking—that they’ll just suspend all our civil liberties and make it mandatory to go through the scanners whether we want to or not. Well, I would like to believe that they would be flooded with lawsuits if they did, but there’s an even easier solution. Go to a medical supply store and buy a cheap inexpensive arm sling and put it on before going through TSA. If you can’t hold both arms up over your head while in their scanner, it renders the results totally unusable. They know this and have to let you opt out for medical reasons. The sheeple are getting smarter. Afterall, life is all about how you handle Plan B.
https://i0.wp.com/trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/ABC_TSA_BODY_SCAN_071010_mn.jpg?fit=320%2C240&ssl=1240320Kathy J. Fortihttps://www.trinfinity8.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/FINAL_trinfinityLOGOrevised-for-web-logo-300x174.pngKathy J. Forti2015-08-19 16:27:292018-03-12 18:14:50Los Alamos Study Finds Airport Scanners Alter DNA
Packing for Mars: Revelations on the Secret Space Program
/by Kathy J. FortiThere’s been enough leaked evidence over the years to support the existence of this “other” space program. In 1993, at an engineering conference in Los Angeles, Dr. Ben Rich, former CEO of Lockheed’s Skunkworks (a secret research and development arm of Lockheed), showed a slide of a black disk headed for space using anti-gravity technology. Dr. Rich, known as the “Father of Stealth,” told his audience: “We now have the technology to take ET home.” Translation: “We have already reverse-engineered crashed ET craft and that picture up there is one of ours.”
If we already had this advanced technology almost 30 years ago, one has to wonder what else is going on in space that they also are not telling us (which our taxpayer dollars have paid for). Finally, a new documentary is spilling some pretty incredible secrets on that very subject and the evidence is quite compelling.
Packing for Mars, a new documentary for release in November 2015 by Screen Addiction company filmmakers Frank Jacob and Tonia Madenford, tells of an secret space colony on Mars that started back in the 70’s. Complete with leaked footage by even a Vatican whistleblower, it reveals classified information concerning secret joint US/Soviet Apollo 19 and 20 missions to the Moon and Mars known as “Project Red Sun.” This might shed some new light on what President Ronald Reagan alluded to as a highly classified space fleet in the June 11, 1985 entry in his diaries where he revealed that “our shuttle capacity is such that we can launch 300 people into orbit.” He reports having seen this massive space fleet and being awed by it. He probably assumed by the time his personal diaries were made public, everyone would already know this incredible information as well. Wrong.
But truth is oftentimes stranger than fiction, which is how the documentary’s two filmmakers became interested in the Packing for Mars investigation. A number of years ago the film’s writer, producer and director, Frank Jacob, happened to be talking to a man about the 1977 sci-fi novel called Alternative 3, when he learned something quite astonishing—it wasn’t fiction at all. Alternative 3, which aired on BBC-TV on April Fool’s Day in 1977, was about Earth facing a catastrophic coming disaster. Since the human genome had to be preserved from possible extinction, scientists were recruited into a top-secret space program in order to build a survival colony on Mars for the elite few. That solution was known as “Alternative 3.”
Sure sounds like science fiction, but Jacob’s “highly intelligent and well-respected” source made him think again. In fact, just this week astronomers say they discovered a “death star” that may be Earth’s eventual undoing. But perhaps this is old news to some already in the know. Have scientists already discovered that Earth is indeed heading for a planetary collision with a large planet X object in space by the year 2042? Did they step up the space program and build an off-planet habitat on Mars in preparation for such an event? And, have they been secretly recruiting and colonizing Mars as well as building elaborate and life-sustaining underground cities on Earth? Jacob had to find out—and so began Frank Jacob’s and Tonia Madenford’s ultimate Search for Truth. They would keep their project so secret that even their family and friends didn’t know what they were working on. After five years of filming a la “Scully and Mulder” type fashion, Packing for Mars, will hopefully provide some solid answers for the rest of us.
Packing for Mars has a luminary cast of scientists, physicists, researchers, an astronaut, and some well-informed whistleblowers. “I thought that if I could get close to a person telling a highly unbelievable story and ask a lot of questions,” Jacob explains, “I would be able to rely on my own inner compass to tell me if they were really telling the truth.” Consequently, there are many ultra-closeup camera interviews.
As the pieces of the puzzle start to come together for the viewer, we begin to get a glimmer of why even our ancient ancestors were so intent on searching the stars “for signs.” Most revealing are the interviews with Vatican whistleblower, Luca Scantamburlo. The viewer learns that the Vatican believes, due to something revealed in one of the prophesies at Fatima, that Earth will be revisited again by a 10th planet that returns every 3600 years. Thus, a secret Jesuit maintained observatory and a space program known as Servizio Informazioni del Vaticano (SIV) was put into operation. This program was “ordered” into effect after the Roswell incident in 1947 by then Pope Pius XII. Today, the vast majority of telescopes and space probes which observe the sun are owned by the Vatican. It is clear they have their eye on the sky.
In Packing for Mars, Laura Eisenhower, great-granddaughter of President Dwight D Eisenhower, reveals how she was recruited for the Mars Colony during 2006-2007, but after refusing was harassed until she finally went public. Seattle attorney, Andrew Basiago, recounts his experience as a child teleportation subject for DARPA’s Project Pegasus and how time and space travel is possible today using wormhole and time overlaps which create shortcuts in space. This discovery led to DARPA’s Mars “jump room” program. Sort of a “Beam me up Scotty” type device. If only Matt Damon had known that travel between Earth and Mars is not the 1.88 Earth year-long journey he was led to believe in the movie, The Martian.
It’s always interesting how anything dealing with secret time and space travel always links back to the great inventor Nikola Tesla. On January 16, 1901 the New York Times reported that the Harvard Lowell Observatory recorded a 70-minute light that emanated from Mars to Earth. This inspired Tesla to erect a large transmission device on Pike’s Peak hoping to establish communication with Mars. Was something or somebody already out there? If nothing else, it certainly served to light the fire for all space exploration.
The film’s many interviews reveal that there are already established U.S. bases on Mars. A few “Super Soldiers” from a Mars “Universal Soldier” program have come forward and given some mind-blowing accounts of their time on the Red Planet. Can we believe them? They appear to have been selected due to having natural born enhanced psi communication abilities, a highly valued trait.
Our perception of Mars has always been based on pictures transmitted back from the Mars Rover. It’s a pretty safe assumption that the images we do see have been carefully screened by NASA. Yet, even the ones they allow us to see oftentimes have blurry questionable images that can’t be verified. Contrary to general belief, NASA did not just discover liquid water on Mars. They’ve known for some time that the planet is sustainable for life. Mars does not have a red sky and reportedly has some bigger pyramids on it than found in Egypt, which tells us, if true, that ancient civilizations have visited Mars in the past and left their mark.
I found myself captivated by this intriguing and well-done documentary. I saw it for the first time at a sneak preview screening at Contact In the Desert in Joshua Tree, California in May 2015. I watched it a second time this week, thanks to the filmmakers. I hope it manages to get wide distribution, as it gives the viewer much to think about concerning the world in which we live and how much we actually know about it. Obviously, not as much as we may think. (For notification of upcoming screening events you can check out their Facebook page.)
I asked Madenford for her thoughts about making such a controversial documentary. She quoted that age-old saying, “It ain’t what you ‘don’t know’ that gets you in trouble…It’s what you ‘do know’ that just ain’t so.” How true. It’s evident that from all the recent news stories that NASA and our government are slowly getting the general public used to the idea of possible colonization on Mars. President Barack Obama actually directed NASA to get people to the vicinity of the Red Planet by the mid-2030s. Is there a time frame reason for such urgency? Get ready. Someday, you, too, might find yourself packing for Mars. Hopefully it won’t be a one-way trip.
Website: Packing for Mars
UPDATE – January 4, 2016: Worldwide Release on “Reelhouse” website
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
Timeline Shifts: Incredible World Predictions Until 2050
/by Kathy J. FortiI’ve known Gene for many years. In 2010 he warned me that my scheduled February 2011 trip to Egypt would most likely be cancelled. He saw escalating civil unrest in the area. He advised me to purchase travel insurance to protect myself against cancellation. Six months later, and two weeks before I was supposed to leave for Cairo, Tahir Square erupted in chaos and the country was literally locked down. The trip was cancelled due to unforeseen “Acts of God.” I was grateful for having taken his advice about buying that travel insurance.
Around the same time that Gene warned me of Egypt’s upcoming civil unrest, he also informed me that World War 3 would be played out in Syria and to look for certain signs. At the time, not much was happening in Syria. But later, when President Bashar Al_Assad was erroneously accused of using chemical weapons on his people (it was later learned that the rebels obtained the chemicals from Western sources), and Russia saved the day by preventing the U.S. from waging war against Syria, I thought we had dodged a bullet on the WW3 prediction. In the past two weeks, I began to wonder if back then was only the beginning of something much bigger heating up and perhaps Gene was right after all.
It is now evident that events in Syria are quickly taking on disturbing global proportions. Many of us are wondering if this is indeed the “war of all wars” as biblical prophesy has predicted. Since I hadn’t spoken to Gene for some time, I decided it was time to see what else was appearing on his personal radar screen. I was surprised to hear he has just released his newest book on this very subject. Timeline Collapse & Universal Ascension: The Future of Third Dimensional Earth and Fifth Dimensional Terra is a riveting look at coming world events on the future timeline of Earth from now until 2569. It also explores the Ascension of Human Angelic Souls to Earth’s Fifth Dimensional counterpart, planet Terra.
While the book is densely packed with information, more importantly it explains why things are transpiring in the world in accordance with one’s soul “essence path.” Man is in the process of moving from a 3rd dimensional plane to a 5th dimensional one, skipping right over the 4th dimensional realm—and all this is within a 12 dimensional sub-level structure within a 12 dimensional universal structure. Yes, it gets complicated, but then the divine plan of our world entails multiple complexities. But after reading it, it all begins to make sense.
Gene explains that people’s concepts about “the Rapture or Armageddon” are very misunderstood from a dimensional perspective. People aren’t going to be just “beamed up” one day. Some souls will choose to cycle out of this 3rd dimensional realm to a higher dimension, while others will choose to stay here and continue to work on this level, but there is a process involved. It doesn’t all happen one sunny day.
Since timelines are always shifting and can’t be measured in a linear way, it is important to understand the difference between “possible vs. probable” futures from a prediction standpoint. There are multiple universal timelines running parallel to each other simultaneously, but there is only one dominant timeline which is the most “probable” one. This is where Gene focuses his energies to see what the future may hold.
The future appears to hold some rather challenging times ahead for all of us. The good news is it won’t destroy man or the Earth and we will eventually get through it. This is important to keep in mind. Below are a few events written on our most probable present and future timeline:
From these world predictions, it appears much of the geopolitical influence will shift to Eurasia by 2050. The Rise of Civilization moves westward once again, repeating what history has already shown us is a natural progression. The United States, as the world’s leading superpower, will undergo change. Some of us will be untouched by these changes. The more we let go of fear, the better our outcome. For this long-awaited, 26,000 year dimensional shift to happen, it may seem darkest before the dawn as old ways and patterns begin to crumble and fall away. But we will come through it,
From what Gene describes, 5th Dimensional Terra sounds like an answer to many of our prayers. While our soul may never stop learning and growing, this 5th dimension has no need for cellphones or the internet connecting us to each other. Goodbye Apple, Microsoft, Facebook and Google. Funny—but it appears all our mobile devices and the internet are just a dress rehearsal getting us ready for total telepathic communication with everyone and everything. Stay tuned, it should be an interesting ride.
For more information on E.M. Nicolay and his books: www.essencepath.com
LISTEN to the full Audio Interview with E.M. Nicolay, with more incredible insights and predictions…(01:28:17)
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
Evidence of Ancient Civilization Nuclear Wars
/by Kathy J. FortiOn February 16. 1947 the New York Herald Tribune ran an article about some unusual archaeological anomalies that had surfaced. They explained that when the first atomic bomb exploded in New Mexico, the desert sand turned to fused green glass. When digging began in the ancient Babylonian Euphrates Valley (current day Iraq), archaeologists uncovered a layer of agrarian culture 8000 years old, and a layer of herdsman culture much older, and a still older caveman culture. Under the caveman culture there was a layer of fused green glass.
Scientists speculated that fused glass could be caused by powerful lightning strikes during thunderstorms and this is what must have happened. The problem was apparent that this did not explain why whole areas of the desert had a uniform and a circular;y distribution pattern of green glass. They also tried to explain it away as the aftereffects of a very large meteor impacting the desert which generated enough sufficient mechanical energy to fuse the glass. The problem with this theory was that meteors leave craters and there were none.
Researchers were left with the only other astounding conclusion—the area had to have experienced blasts caused by nuclear and thermonuclear detonations in some long fought ancient atomic war. Atomic explosions are normally air bursts whose tremendous heat fuses the silica of desert sand and dirt, leaving green glass. This is exactly what happened in the desert of New Mexico when they first tested the atomic bombs that were later used on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.
In 1996, in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Italian mineralogist Vincenzo de Michele spotted an unusual yellow-green gem in the middle of one of Tutankhamuns necklaces. The jewel was tested and found to be glass, but intriguingly it is older than the earliest Egyptian civilization. Geologists traced its origins to unexplained chunks of glass found scattered in the sand in a remote region of the Sahara Desert. But the glass is itself a scientific enigma. Pieces of Libyan Desert Glass weighing as much as 16 pounds are found in an oval area measuring approximately 130 by 53 kilometers. The clear-to-yellowish-green pieces are concentrated in sand-free corridors between north-south dune ridges. No one knows how it got there or what made it. Ancient texts may provide some answers to this mystery…
The Ramayana and Mahabharata, ancient Hindu epics that are said to originate more than 24,000 years ago, describe massive “fireball” weapons from the sky during a war with the Rama Empire and “Atlantis.” Consider these verses from the ancient Mahabharata:
Modern mankind had never heard and/or experienced such horrific descriptions until the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Yet they accurately describe the effects of an atomic explosion and radioactive poisoning which makes hair and nails fall out. In light of this, these Hindu epics may not be as mythological as some people think. In the ancient remains of the India city of Mohenjo Daro, archaeologists found clear evidence of vitrification by intense heat. Human skeletons lie in streets of stone, oftentimes holding hands with each other or engaged in normal human activity. Something must have taken them surprise and caused them to be burnt and fused with the molten stone.
Skeptics tried to dismiss the evidence. David Davenport, a British Indian researcher, spent 12 years studying ancient Hindu scripts and evidence at the site where the great city once stood. In his book Atomic Destruction in 2000 B.C. he reveals some startling findings: the objects found at the site appeared to be fused, glassified by a heat as high as 1500°C, followed by a sudden cooling. Within the city itself there appeared to be an “epicenter” about 50 yards wide within which everything was crystallized, fused or melted, and sixty yards from the center the bricks are melted on one side indicating a blast. A. Gorbovsky in his book Riddles of Ancient History, reported the discovery of at least one human skeleton in the area with a level of radioactivity approximately 50 times greater than it should have been due to natural radiation. Davenport claimed that what was found at Mohenjo Daro corresponded exactly to what was seen at Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
Davenports theory was met with intense interest from the scientific community. Nationally known expert William Sturm said: the melting of bricks at Mohenjo Daro could not have been caused by a normal fire, while Professor Antonio Castellani, a space engineer in Rome said: Its possible that what happened at Mohenjo Daro was not a natural phenomenon.
J. Robert Oppenheimer, the modern-day “father of the atomic bomb,” was known to study the ancient Hindu and Vedic texts. Upon the first atomic test detonation, Oppenheimer was asked if this was indeed “the first” nuclear explosion. His significant response was, Yes, in modern times. Later when Oppenheimer saw the destruction his work had caused upon the people of Japan, he remarked that it brought to mind words from the holy book, Bhagavad Gita: “Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” He would eventually come to express a deep wish to see all atomic weapons banned and the end to future nuclear wars.
There’s that old proverb: “The more things change, the more they stay the same.” Are we doomed to repeat the past, again?? With the world’s growing nuclear arsenal, you would think this would be a deterrent to anyone thinking about a “first strike” nuclear war. But today, we live in a world of extremists who shoot now and think later, if at all. God help us all.
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical
Is Water the New Oil? – Water Theft Shenanigans in California
/by Kathy J. FortiBut the real story is how the water we do have is sometimes mysteriously disappearing. This past week we heard about how the 5,800 acre Mountain Meadows Reservoir (commonly called Walker Lake) dried up completely overnight leaving thousands of fish to flounder and die. The day before, people were fishing on this very lake. It’s as if someone pulled
the bathtub plug during the night. Area residents blame Pacific Gas & Electric for emptying it, but PG&E claims they didn’t do it. Maybe they did and maybe they didn’t. It was the general consensus that the reservoir would probably dry up in another two weeks anyway, and PG&E would have had to relocate all the fish before then. Granted, we will never know if it was done to save time and money—or perhaps other culprits were responsible.
California has been beset by water thieves for the last few years. Numerous reports of water tank trucks pulling up to aquifers in the dead of night and siphoning off thousands of gallons of free water is well-known. Even actor Tom Selleck was caught and arrested for stealing water for his ranch.
So let’s looks at some of the villains in this water scarcity problem:
Every day thousands of Californians pray for rain. Even when a few drips come down, we celebrate. If we could only get rid of the thieves, the greedy corporate profiteers, and government weather interference, we could rightfully reclaim the natural resource that’s meant for all of us to freely share.
Please send California your RAIN THOUGHTS!
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God.
Training to Become a “HANGAR 1” UFO Investigator
/by Kathy J. FortiFirst off, I had no idea how much detailed scientific analysis and interviewing goes into verifying each
reported MUFON case. Their database contains over 60,000 cases since they began amassing data in 1950 and their infamous (and very secret) Hangar 1 warehouse contains trace evidence samples along with a host of other corroborating materials. Approximately 20 new reports come in to their online database daily and, once verified by their expert scientific team, some of the more interesting stories make it on to the Hangar 1 show.
The day started with Alabama and Mississippi MUFON State Director, Rich Hoffman, telling us how he became involved with MUFON’s predecessor, the Midwest UFO’s Investigations Network, when he was 13
years old in Dayton, Ohio. His teacher gave him a “D” on a written paper after Hoffman dismissed UFOs as having no scientific merit (the teacher was a true believer), which then prompted the teenage to find out more on the subject. He read research books and was intrigued to learn that Project Blue Book, the military’s (now defunct) UFO investigative arm, was located right in his home town. Coincidence? By age 15 he was participating in area investigations and was clearly hooked. A UFOlogist was born. He’s been doing this work now for over 50 years and is well-respected in the field.
Hoffman related how he once gave a briefing on UFO investigations to military personnel at Wright Paterson AFB. He asked the assembly whether any had witnessed a UFO. Only one brave soul raised his hand. Hoffman recalls that during the break, “I was deluged with other men wanting to tell me their own UFO stories. One man even told me his job was to take pictures of retrieved UFO craft.”
According to statistics, only one out of every 12 sightings gets reported. Fear, ridicule, and career sabotage are the most common deterring factors, but that seems to be changing as more military men are coming forward and going on the record (see The Citizens Hearings on Disclosure).
MUFON has an extensive list of technical experts to draw upon on their Scientific Review Board. They gather data from the FAA, local police, weather services, airport radar, military personnel, laboratory analyzers, and usually file numerous Freedom of Information Act requests (FOIA) to get all the data needed to make a determination. They check NOAA to rule out weather balloons and, from what Hoffman claims, the swamp gas explanation is “extremely rare.”
Today’s field investigators rely on a wide range of modern-day phone apps for measuring such things as gauging magnetic fields, altitude, distance, determining hoax photos, identifying commercial aircraft, satellites, and iridium flares, scouting terrain, metal detection, and other electronic applications I had no clue what they actually did. We were given a list of over 30 apps (imagine that!) which can be useful tools to collect data during field research. Years ago they had to carry all this equipment around with them. I had no idea my iPhone had three magnetic sensors already built into it, making a field investigator’s life much easier. However, the paperwork involved is daunting and interviewing techniques were extensive to maintain witness consistency. When there are multiple witnesses present, it becomes even more complex to gather their stories without interference and collusion.
Marc D’Antonio with UFOTOG-2 Prototype
I talked with MUFON’s Chief of Photo & Video Analysis, Marc D’Antonio. He’s ferreted out plenty of hoaxes, like the UFO that was sighted over Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock in January 2011. Film students were responsible for this hoax that went viral, but the inconsistency of their multiple angle footage tripped them up. D’Antonio can tell a PhotoShopped picture quite easily with simple tools. He is currently working on a sophisticated UFO detector that can be placed on any mountain top or a tall pole. Teamed up with Academy Award winning special effects inventor, Doug Trumbull (responsible for the effects in 2001: A Space Odyssey), the two have designed and developed the UFOTOG-2 for MUFON field investigation.
The unique gadget tracks moving objects in the sky, can differentiate and screen out all planes and satellites with a decoder (i.e., that’s United Flight 482), and hone in on real ET craft. The invention has seven high-resolution cameras for overlapping fields and 360 degree viewing 24 hours a
day. It includes infrared cameras for night vision and poor visibility. It can detect gamma rays, measure magnetic fields, employs a spectrum analyzer and even has a cell phone antenna so investigators can call it and ask what it’s currently seeing. Since the UFOTOG-2 can signal a GPS satellite, MUFON can send a picture to everyone who has a cellphone and is signed up to receive real UFO pictures. And it all operates on solar cell energy. It’s still in prototype stage, but I want one!
As a clinical psychologist, I wondered about how they handled “the experiencers” of such close encounters of the third kind. The Director of Experiencer Research, Kathleen Marden, just happens to be the niece of Betty and Barney Hill (the most famous and controversial abduction case in history). Marden is a social worker who heads up a team of helpful therapists across the country specializing in PTSD and clinical hypnosis to aid the experiencer, if needed.
Between learning interviewing techniques, how to process data, and keeping clear professional and objective boundaries, I found the entire training to be very enlightening. I hear they also have an investigator’s Boot Camp. Hmmm?
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God.
Why Is Earth’s Schumann Resonance Accelerating?
/by Kathy J. FortiFor many years this resonance frequency has hovered at a steady 7.83 Hz with only slight variations. In June 2014 that apparently changed. Monitors at the Russian Space Observing System showed a sudden spike in activity to around 8.5 Hz. Since then, they have
recorded days where the Schumann accelerated as fast as 16.5 Hz. (The graph is usually blue with some green, and no white.) At first they thought their equipment was malfunctioning, but later learned the data was accurate. Everyone was asking, what’s causing this intermittent spiking activity?
Is the Earth’s frequency speeding up? Since the Schumann frequency is said to be “in tune” with the human brain’s alpha and theta states, this acceleration may be why it often feels like time has sped up and events and changes in our life are happening more rapidly.
These emerging resonances are naturally correlated to human brainwave activity. So this means, we are changing. Many years ago I was trained in EEG Neurofeedback, so I looked at what these accelerated frequencies might be telling us about human evolutionary change. A 7.83 Hz frequency is an alpha/theta state. Relaxed, yet dreamy—sort of a neutral idling state waiting for something to happen. A 8.5 – 16.5 Hz frequency moves one out of the theta range into more of a full calmer alpha state with faster more alert beta frequencies starting to appear. (This correlates with slowly waking up cognitively). Since the Schumann Resonance has
had sudden spikes between 12 – 16.5 Hz (see pic’s white areas), I found this even more interesting. In Neurofeedback, 12-15 Hz is called Sensory-Motor Rhythm frequency (SMR). It is an ideal state of “awakened calm.” Our thought processes are clearer and more focused, yet we are still “in the flow” or “in the know.” In other words, Mother Earth is shifting her vibrational frequency and perhaps so are we. This may be one of many signs that we are AWAKENING.
Scientist’s report that the Earth’s magnetic field, which can affect the Schumann Resonance, has been slowly weakening for the past 2,000 years and even more so in the last few years. No one really knows why. I was told by a wise old sage from India that the magnetic field of Earth was put in place by the Ancient Ones to block our primordial memories of our true heritage. This was so that souls could learn from the experience of free-will unhampered by memories of the past. He claimed that the magnetic field changes are now loosening those memory blocks and we are raising our consciousness to greater truth. The veil is lifting. The blinders are coming off. If true, it raises even more intriguing questions.
Whatever is happening, it’s clear that this acceleration may make you feel more tired, exhausted, dizzy, depressed, and even strange as you raise your own frequencies to be more “in tune” with the New Earth. Adaptation is not always an easy process, but keep in mind it’s all part of your own unique AWAKENING.
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical
GcMAF, Nagalase: Why 8 Holistic Doctors Were Murdered & Others Poisoned
/by Kathy J. FortiMy first question was “What were they working on that put them at deadly risk?” What came to light
is not only deeply disturbing, but explosive. On June 19, 2015, Dr. Jeff Bradstreet reportedly shot himself in the chest after his offices were raided by U.S. FDA agents and State of Georgia law enforcement agents. Three days before his death, agents exercised a search warrant to gather information about the use of GcMAF with autistic patients in his clinic.
Human GcMAF holds great promise in the treatment of various illnesses including cancer, autism, chronic fatigue and possibly Parkinsons. Since 1990, 59 research papers have been published on GcMAF, 20 of these pertaining to the treatment of cancer.
Dr Bradstreet was an alternative autism specialist and is widely regarded as a pioneer in the naturopathic field. He was using GcMAF and successfully treating dying cancer patients. To understand what put him on the deadly radar of the U.S. FDA and the pharmaceutical companies was that GcMAF has shown the ability to completely reverse autism and cancer without the use of chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery.
GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor) is not a drug, but a naturally occurring compound produced in the human body. GcMAF was being produced in Europe and Dr. Bradstreet was using it with his patients. He was conducting clinical experiments the results of which were published in scientific medical journals. (The European company that manufactured GcMAF was shut down in July 2015.)
The ability of GcMAF to do its normal job can be inhibited by the presence of a protein called alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase or nagalase for short. Nagalase is made by all cancer cells and viruses (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, and others). Nagalase blocks production of GcMAF, thus preventing the immune system from doing its job. By using injections of GcMAF, one can boost the immune system to destroy the cancer and virus. It’s the most natural cure in the world and other countries are already using it, even for pets.
In the course of his research, Dr. Bradstreet discovered that the levels of nagalase are elevated in children with autism. The result of the immune suppression caused by nagalase is seen in digestive disorders, sensory overload, and numerous types of processing dysfunction in the brain. Increased levels of nagalase are associated with higher levels of autistic symptoms. Nagalase is like Attila the Hun in the amount of destruction it can wreck on the body.
Nagalase is not something children are born with. This puzzled Bradstreet and his colleagues (the other dead doctors). If autistic children dont have cancer or viral infections, which correlates with nagalase production, then how did it get into the bodies of infants and young children?
Dr. Bradstreet understood that people have different reactions to nagalase, and a small percentage of people do not experience suppression of their immune systems. However, for the majority, there is dangerous immune system suppression, which opens the door to cancer and autism. Dr. Bradstreet was getting ready to publicize the truth of these findings when his clinics, and the clinics of other doctors associated with him, were raided by the FDA.
Imagine a world where autism and cancer no longer exist and the immune system is empowered naturally to fight off all destructive invaders INEXPENSIVELY? The cancer drug industry is a $100 billion business. It has increased 6.5% annually since 2010 and is expected to grow at a rate of 8% between now and 2018. Cancer is big business, huge profits. It’s obvious BIG PHARMA does not want a “natural” cure out there they can’t patent and profit from. And what about the findings that nagalase proteins are being put in vaccine serums? Dr. Bradstreet’s explosive findings must have caused alarm in the halls of the big vaccine manufacturers. Enough to get the government to come in and shut him down. Dead doctors tell no tales. The deaths, poisonings, and vanishings are sending a clear message from the medical industrial complex—DO NOT FIND CURES.
UPDATE: The investigation continues.
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical
[1] Controversial autism researcher, Jeff Bradstreet, commits suicide after FDA raid in Buford, authorities say, Joshua Sharpe, Gwinnett Daily Post, 7/26/2015.
[2] GcMAF for the treatment of cancer, autism, inflammation, viral and bacterial disease, David Noakes, Foundation for Alternative and Integrative Medicine, Retrieved 7/27/2015.
[4] GcMAF.
[5] Dr. Gonzalez Individualized Nutritional Protocols Enzyme Therapy, Death Announcement on the website for his clinic. Retrieved 7/23/2015.
[6] Chapter 9: Nagalase: Friend and Foe? The GcMAF Book, Timothy J. Smith, MD.
[7] Explosive: The real reason Holistic Doctors are being killed and vanishing!
[8] Anti-vaccine doctor behind dangerous autism therapy found dead. Family cries foul, Michael E. Miller, The Washington Post, June 29 2015, Retrieved 7/28/2015.
[9] The Bradstreet Essence Protocal, Dr. James Bradstreet, MD, Presentation from AutismOne Conference, Dated 5/22/2015.
[10] 2 more MDs (1 prominent holistic, & one of missing docs) found dead, bringing the total to 8, Erin Elizabeth, Health Nut News, 7/23/2015.
[11] Explosive: The real reason Holistic Doctors are being killed and vanishing!
[12] Introduction: Routine Nagalase testing finds cancer early and GcMAF cures it The GcMAF Book, Timothy J. Smith, MD.
See more
FEAR: False (Flag) Evidence Appearing Real
/by Kathy J. FortiThere are some quantum theory scientists that suggest life on this planet is merely an illusion within a hologram. We are creating it with our thoughts, our fears, our desires, and even our expectations as we “strut and fret our hour upon the stage” as Shakespeare would say. We are all playing our cosmic and karmic roles during this human transfiguration process. As divine spiritual beings we know on a soul level, that all will work out well as divinely planned.
This is not to suggest that we should all docilely accept everything we are being told. Much in the world is being revealed as inaccurate as we awaken in consciousness to greater truth. It is apparent we have been deceived for decades by many of our leaders, the mainstream media, and the corporate oligarchy. As individuals, it is important that we seek out our own individual TRUTH, that is devoid of hate, intolerance, manipulation, greed and, of course, FEAR. This is why it is important to recognize FALSE FLAGS.
False flags, the acts carried out by “military or security force personnel, which are then blamed on terrorists,” are beginning to occur more frequently. Identifying the tell-tale signs of a false flag event is crucial to disconnecting from fear and seeing it for what it is—mass manipulation.
Unfortunately, we are living in a world where illusion is oftentimes fostered. Things are not what they appear to be on the surface. A whole new area of employment has sprung up around false flag events. Trained “Crisis Actors” are often used to fool the people to accomplish pre-set agendas. Here are a few examples:
DRILLS are often a preclude to FALSE FLAG events. This is why many this week took note that major Department of Defense (DOD) government contractor, Linxx Global Solutions, Inc. of Virginia Beach, Virginia, has been soliciting “role players” for counterterrorism drills scheduled to take place in Boston from September 10-23, 2015. Read More
During this same week, Obama ordered an “unexpected and highly provocative” massive nuclear war drill all along the eastern coastal areas of the United States to last until October 1st. The notice was then given to all U.S. aircraft by the FAA:
“ADS-B surveillance and some TCAS operations in the airspace over Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida might become unreliable as of September 2 at 1 a.m. EDT, according to a Notam the FAA issued on September 1. The outages are due to events the agency labeled as “late notice from the Department of Defense of military exercises.” NBAA “voiced its concern to the FAA that these sort of significant impact tests need much more notice to operators in the National Airspace System.”
The last time the U.S. conducted such a massive war drill along its eastern coastal regions was on September 11, 2001 when the aircraft flying over the United States, and air controllers directing them, became so confused as to what was a real and what was false, the World Trade Centers in New York and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. were able to be successfully attacked killing thousands. Many people still have no idea that there was a massive “drill” going on that same day, which is why NORAD was told to “stand down.” Everyone thought it was part of the exercise drill.
We are all awakening to consciousness during this time. It is becoming more difficult to hide the truth from the collective consciousness. We are learning to see through the lies, to diffuse the fear-based human ego, and know that united we are stronger than the few that govern over us. I sincerely hope Boston and all its people are safe this month, despite any scheduled role-playing “drills.” Who are we looking to blame next for our false flags—Russia, Syria, China? It’s a good time to stay vigilant, discerning, and focus on a massive amount of Healing Light that will engulf us all.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God. amazon.com/author/k
Los Alamos Study Finds Airport Scanners Alter DNA
/by Kathy J. FortiNow they also want us to believe that the replacement technology, millimeter wave “digital strip search” scanners, are also “perfectly safe”. Don’t believe it for a second. The TSA failed to adequately test these devices for health and safety factors as well. Unfortunately, in today’s world, security trumps human safety.
These millimeter wave technologies are designed to bombard innocent travelers with high frequency
energy particles known as terahertz photons. A study conducted by Boian S. Alexandrov et.al. at the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, revealed that these terahertz waves could “…unzip double-stranded DNA, creating bubbles that could significantly interfere with processes such as gene expression and DNA replication”. In other words, this study is the smoking gun that raises serious concerns about the impact of terahertz radiation upon fertility, fetal development, and cancer. Now think about the thousands of people who are subjected to these levels of untested energy particles every day in the name of “National Security”.
The military’s Active Denial weapon uses millimeter wave technology to create an intense burning sensation on the skin’s surface using a 95 GHz (3.2mm wavelength) beam. But the TSA tells us not to worry about their millimeter waves because, “Millimeter wave technology bounces harmless electromagnetic waves off the body to create the same generic image for all passengers.” This is completely inaccurate because the nature of millimeter waves is that our bodies and water are excellent absorbers of these waves. Millimeter waves do penetrate and absorb into our skin. At the microwave technology center in Malaysia, health subjects were exposed to microwave radiation between 20 — 38 GHz, the range in which the TSA scanners operate. They found that millimeter waves penetrated the subject’s skin at depths of between 1.05 mm at 20 GHz to 0.78 mm at 38 GHz. This is enough to penetrate below the epidermal layer of the skin.
Millimeter waves have been reported to produce a variety of bioeffects, many of which are quite unexpected from radiation penetrated less than 1 mm into biological tissues. Of particular concern is the citing of studies that show there is an irreversible water memory effect by millimeter waves operating in the 36GHz frequency, and that the millimeter wave effects on blood plasma vary greatly from one person to the next.
So what if it takes an additional 5-15 minutes of your time getting to your gate? It’s time to exercise your own personal body health consciousness, since the US government has clearly demonstrated they don’t possess any qualms about not protecting you. Alternation of DNA can be subtle and deadly down the line. Who would ever make the connection that a TSA scanning machine might have contributed to any negative health effects you eventually experience. If you are a frequent air traveler, like myself, you should be concerned about your levels of exposure. If you’re a TSA agent, you should find another job.
This past weekend as I was trying to make a flight back to Los Angeles from the Columbia, South Carolina Airport, I did my usual “opt out” thing. The TSA agents from this little backwater airport tried to feed me the propaganda line about “minimal risk.” I told them I’d read the studies and they needed to be better informed. They looked at me blankly trying to tell me it was just like using a cell phone. Not true. The millimeter wave scanners the TSA operates put out more than 20 billion times more oscillations per second in smaller terahertz waves, so the cellular effects will be different from cell phones. I’m sure no one ever told TSA agents this, but they feed the same lies back to the people that they’ve been told, so I tried to be more forgiving.
I’m sure no one had requested an opt out for some time in this South Carolina airport, which is why I got the pat down of all pat downs. The female agent made sure to give me karate chops straight up to my private parts twice in the back and then another two times in the front. Totally unnecessary. She kneaded my waist in a strange manner, grabbing hold of any loose skin she could find.
I have had hundreds of pat downs over the years, and no one, I mean no one, has ever been as intrusive as this TSA agent. My first instinct was to tell her how inappropriate she was being, then I remembered how I would most likely be punished for my non-sheep-like behavior and not be allowed to make my flight. During the procedure she also sniffled and sneezed, spreading her germ warfare all over me through out the entire security grope session.
I think we have all had enough of this undignified treatment in the name of security. It’s already been proven that these scanner devices and intrusive pat downs have not made our world any safer from terrorists. Airport security testers have snuck through everything from guns to explosives, clearly proving their ineffectiveness. Metal detectors should be sufficient enough.
If everyone opted out of the scanner, the whole program would eventually fall apart. The lines of opt outs would be so long it would bring the air travel industry to a standstill. It would also send a clear message that unsafe devices are not going to be tolerated. Take the extra time and just do it—opt out. If you love yourself, than you owe it to yourself. Now I’m already ahead of you on what you’re thinking—that they’ll just suspend all our civil liberties and make it mandatory to go through the scanners whether we want to or not. Well, I would like to believe that they would be flooded with lawsuits if they did, but there’s an even easier solution. Go to a medical supply store and buy a cheap inexpensive arm sling and put it on before going through TSA. If you can’t hold both arms up over your head while in their scanner, it renders the results totally unusable. They know this and have to let you opt out for medical reasons. The sheeple are getting smarter. Afterall, life is all about how you handle Plan B.
UPDATE: In March 2017 the TSA quietly adopted a new ‘pat down” procedure which is even more evasive.
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical