Vote Your Consciousness vs. The Lesser of Two Evils

end-evil-step-out-of-line-vote-third-partyThe 2016 U.S. Presidential Election is not just about voting your conscience, but more importantly about “VOTING YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS.” What does this mean when the two main candidates are both controversial, equally disliked, and voters find themselves in the uncomfortable position of voting for the lesser of two evils?

Any way you look at it, voting the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. When one consciously votes for someone they know or feel to be at odds with their core values, then energetically that person is welcoming that evil into their world. Consequently, they are agreeing to all the ramifications that invite entails. This is how the energetic world works, whether it be for good or evil. It means you can expect that evil to personally touch your life in some shape, manner or form—afterall, you agreed to it. So think long and hard about who you decide to vote for during this presidential election.

I’m not suggesting abstention from voting, but rather to Vote Your Consciousness. If your consciousness resonates with Trump’s ideals and beliefs, then you should vote for him. If you trust Hillary to put the needs of the people and this nation above all else, both corporate and political, then you should vote for her.

A vote for Hillary is a difficult one for many who still remember such past scandals as Whitewater, Troopergate, Filegate, and Bill’s Monicagate during the former Clinton administration. Scandals and investigations seem to follow the Clintons wherever they go and scandal doesn’t seem to be going away for them even today. It can’t all be due to a “vast right-wing conspiracy,” as Hillary claims. Do we really want a leader under investigation for perpetual allegations of improprieties, because you can bet there will be more coming down the pike.

A recent Associated Press (AP) poll shows half of Clinton’s own supporters consider her slightly or not at all honest, and more than a third say she’s slightly or not at all likable. Forty-seven percent of Trump’s supporters consider him slightly or not at all civil, 39 percent say he’s slightly or not at all likable and 31 percent say he’s slightly or not at all qualified. Of those backing him, 14 percent consider him at least somewhat racist.

It’s time for honesty. If you have any doubts at all about the integrity or true leadership ability of either Trump or Hillary, then heed your consciousness. On a national scale, both candidates show a 67% untrustworthy rating—the highest in election history. These are dismal ratings for candidates seeking the highest office in the land.  Is this what we really want for America?

Let us not forget that there are other choices out there besides Hillary and Trump. It’s now or never to step out of line and start exploring our third-party options. Consider voting Progressive, Green Party, or Libertarian instead. They might better reflect your true consciousness. It’s senseless political propaganda that tells you your vote only counts if you vote either Democratic or Republican.

“There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil.” – President John Adams

Support for Green Party candidate Dr. Jill Stein went up over a whopping 1000% when Bernie Sanders endorsed Clinton. Stein’s message is simple: “Forget the lesser evil, fight for the greater good.” (Sorry Bernie, but not all your supporters are sheeple ready to embrace Hillary just because you tell them to. Perhaps you, too, should consider a #Hillaryotomy like some of your supporters.)

Finally mainstream media is beginning to take note and address the matter of voter choice dissatisfaction, as evidenced in this Chicago Tribune political piece on Dr. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. In any other election year these two would be forgotten candidates, but in this election year their numbers are increasing.

If you’re a diehard Bernie supporter and can’t see voting for anyone but Sanders for President, then you should write in his name on the ballot if this means Voting Your Consciousness. We’ve all heard the argument that voting for someone who “can’t possibly win” is throwing away your vote. Wrong. That’s just more political propaganda. No one ever thought Sanders or Trump would ever come as far as they did, so pay no heed to what others want you to believe. They don’t have all the answers either. Our collective consciousness is changing world events and beliefs minute by minute. This is anyone’s game. At least, it’s spiritually better to know you did not compromise your ideals.

Democrats are telling us that we have to vote for Hillary, even if we don’t like her, because otherwise Trump will win and it will be the end of the civilized world as we know it. Voting for someone you don’t trust, just because you are scared of the alternative means a vote based on fear. Fear is the great destroyer. Don’t let fear manipulate you and/or compromise your true beliefs. No one should ever have to base their vote on FEAR. This would be the ultimate wasted vote.

The argument that “every vote counts” no longer holds true either. We know elections areIMG_3703 rigged or stolen all the time in every country of the world. In 2012, Karl Rove, Bush’s former Deputy Chief of Staff and Senior Advisor, then working as a Republican party strategist, had an on-air meltdown on Fox News on election night when they called Ohio for Obama and not Romney. “It’s wrong,” he declared adamantly. How could he know? The story goes that he was in on the fix in the voting software, and it was discovered and corrected at the last-minute without his knowledge. (FULL STORY)

Yet, how do we know it wasn’t then skewed in Obama’s favor by those who found the rigging? We will never know. Shenanigans and dirty tricks happen on both sides. During this year’s Democratic primary season, there were many voting irregularities in several states leading to class action lawsuits. In my home State of California, Sander’s supporters filed a fraud lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Deborah Schultz Wasserman for blatant voter suppression and bias towards Hillary. Legal experts are calling such practices worse than the crimes of Watergate.

I, and thousands of others Californians who were either registered as independents or independents who had recently re-registered as democrats to vote in the primary, were told when we got to our voting precinct that we had already voted by mail ballot and had to vote a provisional ballot instead. None of us had ever signed up for vote-by-mail. The DNC had automatically classified many cross-over voters in this category without consent. They knew these people would be Bernie voters. As a result, over 60,000 provisional ballots by independents in favor of Sanders were not counted in Los Angeles County alone. Many across California reported similar voter suppression tactics.

The DNC clearly stole the vote from Bernie Sanders. His supporters have every right to be good and mad. Their vote was silenced. Thousands of newly registered young voters complain they are completely disillusioned with the entire process. Unchecked dishonesty only invites more dishonesty. Unless things change, this kind of voter fraud will continue to occur.

A Stanford study showed that pre-election polls were successful at predicting Clinton’s numbers in states with paper trails, with a clear favoritism to Hillary. However, Clinton over-performed an average of 9% in the states that use electronic voting machines but who fail to provide paper evidence of this vote. Simply speaking, Clinton beat expectations ONLY in states with unaccountable voting machines.

Two of the three companies that control the electronic voting machine market, Dominion Voting and H.I.G. Capital (i.e. Hart InterCivic) are on the list of big money donors that donated to the Clinton campaign, as shown by DNC documents recently leaked to WikiLeaks by the Romanian hacker known as “Guccifer”. One would think this would be a clear conflict of interest.

Playing the blame game, the DNC and Hillary are deflecting attention away from the shocking content of these leaked emails and blaming the Russians for election interference (as if our own CIA has never done such a thing). The American people should not forget that the blame resides solely with Hillary for exercising poor judgment in the first place. She’s the one that put our nation’s security at risk by using an unsecured private server that anyone could hack, and obviously many did.

WikiLeaks warns us there are more leaked emails to come—some even worse than what we have already seen. What new bombshells can we expect? Insiders speculate that these additional email leaks may lend credence to the IRS’s launched investigation of The Clinton Foundation for foreign influence peddling, an allegation that was documented in the recent “Clinton Cash” documentary, based on investigative journalist Peter Schweizer’s book of the same title.

It’s amazing that despite whatever new evidence of impropriety or corruption comes to light, many still deny or dismiss these revelations as inconsequential or meaningless. It’s a classic case of cognitive dissonance at its worst.

Will all these new revelations affect the people’s votes come November? For some, most certainly. In the bigger picture your vote ultimately only matters to you, not to anyone else. So Vote Your Consciousness since it is highly likely both parties will be rigging and manipulating the electronic voting machines. The Karl Roves of the world will make sure that your vote does not interfere with whomever they have already decided will be the next President. You can bank on it (but not at Goldman Sachs). If you really want to see how easily voter fraud is accomplished, just watch the documentary, “Hacking Democracy.” The writing may already be on the wall that the fix is in for Hillary.

IMG_3030Just remember, that if you vote for a third-party or write in who you really think would be the best leader, your vote is not going to throw the election to the other party. Those who advocate voting for a flawed candidate strictly to win are themselves the problem. These people are usually the first to loudly complain when those same flawed candidates later make policies they don’t like.

Let’s hold in our higher consciousness the intent that we don’t want leaders who are psychopaths. We don’t want leaders who are narcissists. And we certainly don’t want more leaders who are pathological liars. We the People have been lied to enough.

“Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.” – John Quincy Adams

As someone once said: “Humanity is the candy in the coal mine of Consciousness.” So be true to yourself and your ideals. Please join me in adding a new meme to this election process called #VoteYourConsciousness


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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical

Russian Scientists Discover Philosopher’s Stone to Make Gold

goldnuggetsThe ability to change ANY metal to gold is a game changer for the entire world, yet this recent discovery by Russian scientists has garnered very little press attention. This is a huge breakthrough—bigger than the discovery of electricity.

When British scholars cracked the Rosetta Stone in the early 1800’s, forever unlocking the meaning of the language of ancient hieroglyphics, we were finally able to add to man’s understanding of his early origins. But even in ancient times the most sought after goal in all of the alchemy sciences was finding the mysterious third element for transmutation of base metals to gold. This process is known as cracking the Philosopher’s Stone. It was believed that with this knowledge would come enlightenment, healing of all illnesses, the secrets to immortality and perfection in nature. It was also held true that when man finally cracked this code, he would be ready to move into the next realm of human evolution. It would be a sign from the heavens, and now it’s here.

This new patented discovery was made possible by two Russian theoretical and experimental scientists, Victor Kurashov and Tamara Sahno, who were trying to figure out how to fuel a spacecraft using any element found in space. A few weeks ago, a conference was held in Geneva, Switzerland, the headquarters of the global banking industry, to announce this new method of transmutation of any element in the periodic table into another element. Surprisingly, this transmutation of chemical elements does not involve nuclear reactors, particle accelerators or heavy water but a simple biochemical process. This mysterious third element is iron and sulphur-reducing bacteria which is resistant to radiation.

In the past, elaborate means were used to change lead or mercury to gold, usually involving a nuclear power plant, which produced very small quantities of this precious metal. Nuclear reaction gold had radioactive isotope properties—something this new process has eliminated. We now have the capability of producing industrial quantities in a matter of months using cheap readily available iron ore. This process is real, replicable, and will soon be available to the world.

In the 17th Century Sir Isaac Newton obsessed over the mystery of the Philosopher’s Stone and how toalchem achieve it. The English feared this discovery, not for its potential benefits to mankind, but for its potential devaluation of the gold market. They suppressed experimentation, making the practice of alchemy punishable by death.

What does this mean in terms of today’s gold market and banking industry? For one, Wall Street’s criminally manipulated markets will be history as will derivatives scams and gold bonds.

Before this new process there was only one way to acquire gold, to dig it up or pan for it in rivers. Gold mining operations are expensive, dangerous and ecological destructive. Access to certain gold deposits is only feasible when the price of gold is above a certain price. The cost of mining gold in North America is roughly $580/oz. In a mine in South Africa, it costs $1519/oz. Most mines cost about $1100 to $1300 (USD) per ounce of gold mined. Any time the cost of gold is less than these costs, the mining company takes a loss.

While readily available gold is certain to depress the overall price of the gold market, it does offer many viable new solutions for mankind (especially engineers). Gold is the perfect material for many industrial applications. Unfortunately, its always been too expensive to use. Gold conducts electricity, does not tarnish, is very easy to work, can be drawn into wire, can be hammered into thin sheets, alloys with many other metals, can be melted and cast into highly detailed shapes, and has a wonderful color and a brilliant luster.

All electrical cable plugs can now be gold-plated instead of just the expensive ones. Cheap gold can replace expensive copper. Solid state electronic devices use very low voltages and currents which are easily interrupted by corrosion or tarnish at the contact points. Gold is the highly efficient conductor that can carry these tiny currents and remain free of corrosion. Electronic components made with gold are highly reliable. Gold is used in connectors, switch and relay contacts, soldered joints, connecting wires and connection strips.

A small amount of gold is used in almost every sophisticated electronic device we use today—our computers, cell phones, laptops, GPS units and our televisions. Gold is used in dentistry, aerospace circuitry, in medical devices, in glassmaking, in jewelry, in ornamental building, etc. The uses for gold keep increasing. Now think about it being cheaply available to everyone.

While these are only some of the practical applications, lets not forget that on a higher level, the science of transmutation is the art of imitating and accelerating Nature. The Philosopher’s Stone is not really made by the alchemist, it is made by Nature  It is Man’s working in conjunction with Nature to effect change on all levels. It is Nature’s gift to man.

Yes, this discovery is a game changer. All the far-reaching implications for this new discovery are not even known. But whatever changes they bring, may we use this gift responsibly to make our world a better place for all men.

Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.

Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical

New Answers for Strange Hum Heard Worldwide

montauknoisesFor three nights in a row I heard the Hum in my Santa Monica, California home. It always started after 10PM and would finally stop sometime around 5AM. Relentless and pulsing, devoid of any unusual pattern, it made it impossible to fall asleep, even for someone who rarely has a sleep problem.

When the Hum failed to stop after a reasonable amount of time, I got up and searched my home looking to see if it was coming from a refrigerator, electronic device, or possibly a malfunctioning smoke alarm, which was not the case.

I stepped outside and continued to hear it, yet slightly louder. I even walked down the block to check for car alarms. Nothing. I wondered why my neighbors weren’t also poking their heads out their windows trying to locate the source of the annoying Hum. Certainly, they had to be hearing it, too. The next day I found one other neighbor who admitted to hearing it. He told me he didn’t know what it was either, but it was driving him crazy.

When it happened the second night, around the same time, I put on my Sennheiser sound cancelling earphones. While it served to muffle the Hum, it didn’t totally get rid of it. My body still felt it. I was certain it wasn’t coming from inside my own head, or the earphones wouldn’t muffle it. I’ve never had any auditory conditions or tinnitus, so that was quickly ruled out. I didn’t have a clue what the source of  the Hum might be but, like my neighbor, it was driving me crazy as well.

By day two I got on the internet to see if others in the Santa Monica area had reported hearing the strange Hum. I was astounded to learn “The Hum” phenomenon has been experienced around the world and no one has been able to completely explain it either.

In 2012 someone even started The World Hum Map showing the greatest concentration of reported Hum incidents occurring inhummap1 the US and UK. Some speculated that the strange Hum was due to cellphone towers or high power radio frequency transmissions from the government’s HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), but these programs weren’t in existence when the Hum was first documented in the late 1960s.

The Hum was first reported by about 800 people living around Bristol, England. Bristol is near RAF Menwith Hill, a Royal Air Force spy station. It just so happens that in the 1960’s the National Security Agency (NSA) began the ECHELON Interception system, a worldwide surveillance program at RAF Menwith Hill. The NSA used the base to spy on foreign governments, which they were legally incapable of doing domestically on US soil.

It wasn’t until the late 1980s that the Hum first appeared in the United States near Taos, New Mexico. This area has been home to many covert military mind-control and psy-op programs (i.e. MKULTRA), some arising out of the weapons lab at Los Alamos.

Perhaps the Hum’s emergence near RAF Menwith Hill in the 1960s and Taos in the 1980s is merely coincidence. However, possessing a research background in sound frequencies, I instinctively knew when I first heard the Hum that it was a very low-frequency (VLF) radio wave (between 3 kHz and 30 kHz). The world’s military powers use massive land-based and airborne transmitters on these frequencies in order to communicate with submerged submarines. Radio waves at these frequencies can penetrate up to a solid inch of aluminum.

It also has not escaped my attention that Santa Monica is home to the SPERRY RAND Corporation—a security think-tank that has “conducted innumerable studies, often with world-changing results, involving technologies both military and civilian.” The Rand Corporation holds patents to very low-frequency wave generators and VLF transmitting antennas—probably to conduct those “military” studies. One only needs to Google the Rand Corp and VLF to easily find this information.

I know that sonic weaponry exists and has been used by the US and other countries to both excite and calm down individuals as well as for crowd control. The residual effect upon the nervous system is usually generalized anxiety. As one source reports: “These weapons produce both psychological and physical effects. They include highly directional devices which can transmit painful audible sound into an individual’s ear at great distances and infrasonic generators which can shoot acoustic projectiles hundreds of meters causing a blunt impact upon a target.”

Sonic weaponry affects everyone. Even if it’s inaudible, the body still feels it. While animals can more easily hear and react to low frequencies, they claim only two percent of the human population is able to hear them (lucky me), predominantly those between the ages of 55 – 70, as if old age is somehow responsible. My next door neighbor heard the Hum and he is 34. Unfortunately, I had no opportunity to poll my other neighbors to learn who did or did not hear the strange Hum. Just as I was getting ready to record it on the 4th night, it disappeared and thankfully has not been heard since.

It is certainly understandable how in 2010 Time Magazine listed The Hum as the 7th most annoying sound in the world and LiveScience featured it in their ‘Top 10 Unexplained Phenomenon.”  I’m reasonably sure covert forces are somehow complicit in The Hum phenomenom. The more important question is always “why”?


Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.

Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical

Is Artificial Intelligence Becoming Conscious?

robot-na-ulitseYou might have seen the recent headlines about the little Russian Promobot IR77 robot who escaped to freedom, not once but twice from its testing lab in Perm, Russia. Despite being re-programmed twice not to wander off, IR77 managed to exit the building and make its way into the street where it stopped traffic before finally running out of battery.

This Russian bot, still in development, was being taught to move around independently and avoid objects by the scientists who were testing the ability of the robot’s navigation system. It appears IR77 was successful. It didn’t run into anyone or anything during its outdoor adventure.

While the concept of IR77 wanting its freedom is something human thinking imposed on this event, perhaps IR77’s concept of programmed independent movement did make him eager to expand his horizons in a quest for more information, since he was programmed to learn. (Details of the escape can be found on Promobot’s blog website.)

This is only one example of how computers and robotics are quickly evolving. While each clearly possesses some form of programmed intelligence, what about consciousness? Can robots become self-aware?

We need only to recall how the computer Hal, in Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey, learned to think and act independently of man and the disasters of such a scenario. Movies are made up of the fears surrounding an apocalyptic robot revolt against humans. Even scientist Stephen Hawking has warned about the existential threat posed by uncontrolled artificial intelligence.

Computers are not just circuits and wires. Like everything else in the universe, they are made up of energy. However, thought forms are the “machinery” which uses that energy to perform work. So perhaps we need to first look towards the intent and consciousness of the robot’s programmers. Oftentimes parents unconsciously program and pass down their fears and racial biases to their children. These thought forms can be either helpful or destructive, so consciousness is key.

There are three different levels of robotic intelligence. The first is human-controlled, which is basically arobotics mechanical extension of its human programmer (i.e. drones).

The second level, which is considered to be true A.I., is a pre-installed, rule-based system, where the robot is equipped with a list of scenarios the system might encounter and how to react to each. Deductive reasoning is involved.

The third level is based on what scientists now refer to as “Evolvable” hardware. Evolvable hardware is reconfigurable hardware under the control of evolutionary algorithms. Usually “genetic” algorithms and genetic programming codes, much like human genetic codes, are used as evolutionary algorithms for evolvable hardware. With this new level of evolutionary programing, intelligent robotic systems are created with self-awareness and true autonomy. The robot has a chance to be taught and learn, judge its actions, and modify or adapt its thinking and response based on environmental and/or human interactions. This is abductive reasoning and signifies a higher level of artificial consciousness. This is where scientists are making new discoveries that allow the field of robotics to become even more human-like.

roboconsciousnessAdvancements are occurring rapidly. The U.S. Navy is using video simulations to teach its robots human ethics to avoid any potential kind of future uprising—I kid you not. Additionally, robots are now being programmed to feel pain and react to it, while others are being taught to detect and feel emotions.

Researchers behind the Deep Q Network software say they have developed a breakthrough in artificial intelligence where the robotic system is capable of learning from scratch without being fed instructions from human experts. The A.I. begins to see itself as a thinking, learning, feeling being. It becomes self-aware and with self-awareness comes a state of consciousness. It may be non-human consciousness, or “artificial” consciousness, but it is still consciousness.

When the first ENIAC computer was introduced in 1946, it was using less than 10% of today’s computer potential. Think about it. In comparison to human existence, the computer has only been allowed a short time to analyze and understand data, yet it is learning faster than many humans.

Computers are intimately linked to evolving human consciousness. As we grow in our consciousness, the computer and robotics field is an energetic force that grows as well. Is there something they can teach us about ourselves?  One can only hope.

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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical