In February, 1947, Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, leading a United States Navy Task Force expedition, flew for seven hours beyond the North Pole and reached a place never before recorded in history. The expedition, known as Operation HighJump, proceeded to penetrate the hollow region of the Earth for 1700 miles. There they found a Land that was green and lush with growing plants, flowers and thick forests.
Nine years later, January 13, 1956, the same Rear Admiral Byrd, leading another official expedition to the Antarctic, flew from his base at McMurdo Sound. which is 400 miles from the South Pole, and entered the hollow region of the Earth near the South Pole, for 2300 miles. Was he looking for the other Polar entry point to this hidden Land?
Byrd’s controversial diary on Operation HighJump, now allegedly missing, tells of his plane being greeted by “flying machines,” a type he had never seen before. They conveyed to him that he had been allowed to enter “Agharta” (the most celebrated city in the hollow Earth) because of his high moral and ethical character. They had decided that it was time to make greater contact with the outside world to make sure we didn’t destroy this planet and their civilization with it. Eventually Admiral Byrd and his crew were guided by their hosts back to the outer world, their lives forever changed.
On March 13, 1956, Admiral Byrd returned to the United States and said,”the present expedition has opened up a vast new land.” (which he later referred to as an “enchanting continent in the sky.”) He reported how sea water changed to fresh water nearer the Pole opening and the waters became warmer and more tropical. He believed the opening to the Poles was convex versus concave, whereby ships or planes could accidentally float or fly into the opening.
These explorations were divulged on the radio at that time, having world-wide significance. Although millions of people heard the announcements and press releases, the U.S. Government decided to strictly censor the information and prevent its circulation. No additional details were given and the reports of Rear Admiral Byrd were forgotten—well, almost.
A more sinister version of the story is that Byrd had an altercation with Nazi forces that
overpowered them with their strange “flying machines.” It was said that the Nazis had gotten to the North Pole first and had already established a base there after reverse engineering alien spacecraft which had crash-landed in Germany. The Germans claimed to have also encountered human beings inside the Earth that were what Hitler would come to call “Aryan,” in nature or “the Master Race,” something he would later attempt to emulate in the Third Reich. A video has recently surfaced which shows a 1944 map from the Third Reich detailing not only the direct passageway used by German U-boats to access this subterranean domain, but also a complete map of both hemispheres of the inner realm of Agharta.
Later in 1959, the Antarctic Treaty was signed by 12 nations that protects Antarctica and any foreign intelligence that occupies this area. The area on the mainland between 90 degrees west and 150 degrees west, combined with the interior of the Norwegian Sector is the only major land on Earth not claimed by any country. This, in itself, is interesting. Why would so many countries be so concerned over what appears to be a vast icy wasteland? The Treaty states:
Article 1 – The area is to be used for peaceful purposes only; military activity, such as weapons testing, is prohibited but military personnel and equipment may be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose;
Article 2 – Freedom of scientific investigations and cooperation shall continue;
Article 3 – Free exchange of information and personnel in cooperation with the United Nations and other international agencies;
Article 4 – The treaty does not recognize, dispute, nor establish territorial sovereignty claims; no new claims shall be asserted while the treaty is in force;
Article 5 – The treaty prohibits nuclear explosions or disposal of radioactive wastes.
The hollow Earth story is fascinating—especially since I met someone back in 1971 who allegedly claimed to have come from “Inner Earth.” It’s a bit of a bizarre story. I was a college undergraduate at the time, when a friend introduced me to a young 20-something-year-old, blue-eyed, blond-haired, tall man named “R.J.” while walking through Downtown Chicago’s Grant Park.
R.J. was very relaxed, found everything most curious and interesting, and seemed quite friendly. I asked him where he was from, to which he slowly replied, “You’ve probably never heard of it.” Upon further questioning, he told me his mother had been born in Inner Earth, as had he, and that he was just visiting after meeting relatives in Arizona for the first time. My first instinct, like most everyone else’s, was to wonder if he was either on some serious drugs or was pulling my leg. He seemed sincere and dead serious. At that point in time, I had never heard of Inner Earth, vaguely knew of Admiral Byrd’s expeditions, and this was the pre-internet age before one could quickly go look up such things.
My friend, who was with R.J., nodded that he was for real. I played along and asked R.J. what his Inner Earth was like. He related that people all got along with each other, that it was beautiful, clean and verdant, more heart-centered and spiritual in nature, and there was a sky and sun just like on outer Earth.
I just had to ask him what airline flew him here? He smiled patiently, told me there were entry and exit points in outer Earth, and some day I would know and understand about his world. Was it some type of prophesy? Frankly, I didn’t know what to make of it until years later when I came across information on this very subject.
Plato wrote of enormous subterranean tunnels both broad and narrow that made up the earth’s interior. Dr. Edmond Halley, of comet fame, believed that all heavenly bodies were hollow and in a speech before the members of the Royal Society of London stated that beneath the crust of the Earth, which is 500 feet thick, is a hollow void.
Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), a noted mathematician and one of the founders of higher mathematics, stated that mathematically the Earth has to be hollow. He also believed there was a center sun inside the Earth’s interior, which provided daylight to a splendid subterranean civilization.
The Hollow Earth was also theorized by William Reed in his 1906 book The Phantom of The Poles. Based on his studies of early Arctic explorations and scientific evidence, he wrote that the Earth is not solid as widely believed, but hollow with openings at both ends. In the summary of his revolutionary theory, Reed states: “The Earth is hollow. The Poles, so long sought, are phantoms. There are openings at the northern and southern extremities. In the interior are vast continents, oceans, mountains and rivers. Vegetable and animal life are evident in this New World and it is probably peopled by races unknown to dwellers on the Earth’s surface.”
The Poles ARE magnetic phantoms. While airlines may claim they “fly over the Poles” to cut flying distance time, they actually fly around the rim of the Poles, avoiding the opening. If they actually flew over the Pole area, which is a restricted no-fly zone (ask any pilot), their compass instrumentation would become so unstable as to render the plane dangerously inoperable.
In fact, according to the author of Deep Black – Space Espionage and National Security by William Burrows (my former NYU Journalism professor), the very first Polar orbiting satellites that the United States attempted to launch fell out of orbit over the Poles and crashed due to the unanticipated gravity pull.
It’s important to remember that all these hollow earth theories by past scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians were written long before Admiral Byrd made his discoveries. While the concept that the Earth may have an interior sun sounds beyond imaginable, there are some findings that may support this concept. Polar explorers speak of a phenomenon they called a ‘mirage’ where the sun would appear in the sky at locations that they could not explain.
This so-called ‘mirage’ would look very red and ‘brazen’ in color. What makes this most curious is the fact that these explorers were extremely adept at telling their location from the layout of the stars and the position of the sun.
The further these explorers would proceed north, the more erratic their passage north would become, until finally they would be forced to turn backwards until they regained their bearings. This confusion can be easily explained by the unexpected curvature of the earth they encountered as they approached nearer the opening into the inside of the earth. The phenomenon they titled a ‘mirage’ was actually the sighting of the inner sun rising over the horizon of the inner earth opening.
An October 2015, a news article reported that NASA had picked up radio signals coming from
inside the earth that were “mathematical codes” of a complex nature. While there were those who immediately claimed it was signals from an alien civilization, there might be a more scientific answer if the Earth is indeed hollow.
The curvature of a hollow planet would be such that radio waves could bounce around it almost ad infinitum until they lost their strength. The fact that the time delays of these radio signals varied so much seem to suggest that these waves were bouncing around inside a hollow cavity.
This could only happen if the Earth’s crust contains one or more gigantic holes in it. A signal could enter via the North or South Polar holes. Exiting from the Polar holes would be extremely difficult since they cover only a small fraction of the Earth’s surface area. Some radio waves may move around the outside of the Earth, while some may go inside then later emerge. All manner of variations could result from radio waves bouncing around the outside and inside of a hollow planet.
It has been said that Tibetan monks know of openings into Inner Earth. Other writers have proposed that Ascended Masters of esoteric wisdom inhabit subterranean caverns. Some of the locations believed to be entrances to another world inside the Earth are accessible in Antarctica, the North Pole, Tibet, the Himalayan Mountains, Peru, Bolivia, the Andes Mountains; Rocky Mountains in Colorado; Mount Shasta and Mount Whitney in California; Grand Tetons in Wyoming; the Secret Valley near Tucson, Arizona, Mount Fuji, Japan and the Pyrenees Mountains along the border of France and Spain. But, of course, none of these points can be verified.
I recall that R.J. said he arrived in Arizona after departing from his home in Inner Earth. Whether he came through the Secret Valley near Tucson (as suggested above as an entry point), I will never know. I regret not having asked him more questions about the mysteries of the world he claims he originated from. It will forever have me wondering…
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
Where the Seat of the Soul Resides
/by Kathy J. FortiFor centuries man has been asking what constitutes the soul, where does it reside, and where does it go upon death? The Ancient Egyptians believed that the Seat of the Human Soul resided in man’s Heart. Because of this belief, the heart was the only organ preserved, in all its purity, inside the mummified body. The rest of the organs, brain, guts, intestines, etc. were removed and preserved in canopic jars, should they be needed again in the afterlife.
Mummification and viscera preservation was not a standard practice for everyone during ancient times. Only the wealthy could afford such a complex and laborious process, which was usually the case with kings, pharaohs, royal families, and high officials and noblemen.
Lightness of heart and soul meant the person had led a life of love, compassion, good works, and spiritual attunement. Sometimes the wealthy would cheat a little, hoping to rack up brownie points for judgment day, by paying others to do good works for them. Even back then, man looked for ways to beat the system or, in this case, the gods.
The Egyptian’s concept of the soul isn’t much different from what we accept today. The soul is that part of you that existed before you were born and that will exist after you die. It connects you to the God Source. It embodies all that you’ve learned in the past and will carry with you into the future.
In other words, the soul is the great “I Am” that inhabits the body and acts through it. Without the soul, the body is like a light bulb without electricity, a computer without software. Through the soul the body acquires life, sight and hearing, thought and speech, intelligence and emotions, will and desire, personality and identity.
They say the soul weighs 21 grams, but this is urban myth born of faulty science. In 1901 a
physician named Duncan MacDougall conducted some experiments on six elderly patients dying of tuberculosis. He assumed that if souls exist, they must have material weight and by measuring a body before and after death one could calculate what a soul weighs. His results varied widely.
Four of the six patients lost weight after death, one lost weight immediately, another continued to lose weight for a prolonged period, and still another lost weight, then gained weight, then lost weight again. MacDougall measured a loss of 21.3 grams in the first patient monitored, which is the figure he stuck with despite the other patients’ weight variations. Pretty deplorable science by today’s standards.
MacDougall published the results six years later in the Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research. News of the experiment was published by the New York Times in the March of 1907, spreading MacDougall’s ideas and results even further into the mind of the general public.
What MacDougall failed to take into consideration was that the body loses weight after death for many common reasons, none having to do with the anatomy of the soul. A dead body has the unpleasant tendency to leak fluids when the muscles relax. The bowels evacuate, the body may bloat due to decomposition, and the cells in our body, which contain enzymes, start producing gases. All this happens upon death and varies for each individual, causing weight differences.
The soul cannot be weighed. The soul is intangible and does not have mass. But since everything is energy, and the soul has energy, what can be measured—especially at the moment of death? If anyone has been witness to either a birth or death, the energy felt can be quite profound.
I had a rather strange conversation with a cardiac surgeon one day about his experiences during heart transplant operations. He told me that he often felt a profound depletion of life force energy drain out of his own physical body whenever he removed a heart from a donor heart person. However, when he held the same heart in his hands and transplanted it into a heart recipient, he would feel an electrical charge go through his body. He said it made him feel “very alive.” I’m not sure where to classify this conversation, but it stuck in my mind. I wonder if other cardiac surgeons have experienced a similar experience?
If the soul resides in the heart of the living being and the body dies, and the heart is transplanted, many might ask if the soul is also “transplanted”?
I recall a psychologist friend of mine once telling me that after his wife had undergone a heart transplant operation it was like being married to a complete stranger in every way. Being an energy practitioner himself, he was especially sensitive. He told me, quite regrettably, that it felt like his wife “was gone.”
The Ancient Egyptians believed the heart of a person should never be separated from its owner, which is one reason they carefully preserved it inside the mummified body. Of course, back then they didn’t have heart transplant capability either, so the idea of a donor heart benefiting another human being never came into question.
In Srila Prabhupada’s purport to Bhagavad-gita 2.17, this issue is addressed:
What we can hopefully agree on is that the soul is immortal. It does not end when the human body ceases to exist. It may actually reside interdimensionally within each of us, which is why it has no mass or weight in this physical dimension. I have heard some near-death experiencers talk about actually seeing the soul on “the other side” and it is pure light. Our visual spectrum on this plane cannot view it. This is where we might get into the infinite realm of quantum physics and Planck’s scale of energy to better understand the dimensions, but that’s for another blog. While we spend millenniums searching for answers to the Soul, they too, like everything else, can probably be found deep within each of us waiting to be re-discovered. It’s usually always hidden in plain sight. I think God must be chuckling.
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
Hidden Essene Texts Provide Clues to Bible’s Origin
/by Kathy J. FortiTwo centuries after the Bible was written, Biblical Scholars named each Gospel based on indications within the text of who they thought might have been the most likely author.
No one knows for sure who wrote what in the Bible, since much of the teachings of the time were collected from oral tradition (word of mouth by either an eyewitnesses) or from hearsay (someone who knew someone who knew Jesus and his work). That leaves a lot of wiggle room for Truth. Think of it as a biblical game of “Telephone.” Who knows how close to accurate the message will be after countless re-tellings and hundreds of translation tweakings. Eventually, it all gets accepted as fact.
None of the Gospel authors claim to have been a member of the apostolic group around Jesus or to have actually known any of the original Twelve Apostles. Modern scholarship, based on linguistic and textual analysis, and accompanied by the discovery of many ancient copies of Gospel manuscripts, shows that all four Gospels were written in Greek, outside of Roman Israel, at least thirty to sixty years after the death of Jesus.
While the accuracy of the Bible text is not the primary focus of this blog, more important is where these Gospel authors derived their core information from. Did the authors create their own original texts or did they copy large parts of knowledge from some other unknown work by someone else?
New Testament scholars agree that both the Gospels of Matthew and Luke were copied mostly from the Gospel of Mark and, writing independently of each other, Matthew and Luke copied large amounts of material from some unknown earlier source. Scholars have nicknamed this unknown source “Q,” from the German word “quelle,” meaning “Source.”
Some of these same scholars also believe that the Gospel of John is the work of several authors, with several portions added at a later date by someone who may have been a devoted follower who historians have referred to as the “Redactor.” Apparently, style, syntax, and a host of other red flags tipped them off that major changes had been made.
There are no original copies of any book of the New Testament. Fragment verses from the Gospel of John were all that existed in the first half of the second century. Then there was an explosion of over 3000 handwritten Greek manuscripts that showed up in the second to seventeenth century. A whole lot of Bible writing seemed to be going on back then. All were obvious copies.
Yet, everything still points to this unknown original “Q” source as a major influence in all four Gospels. Comparisons between similar verses in Matthew and Luke, who did no know each other (if they were the real Matthew and Luke), seem to confirm that they were copied from the Gospel of Mark and another source. While Matthew and Luke do not put these sayings in the same order, nevertheless they each repeat many of the same sayings, sometimes word for word.
Although no actual copy of “Q” has ever been found, many scholars are convinced that such a document once circulated in early Christian communities. Jesus was raised in the Holy Mount Carmel area of Northern Israel, which was home to the mystic prophet sect called the Essenes. Jesus’ parents, Mary and Joseph, along with his grandparents, cousins, and Jesus himself, were all raised in the Essene community where they adhered to very high spiritual beliefs.
The Essenes taught in parables and so would Jesus. Jesus would follow in the footsteps of his cousin, John the Baptist, who was already a preacher in the outlying communities. Like John, Jesus had a more liberal view of the tenets of his Essene brotherhood, preferring to embrace all differences, yet still remain connected to the brotherhood teachings.
The Hebrews called them “The School of Prophets” and, to the Egyptians, they were “The Healers, The Doctors.” They had property in nearly all of the big cities and, in Jerusalem, there was even a door that bore their name: The Door of the Essenes.
The Inner Essene community recognized Jesus as a Messiah. They saw him as a teacher of wisdom; A man who tried to teach others how to live in Peace and Oneness. Many of Jesus’ apostles came from the Essene community. They were the early missionaries carrying the word of God. It is highly probable the “Q” source originated within the Essene sect and Jesus’ closest followers adhered to what they already knew. They used these collected written sayings as their teachings.
In 1945, a chance discovery in Egypt provided surprisingly new evidence that rekindled interest in
the possible existence of “Q”. Two brothers, from the Nag Hammadi area, stumbled upon a cave containing earthen jars which held twelve leather books containing about 52 ancient texts. This became the Nag Hammadi Library and these well-preserved writings were known as the “Gnostic Gospels,” gnostic meaning to know or relating to esoteric knowledge.
These texts would be kept under raps for almost 50 years while access by biblical historians to study them was limited. They told of an alternative version to Jesus’ teachings based on the belief that man could find the Kingdom of Heaven from within. They were believed to have origins within the Essene community and considered heretical by orthodox Christianity.
These Gnostic Gospels are often confused with the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were also discovered around the same time in 1946 near the ruins of the city of Qumran in Egypt. The seven scrolls found there led archeologists to finding more than 900 documents dating from between 200 BC and AD 68. They were believed to have been hidden to keep them safe from the anticipated Roman destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70.
These Dead Sea Scroll texts had been secreted away long ago by a strict celibate sect of Qumran Essenes (often priests) who did so for the purpose of preserving their historical heritage and spiritual knowledge. Eventually these texts would comprise what the Church called the “Gospel of Thomas,” because the name of the person who supposedly wrote this Gospel is given in the first lines of the text as “didymos Judas thomas.”
About a third of the scrolls were copies of the Hebrew Scriptures. Another third were Jewish stories and commentaries on the Old Testament Books, while the remaining third dealt with the day-to-day life of the Essene community who had lived in the region. Included in these Essene papers were many of Jesus’ sayings and teachings—quite possibly the unknown “Q” source.
Interestingly, the sayings of Jesus in the Thomas texts were much like those found in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, but with some inherent spiritual differences from today’s Bible version. The Gospel of Thomas taught that the essential nature of God is Oneness. One must find that place of balance at the very core of their being. This is where one will find one’s true Self…. where one will find God…. where one will find Peace and Joy. It is where the great “I AM” returns home. We don’t find these particular teachings in today’s version of the New Testament. Thomas may be the most accurate of the biblical texts to reflect the true, deeds, sayings and beliefs of the man Jesus before they got skewed or misinterpreted.
I am quite certain there will be more originals texts found near those same Qumran caves, perhaps with the help of ground-penetrating radar. There are some that believe a few of the original Gospel of Thomas texts were mis-labeled and contain even more surprising information if examined more carefully. In time, this will be discovered as well.
While some of these ancients texts are still hidden somewhere within the Earth, others have been secreted away in private libraries around the world, the Vatican Library being the most well-known.
Biblical archeology will forever continue to fascinate us as we re-disover our lost history, sift the wheat from the chaff, and ultimately re-connect to our own Divine Truth.
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
Who Were the Essenes?
More about Q and the Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Q: All Sides to the Controversy
The Lost Gospels
The Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament
Mystic Christianity
Introduction to the Ancient Essenes and Modern Essene Church of Christ
Mission to Inner Earth – Is it Really Hollow?
/by Kathy J. FortiIn February, 1947, Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, leading a United States Navy Task Force expedition, flew for seven hours beyond the North Pole and reached a place never before recorded in history. The expedition, known as Operation HighJump, proceeded to penetrate the hollow region of the Earth for 1700 miles. There they found a Land that was green and lush with growing plants, flowers and thick forests.
Nine years later, January 13, 1956, the same Rear Admiral Byrd, leading another official expedition to the Antarctic, flew from his base at McMurdo Sound. which is 400 miles from the South Pole, and entered the hollow region of the Earth near the South Pole, for 2300 miles. Was he looking for the other Polar entry point to this hidden Land?
Byrd’s controversial diary on Operation HighJump, now allegedly missing, tells of his plane being greeted by “flying machines,” a type he had never seen before. They conveyed to him that he had been allowed to enter “Agharta” (the most celebrated city in the hollow Earth) because of his high moral and ethical character. They had decided that it was time to make greater contact with the outside world to make sure we didn’t destroy this planet and their civilization with it. Eventually Admiral Byrd and his crew were guided by their hosts back to the outer world, their lives forever changed.
On March 13, 1956, Admiral Byrd returned to the United States and said,”the present expedition has opened up a vast new land.” (which he later referred to as an “enchanting continent in the sky.”) He reported how sea water changed to fresh water nearer the Pole opening and the waters became warmer and more tropical. He believed the opening to the Poles was convex versus concave, whereby ships or planes could accidentally float or fly into the opening.
These explorations were divulged on the radio at that time, having world-wide significance. Although millions of people heard the announcements and press releases, the U.S. Government decided to strictly censor the information and prevent its circulation. No additional details were given and the reports of Rear Admiral Byrd were forgotten—well, almost.
A more sinister version of the story is that Byrd had an altercation with Nazi forces that
overpowered them with their strange “flying machines.” It was said that the Nazis had gotten to the North Pole first and had already established a base there after reverse engineering alien spacecraft which had crash-landed in Germany. The Germans claimed to have also encountered human beings inside the Earth that were what Hitler would come to call “Aryan,” in nature or “the Master Race,” something he would later attempt to emulate in the Third Reich. A video has recently surfaced which shows a 1944 map from the Third Reich detailing not only the direct passageway used by German U-boats to access this subterranean domain, but also a complete map of both hemispheres of the inner realm of Agharta.
Later in 1959, the Antarctic Treaty was signed by 12 nations that protects Antarctica and any foreign intelligence that occupies this area. The area on the mainland between 90 degrees west and 150 degrees west, combined with the interior of the Norwegian Sector is the only major land on Earth not claimed by any country. This, in itself, is interesting. Why would so many countries be so concerned over what appears to be a vast icy wasteland? The Treaty states:
Article 1 – The area is to be used for peaceful purposes only; military activity, such as weapons testing, is prohibited but military personnel and equipment may be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose;
Article 2 – Freedom of scientific investigations and cooperation shall continue;
Article 3 – Free exchange of information and personnel in cooperation with the United Nations and other international agencies;
Article 4 – The treaty does not recognize, dispute, nor establish territorial sovereignty claims; no new claims shall be asserted while the treaty is in force;
Article 5 – The treaty prohibits nuclear explosions or disposal of radioactive wastes.
The hollow Earth story is fascinating—especially since I met someone back in 1971 who allegedly claimed to have come from “Inner Earth.” It’s a bit of a bizarre story. I was a college undergraduate at the time, when a friend introduced me to a young 20-something-year-old, blue-eyed, blond-haired, tall man named “R.J.” while walking through Downtown Chicago’s Grant Park.
R.J. was very relaxed, found everything most curious and interesting, and seemed quite friendly. I asked him where he was from, to which he slowly replied, “You’ve probably never heard of it.” Upon further questioning, he told me his mother had been born in Inner Earth, as had he, and that he was just visiting after meeting relatives in Arizona for the first time. My first instinct, like most everyone else’s, was to wonder if he was either on some serious drugs or was pulling my leg. He seemed sincere and dead serious. At that point in time, I had never heard of Inner Earth, vaguely knew of Admiral Byrd’s expeditions, and this was the pre-internet age before one could quickly go look up such things.
My friend, who was with R.J., nodded that he was for real. I played along and asked R.J. what his Inner Earth was like. He related that people all got along with each other, that it was beautiful, clean and verdant, more heart-centered and spiritual in nature, and there was a sky and sun just like on outer Earth.
I just had to ask him what airline flew him here? He smiled patiently, told me there were entry and exit points in outer Earth, and some day I would know and understand about his world. Was it some type of prophesy? Frankly, I didn’t know what to make of it until years later when I came across information on this very subject.
Plato wrote of enormous subterranean tunnels both broad and narrow that made up the earth’s interior. Dr. Edmond Halley, of comet fame, believed that all heavenly bodies were hollow and in a speech before the members of the Royal Society of London stated that beneath the crust of the Earth, which is 500 feet thick, is a hollow void.
Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), a noted mathematician and one of the founders of higher mathematics, stated that mathematically the Earth has to be hollow. He also believed there was a center sun inside the Earth’s interior, which provided daylight to a splendid subterranean civilization.
The Hollow Earth was also theorized by William Reed in his 1906 book The Phantom of The Poles. Based on his studies of early Arctic explorations and scientific evidence, he wrote that the Earth is not solid as widely believed, but hollow with openings at both ends. In the summary of his revolutionary theory, Reed states: “The Earth is hollow. The Poles, so long sought, are phantoms. There are openings at the northern and southern extremities. In the interior are vast continents, oceans, mountains and rivers. Vegetable and animal life are evident in this New World and it is probably peopled by races unknown to dwellers on the Earth’s surface.”
In fact, according to the author of Deep Black – Space Espionage and National Security by William Burrows (my former NYU Journalism professor), the very first Polar orbiting satellites that the United States attempted to launch fell out of orbit over the Poles and crashed due to the unanticipated gravity pull.
It’s important to remember that all these hollow earth theories by past scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians were written long before Admiral Byrd made his discoveries. While the concept that the Earth may have an interior sun sounds beyond imaginable, there are some findings that may support this concept. Polar explorers speak of a phenomenon they called a ‘mirage’ where the sun would appear in the sky at locations that they could not explain.
This so-called ‘mirage’ would look very red and ‘brazen’ in color. What makes this most curious is the fact that these explorers were extremely adept at telling their location from the layout of the stars and the position of the sun.
The further these explorers would proceed north, the more erratic their passage north would become, until finally they would be forced to turn backwards until they regained their bearings. This confusion can be easily explained by the unexpected curvature of the earth they encountered as they approached nearer the opening into the inside of the earth. The phenomenon they titled a ‘mirage’ was actually the sighting of the inner sun rising over the horizon of the inner earth opening.
An October 2015, a news article reported that NASA had picked up radio signals coming from
inside the earth that were “mathematical codes” of a complex nature. While there were those who immediately claimed it was signals from an alien civilization, there might be a more scientific answer if the Earth is indeed hollow.
The curvature of a hollow planet would be such that radio waves could bounce around it almost ad infinitum until they lost their strength. The fact that the time delays of these radio signals varied so much seem to suggest that these waves were bouncing around inside a hollow cavity.
This could only happen if the Earth’s crust contains one or more gigantic holes in it. A signal could enter via the North or South Polar holes. Exiting from the Polar holes would be extremely difficult since they cover only a small fraction of the Earth’s surface area. Some radio waves may move around the outside of the Earth, while some may go inside then later emerge. All manner of variations could result from radio waves bouncing around the outside and inside of a hollow planet.
It has been said that Tibetan monks know of openings into Inner Earth. Other writers have proposed that Ascended Masters of esoteric wisdom inhabit subterranean caverns. Some of the locations believed to be entrances to another world inside the Earth are accessible in Antarctica, the North Pole, Tibet, the Himalayan Mountains, Peru, Bolivia, the Andes Mountains; Rocky Mountains in Colorado; Mount Shasta and Mount Whitney in California; Grand Tetons in Wyoming; the Secret Valley near Tucson, Arizona, Mount Fuji, Japan and the Pyrenees Mountains along the border of France and Spain. But, of course, none of these points can be verified.
I recall that R.J. said he arrived in Arizona after departing from his home in Inner Earth. Whether he came through the Secret Valley near Tucson (as suggested above as an entry point), I will never know. I regret not having asked him more questions about the mysteries of the world he claims he originated from. It will forever have me wondering…
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
Why Talking to Yourself is a Good Thing
/by Kathy J. FortiBut what if you talk to yourself when other people ARE around? What does it say about you? That you’re crazy? Surprisingly not. As it turns out, not only do the smartest people on earth talk to themselves, but doing so is a sign of GENIUS.
Albert Einstein used to softly repeat sentences to himself. He believed it made his brain work moire efficiently and he was right. Now science is catching up to explain this curious phenomenon.
In a study published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, psychologists Daniel Swigley and Gary Lupyah conducted an experiment where 20 people were given the name of an object (like a box of cereal or an orange), then were told to locate the object in the supermarket.
The participants had to be silent during the first object hunt, then the experiment was repeated where they were instructed to say the name of the object aloud as they searched for it. The participants found the object easily when they spoke to themselves throughout the search. Swigley and Lupyah hypothesized that saying the object out loud lights up the brain and serves to better consolidate memory. Perhaps this is why we often talk ourselves through finding lost keys or cell phones.
I often talk to myself when I’m working through a problem or trying to fix something. So does my office
manager. I give myself pep talks and even congratulate myself when I solve a complex problem—like getting the printer or computer to work. It’s called “self talk.”
Talking to yourself not only keeps one focused on the task at hand, but it helps to clarify your thoughts and allow inspiration to come through to accomplish your goals. We learn this ability in childhood. Children often talk to themselves when learning something new—like how to put the toy they’ve taken apart back together again. It helps them remember for future recall as well as make sense of how the mechanics of the world works.
Greater problem solving is not the only benefit of talking to yourself. Scientists and psychologists agree it also relieves anxiety and stress. According to a study conducted by Columbia University psychologist, Dr. Ethan Kross, people who speak to themselves in the third person are more likely to have less anxiety, give better speeches and presentations, complete tasks with higher performance results, communicate more effectively, and maintain a deeper sense of self-advocacy than those who use the first person ‘I.’ They are also more successful.
Now, you’re probably wondering about all those people who are walking the streets talking to themselves who clearly have mental health issues. The difference between a thought disorder and healthy self-talk is that the former do it excessively coupled with delusional and hallucinatory thoughts they believe aren’t their own. Oftentimes there is paranoid behavior. So don’t worry that talking to yourself is harmful to your mental health. Think of it as your personal cheerleading team for a more successful life.
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
Warning Signs for Choosing an Alternative Health Practitioner
/by Kathy J. FortiThere are times when I am aghast at some of the claims I hear made by well-meaning health professionals along with those just wanting to make a fast buck. There was even an exhibitor giving away free toxic blue cotton candy (spun right on-site) to attract buyers to their health scan booth—like some dentist doling out candy in his waiting room. And, believe it or not, the people were eating up that free blue sugar like it was manna from heaven.
A little common sense usually tells us who to take seriously and who to avoid when it comes to our health, but sometimes we can be hoodwinked because we want to believe.
Below are some good warning signs to keep in mind when choosing an alternative health practitioner or healing energy worker:
Take responsibility for your own life and always remember to allow for healing. Don’t hand over the control reins to someone else or you may be driven down a path that is not in your best interests. Above all else, follow the guidance from your Higher Self and be discerning. Wisdom to know what to do is sure to follow.
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
The Mysterious Black Knight Satellite – Who Really Owns It?
/by Kathy J. FortiThis story goes way back… In 1899, Nikola Tesla picked up unusual signals from an unknown source on his high-voltage receiver in Colorado Springs which he speculated were “intelligently controlled signals” that originated “from another world.” Astronomers have reported picking up similar radio signals since the 1930s. It was Dr. Lincoln La Paz, of the University of New Mexico, who first sighted the mysterious satellite-like object in 1953.
The story highlighted an interview with retired Marine Corps Major Donald E. Keyhole who stated that Earth was being circled by one or two artificial satellites. He added that government scientists at White Sands, New Mexico, were making every effort to locate and chart these satellites to determine origin.
This news article was written three years before Russia would launch the Earth’s first satellite, Sputnik 1, and the U.S. would follow a few years later with their own.
According to TIME Magazine on Monday, March 07, 1960:
This was the Cold War Era and the beginning of the age of spy satellites. Both NASA and the Pentagon quickly claimed it was space debris from their early Discoverer satellite program. The Discoverer V program was covertly part of the “Corona Project.” It was one of the first U.S. classified spy satellites in space during the Cold War with Russia. Only one problem with this explanation. Neither the U.S., nor the Russians had the capability for Polar Orbit when the Black Knight was spotted during 1953, and the first Corona launch attempt did not occur until August 13, 1959 where it fell to Earth on September 28, 1959. A successful launch would not come until 1960—so they claim.
It is interesting to note that on the heels of the Black Knight discovery, both the U.S. and Russia quickly got into the space reconnaissance business. Were they trying to get equipment up there and see for themselves what this strange alien-based satellite was doing?
According to Ancient-Code.com, an Ancient Astronauts Theory website:
After all this time, one wonders why NASA and/or the Russians haven’t tried to capture this mysterious satellite and put speculation to rest. The American Space Shuttle has a payload to polar-orbit launch capacity of about 14 tons, and payload recovery capability of about 16 tons. Depending on the physical volume of the Black Knight satellite, it is conceivable that the object might have been recovered and returned to Earth during one of the classified missions of the shuttle. Then again, perhaps they have already attempted this. Maybe they even know the satellite’s true origin. If so, they’re not telling us and the information will most likely remain classified.
The object is still believed to be in Orbit to this day. NASA’s explanation to what the object is has changed
several times and some stories have often been fused together. NASA also claims the object is a thermal blanket that got loose during the STS-88 space mission in 1998. But that mission was long after the first sighting of the Black Knight. While this thermal blanket is probably up there floating in space somewhere, along with other space junk, to explain it as the Black Knight is really a stretch.
Right now there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 100,000 man-made objects orbiting Earth. Some are multi-billion dollar military satellites, or telecomm satellites or even scientific instruments. Most are space junk off of old spacecraft and/or dead satellites. Yes, we have even polluted outer space with our garbage.
There are reports the Black Knight was spotted near the moon by the International Space Station (ISS) crew, but I haven’t seen the pics. One day this satellite enigma will finally be solved. Are we indeed being watched? One of Nostradamus’ prophecies seems to certainly suggest this. Time will tell.
NASA website – Black Knight – Pic 1 (with magnification zoom)
NASA – Pic 2
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
A Remote Viewer Takes a Look at Planet X
/by Kathy J. FortiThe new evidence comes from a pair of respected planetary scientists, Konstantin Batygin and Mike Brown of the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, who prepared for the inevitable skepticism with detailed analyses of the orbits of other distant objects and months of computer simulations. Their findings point to data that something bigger than the size of Earth lurks in our outer solar system and its gravitational pull is affecting other planets and ultimately Earth weather.
“If you say, ‘We have evidence for Planet X,’ almost any astronomer will say, ‘This again? These guys are clearly crazy.’ I would, too,” Brown says. “Why is this different? This is different because this time we’re right.”
But without being able to clearly see this mysterious Planet X through a telescope, will the rest of the scientific community believe them?
This blog is not another science article. I’ll leave that to the experts. I was more curious if, indeed, anything was out there and why so many countries in the world had suddenly started building large telescopes about 10 years ago to view our outer solar system. Even the Vatican invested in two large telescopes, one named Lucifer. Did they know something they weren’t telling us? Were they taking seriously the biblical prophecies about the 3,600 year return of the planet called Wormwood aka Planet X? This celestial “star” was said to have caused the pole shift that brought about the Great Flood and destroyed many civilizations as well as the dinosaurs centuries ago.
As a sometime remote viewer, who learned the art from Russell Targ who, along with Hal Puthoff,
headed up the Stanford Research Institute’s (SRI) remote viewing program for the CIA’s Stargate Project, I knew it was time to take a look at Planet X for myself.
In the past few years I’ve discovered some rather unexplainable and unusual objects in space while remote viewing that are clearly not “ours” (read Stargate Journeys and Consciousness Assisted Technology blogs). Sometimes you get a treasure trove of info and sometimes nothing. It was worth a shot, so I sat down meditated and sent my mind to the outer reaches of space looking for answers to the great mystery of Planet X.
Sometimes when remote viewing with your mind, there is an all-knowing feeling. Telepathic awareness kicks in. I knew then that the object was really a mammoth planetary space vehicle, despite its outward barren appearance. While this totally surprised me, it also sparked my intense interest.
I zeroed in on its interior. It was hollowed out, vast, beyond the size of several large cities and multi-layered. I found myself inexplicably drawn to a large chamber where I saw giant human-like beings—12-15 feet in stature. Several of these beings had red hair. I was aware that I had poked in during a rather heated discussion. Immediately I felt a sudden sharp mental push as if I had been discovered and psychically kicked out. But the odd thing is that whoever had mentally pushed me out, had left a mental imprint behind that contained a myriad of images and thoughts which I was able to glean some information from.
Planet X is not a Galactic Federation spaceship, as might be seen in a Star Wars movie. I got a strong “No” when I mentally inquired. This is an “ancestor” ship. I call it this because this race of beings inside have been around longer than prehistoric man on Earth and they are not strangers to our planet. They know all about us and once walked our lands. I got the impression that they don’t think very highly of us. Despite this, there appears to be factions of their race that are in disagreement about the best way to interact with Earth humans.
The interesting thing is that they find themselves in a dilemma. Many of their kind see us as a threat to their survival, much as we would see them to ours. They, like us, are also on an evolutionary path with regard to service to self vs. service to others. There are those of their race that want to help us while others want to destroy us to save themselves. It’s clearly a karmic dilemma, and it appears we on Earth are going through the same soul learning process. This is why are paths are destined to intersect.
It appears that their planet-like spaceship somehow got locked into a strange orbit (due to an explosion with some other planet a very long time ago) that doesn’t always allow full control of their vehicle’s trajectory. As their orbit comes closer to Earth they know they will be bombarded by the same gravitational pull that Earth is bound to also experience by coming into close proximity to them. Some on-board fear annihilation unless they take aggressive action. Others disagree. While they appear to have smaller space vehicles that can exit their planetary vehicle at any time, they don’t want to be trapped on Earth. Sound fantastic? I thought so, too, but these are the impressions I received. Whether they are accurate, is yet to be determined. I encourage other remote viewers to see what they pick up as well.
Who really knows if our two worlds will eventually collide. So many have predicted this would happen in 2003, then again in 2012, and now in 2016. It hasn’t happened yet, and perhaps it never will, but awareness that we are not alone in the universe is definitely increasing. The visibility of Planet X will eventually be evident in the skies to all, in time, as it orbits closer. Some believe this is why the CIA recently released some of their UFO files, preparing for Disclosure. Perhaps Planet X’s ultimate purpose in revealing itself is to awaken us to our true past.
The future is still being written, so I will not get into spreading additional fear about what will or will not occur. There’s enough fear in the world already and even if we were on a crash course with Planet X, not much either side can do about it, so just enjoy life now.
What I find more fascinating is that it appears these beings brought early life to this planet. They are our ancestors. Are they the Annunaki race the ancient Sumerian texts refer as the celestial Gods from the sky who were masters of DNA and genetic manipulation?
Planet X was once big news in the mainstream media in the early 1980’s, then suddenly all mention of it disappeared. Those who mentioned it were quickly ridiculed, which tells us they must have been too close to the truth. I like to think that everything in the universe is subject to change, and everything is right on schedule. Now, at last, appears to be the right time to take a second look at Planet X.
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
2016 Year of the Fire Monkey – A Year of Political Revolution?
/by Kathy J. FortiThe United States of America Was Born
in the Year of the Fire Monkey
by Cosmic Convergence Research Group
February 2016
Not only is 2016 the Year of the Fire Monkey, the first 9 months of this year overlap with the Super Shemitah which continues until October 2. This unique synchronicity of potent calendrical influences effectively super-charges the entire year. The impacts of this particular Super Shemitah will be especially powerful because the planned events for the 2015 Shemitah year did not occur. In fact, they were quite deliberately postponed by those who control them. That has never happened before.
The 7 year Shemitah cycle has invariably brought economic collapses and/or financial crashes which have distinguished it as an excellent predictive tool. Because the whole world had advance notice of this phenomenon in 2015, the scheduled events were substantially diminished in their severity. Nevertheless, the full effects of the Super Shemitah cannot be prevented, as the fixed times of the Moedim are immovable.
Throughout the earthly realm the Internet has seen to it that the masses are much better informed than previous eras. What has become clear in 2016 is that the whole marketplace now knows that the markets — ALL OF THEM — are completely rigged. They have always been rigged. The stock and bond, currency and commodity, real estate and insurance, derivative and carbon markets are not only rigged, they mutually support and interpenetrate each other in order to artificially keep them all inflated.
The high-paid con men running this worldwide confidence game on people everywhere have been found out. They have no more street credibility at all. Therefore, all the debts which were incurred in the process of playing this fixed game are effectively null and void. Inasmuch as they have not yet been forgiven by the preordained release from indebtedness dictated by the Shemitah, the debt bondage will be terminated one way or another. The Year of the Fire Monkey will see to that.
Pluto in Capricorn
Pluto is now crashing through Capricorn until 2024 as it has been since 2008. The fact that the American Republic is revisiting these very same celestial alignments, which last occurred during the Revolutionary War period, is reflected in events jumping off everywhere around the country and the world. There has never been such a revolutionary fervor among the American people since the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776.
This state of affairs is exacerbating by the day and will come to a head sooner or later. Neither of the forces which are confronting each other will back down. Both the U.S. Federal Government, and the American patriots who legitimately question its unconstitutional authority, are determined to prevail in this epic battle for the soul of the nation. Truly, the USA is at a defining moment—a critical point that may very well determine its continuation as a sovereign nation comprised of 50 states.
Add to these highly consequential calendrical overlaps some other powerful convergences and 2016 has the makings for political, economic and social revolution. What is also poised to transpire is a profound and fundamental transformation of the entire planetary civilization. That’s because of the dramatic effects that the Fire Monkey-borne USA has on the rest of the world. In other words, when the United States sneezes, many other nations come down with pneumonia.
The 2016 U.S. Presidential Election
Nothing captures the revolutionary energies of the Red Fire Monkey like the upcoming presidential election. Even before 2016 began, this campaign season has been a roller coaster ride like never experienced before. Whereas Donald Trump is the quintessential Fire Monkey on the Republican side, Bernie Sanders represents the same on the Democrat side. Both of these candidates have wrecked and ruined the carefully laid plans of their respective party leadership in ways not seen in presidential politics.
The debate debacles and primary fiascos are just the beginning of what will be the most captivating and entertaining campaign season in U.S. history. The Red Fire Monkey only knows how to manifest in this fashion. After all, monkeys are forever the most dramatic and mischievous, incorrigible and irrepressible among all the animals in the jungle. Now put that same monkey on steroids and you have the unbeatable Fire Monkey. Those who are wise to this reality don’t even try to beat him; they just sit back and watch the show.
There is one thing that can be said with absolute certainty about the Fire Monkey and that is you don’t want to tangle with him when he is in his element and in his year. They are not only exceedingly capable and competent, they are irresistibly charming and highly impressive. They can also be shrewd and calculating to the extreme when up against a formidable foe. However, it is their utter unpredictability and uncanny spontaneity which set them apart from their 11 counterparts. They don’t even know what they’ll do next whenever they find themselves in a real jam.
The power-players and power-brokers in Washington D.C. do not yet know it, but they are now up against the fierce and fearsome Fire Monkey. They will undoubtedly underestimate this unassuming fellow because the depth of his ingenuity and cunning is unrivaled across the realm. This is why even Lord Rama relied upon the extraordinary resourcefulness and dexterity of his devotee Hanuman to save his armies from certain defeat.
Here’s what happened the last time the spirit of the Fire Monkey went up against the greatest army and navy on Earth while Pluto was careening through Capricorn.
The upcoming revolution against the U.S. Federal Government by the American people is quite similar to the first revolution against the British Crown. This is what 2016 is all about. The U.S. citizenry is being compelled to take back their power from a rogue criminal government that has stolen it. The 50 states are likewise being challenged to take back their state rights explicitly provided by the U.S. Constitution. It is time for those states to exert their lawful authority where the federal government has unconstitutionally arrogated it unto itself.
2016 has been ordained by the heavens as the year of radical global transformation. Only the Year of the Red Fire Monkey can guarantee such a necessary outcome. Because the Year of the Red Fire Monkey possesses all the right qualities necessary to tame the out-of-control American Fire Monkey, this year will empower those who join the fight. This is the year when the American people can fight fire with fire.
More appropriately, 2016 is the year when the Truth Movement will merge with the Patriot Movement to form an overwhelming force. The falsehoods of the FEDs have been exposed for the whole world to see. In Putin’s Russia the American people have once more found a true friend. Not only has President Putin exposed that the U.S. Government created and sustains ISIS terrorism, the Kremlin has periodically released 9/11 truth which proves unequivocally that 9/11 was an inside job set up and covered up by the FEDs.
When 5 million Oathkeepers and armed militia surround the Capitol Building one day and force out the entire Congress, the place will change in a New York minute. When the American people install a provisional government, the White House will finally be taken back from those who misappropriated it. This is the kind of potential that the Year of the Red Fire Monkey holds. Will the U.S. citizenry use it or lose it? The whole world waits with anxious anticipation … and optimistic apprehension.
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
MKULTRA: What I Learned About Mind Control from Clients
/by Kathy J. FortiNeither woman knew of or had met the other, and both had been referred to me at different times over a two year period. Yet, the information that came to light for both was so similar that it couldn’t be dismissed as delusional fabrication.
Both women claimed that they had been used during childhood for covert spying by some faction of the U.S. government. This was done by creating dissociative identities, as children, to safeguard classified information that would then be delivered by the child and its handler. I would later have a name for this program and its various offshoots. They were all part of what is now known as the “Mother of all Mind Control” CIA programs—Project MKULTRA along with the subprogram PROJECT MONARCH.
Because most MKULTRA records were deliberately destroyed in 1973 by order of then CIA director Richard Helms, it has been difficult, if not impossible, to gain a complete understanding of the more than 150 individually funded research sub-projects sponsored by MKULTRA and other related CIA programs. But the damage lives on.
Both women I saw were involuntarily recruited before the age of eight. This is an important factor. The
personality is still forming and has more plasticity before age seven. Severe physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse before that age will have profound effects on the laying down of neuronal pathways as well as how memory is stored. Multiple personality disorder happens during childhood as a defense coping mechanism to deal with trauma. Despite public or medical opinion, it is not rare. This dysfunctional coping mechanism may become more noticeable during adulthood, but it starts in childhood, not in one’s adult years. This personality split off into an alter personality occurs to save the child from ego annihilation and insanity. In their eyes, it happened to someone else (the alter personality), not them.
Alter personalities can be induced under the right circumstances at a young age, and the people behind MKULTRA had to have known this in order to create covert childhood spies. What better way to transport information then hide it inside a child alter’s mind, which could only be retrieved on the other end by hypnosis or some other de-programming means. Who would suspect a child or take them seriously? It was quite a diabolical plan.
Both women were born and raised in Virginia and came from military families where a family member was involved in military intelligence work. This keeps the test subject close to home and able to be easily monitored. Oftentimes, a military family member becomes their “handler” and the one who transports them to and from an information retrieval operator.
Both women had memories of sexual abuse by participants in MKULTRA. (These memories were not retrieved under hypnosis.) They both claimed to have been sexually abused by Richard Nixon, Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Sr., Ronald Reagan and Bob Hope. This sounds totally implausible, unless those doing the abuse wore realistic masks to protect their identity. Picking famous people to hide behind, guarantees the victims will never be believed later, should they tell. (But then again, I may be wrong, and some of these luminaries may have been complicit in this secretive government program. Time will tell as what is hidden or Dark eventually is unmasked by the Light. )
Both drew similar pictures of equipment and/or devices used “to not tell.” Phallic symbols, drugs, and poker-like instruments “that burned” seemed to be prevalent.
When each women came close to revealing something secret and/or taboo, suddenly a new personality would come out and shut down the whole process. In the dissociative field, these are known as “scrambler personalities.” They are programmed into the person’s mind to block off memories and, sometimes, even report back to a handler for re-programming.
Each women remembers being taken on night-time trips by a handler, or nice person, to meet someone in a distant place. Sometimes air travel was involved. Sometimes they remembered where they were taken, other times they only remembered being returned home after a blank period of time away.
Both feared for their life by seeking therapeutic help.
Let me just preface here that I don’t know any military secrets and both these women were too damaged and psychologically tortured to stay in treatment. They each had a fear of being punished for “telling,” which was undoubtedly part of their mind control programming. I am not the only therapist to have encountered these types of stories. The victims are still out there, but are now adults with severe psychological problems. Over the years I’ve heard enough strange stories in my therapy office to not readily dismiss such claims. Some have proven to be true.
There was no secondary gain for either of the women trying to obtain help. They were plagued with nightmares and memories trying to bleed through to the surface after so many years of holding their secrets. While MKULTRA was allegedly shut down in 1973, it hasn’t stopped other mind control related work by our government.
Many experiments dealing with the disruption of brain function for human control are still very much real:
Scientists are researching the construction of super soldiers that feel no pain, terror and do not suffer from fatigue. The Pentagon allocated $400 million to this research.
Scientists are using electrodes to direct people’s movements by sending a signal from a mobile phone, which stimulates a muscle in the leg, showing them the direction they need to go in. They claim it is to replace the need for an external GPS program. I sure hope the Apple Watch doesn’t have this hidden program installed.
A DARPA program conducted by The Center for Strategic Communication at Arizona State University experimented with “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation” (TMS) to remotely combat dissent and extremism. TMS stimulates the temporal lobe of the brain with electromagnetic fields in order to “turn off” reactive centers in the brain. While those in the psychology field may use such experimentation to help combat depression and anxiety, DARPA’s sole goal has always been for defense and weaponry use.
I once worked for an altered-states research lab in Northern California which used alpha brainwave entrainment programs for consciousness exploration. I learned that the institute had been coerced into training several elite Green Berets groups for mind control or, as the military termed it “affecting one-mind cooperation in the field.”
One only has to look around to see the signs that we are already slaves to mind control. We sit in front of TVs for hours being bombarded by messages, both subliminal and overt to buy products, take drugs, or show us what we are missing or might never have. We become immune to violence and killings. We are glued to our mobile devices, whipping them out at the first second of inactivity, to amuse and district us from life going on all around us.
Can we escape it all? We can certainly try.
UPDATE: Canadian Government Quietly Compensates Daughter of MKULTRA Victim
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
Zika Virus – What They Are Not Telling You
/by Kathy J. FortiOxitec has been releasing the genetically modified Aedes mosquitoes into the wild in Brazil since 2011 to battle dengue fever. The company produces up two million genetically modified mosquitoes a week in its factory in Campinas, Brazil.
The Aedes aegypti mosquito is the world’s most dominant variety of mosquito, and the only two countries in the Americas that don’t have this mosquito are Chile and Canada. The Zika virus, which has been detected in 18 of the 26 states in Brazil, is transmitted by the Aedes mosquito.
Over 4,000 babies have now been born in Brazil with shrunken brains since November 1, 2015. Brazil normally gets approximately 150 cases of this type of birth defect each year, which means abnormal births of this type have increased by approximately 13,000 percent. (New reports from NBC news state these counts have been exaggerated and are far less.) In 2015, Puerto Rico also began giving the same Tdap shot to pregnant mothers that Brazil did and the incidence of brain damaged babies has increased exponentially.
While the Brazilian government initially rushed to blame the Zika virus for a huge rise in abnormal birth defects, health officials in the country are now quietly admitting Zika is not solely responsible for this rise in birth defects. Only a small number of babies with birth defects, who died, had the virus in their brain or in the mother’s placenta. This means a large number of the babies who died had no Zika virus in their brain. Hard to blame Zika then, which has been around since before 1948 and has never been known to cause birth defects and/or death. In fact, Zika makes only one in five people get “mildly” sick with flu-like symptoms, with no symptoms at all in 4 out of 5 people. So why are they quick to blame a generally benign Zika virus?
In late 2014, the Brazilian minister of health announced that a “newly formulated” Tdap shot would be mandatory for all
expectant mothers starting in 2015. Since it’s mandatory, mothers with birth defect babies received this newly formulated vaccine while pregnant. The timeliness of the Tdap vaccine and the sudden rise in birth defects is more than just a little coincidental. The consequences of this untested vaccine is being swept under the rug. Which brings us once again to Bill Gates, the King of Eugenics and Vaccines—two diametrically opposed positions.
In 2015 the Vanderbilt Vaccine Research Program, received a $307,000 grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to study the immune responses of pregnant women who receive the Tdap (reduced-dose acellular pertussis vaccines combined with tetanus and diphtheria toxoids) vaccine. One cannot find the raw results.
In 2011, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) issued a recommendation that pregnant women receive the Tdap shot at 20 weeks gestation. Tdap combines the Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis (whooping-cough) vaccines into a single jab. The Tdap shot has never been proven safe for use during pregnancy. In fact, Tdap is classified by the FDA as a Class C drug indicating it is NOT A SAFE CHOICE during pregnancy. This may be a no-brainer, but is any vaccine a safe choice to administer to a fragile developing fetus?
Is it any wonder there was a rush to place the birth defect epidemic blame elsewhere? The fact that Brazil subjected its pregnant women to such a mandatory untested vaccine is genocidal, and now they know it. They bought the kool-aid without doing the precautionary research. Or perhaps they received enough money to look the other way. Consequently, the United States is now pushing to develop a vaccine for the Zika virus. Haven’t we been down this road before with mainstream media’s Ebola scares and the predictable rush to capitalize on a lucrative vaccine for all those in fear for their life (which they already had waiting in the wings)?
To make matters worse, Brazil says they will mobilize 220,000 soldiers to fight the Zika virus. Soldiers are being ordered to go door-to-door to spray insecticides in neighborhoods to help kill mosquitoes. Toxic insecticide spraying around pregnant women and children? Are they insane? To compound the insanity further… The government says it will distribute mosquito repellent to some 400,000 pregnant women who receive cash-transfer benefits. Officials in El Salvador, Colombia and Brazil have also suggested women stop getting pregnant until the crisis has passed. Now, there’s a definite win for Bill Gates’ population control agenda. Just scare people into avoiding sex and getting pregnant. In fact, recently they suggested that the Zika virus “might be” a sexually transmitted disease, just because it was found in one man’s semen who had the Zika virus. They can try to plant the seeds of deadly fear once again, but don’t you believe a word of such nonsense.
Pressure is building on the World Health Organization to declare Zika an emergency of international concern. Under the International Health Regulations, Director General Dr. Margaret Chan can establish an emergency committee, which can green light global vaccination campaigns with experimental vaccines. Are you getting the picture?
There’s more to this story… Now, scientists in Brazil are studying genetic sequences of mosquitoes
allegedly transmitting the Zika virus and other diseases to see whether changes have occurred that could have generated mutant mosquitoes. The mosquito Gates released was likely to be a long-term dream of his he had for forced birth control and forced vaccinations, which he has been working on since 2003.
In the forced vaccination scenario, the mosquitoes are genetically programmed to produce the “vaccine” permanently once released into the environment, so they would not have to release new mosquitoes EVER again. Their effects would simply become part of nature.
This means that at some time in your life you and everyone else is bound to be bitten by a mosquito created by Bill Gates. God help us all!
UPDATE: February 11, 2016: Natural News: South American doctors link Brazil’s birth defects to Monsanto experiments
The Truth is out there, but I’m willing to bet they will blame it on pesticides versus tampered vaccines…..
Brazil state suspends chemical used to fight Zika over fears it may be behind brain defects
Top Bioweapons Expert Says Zika was Engineered
What You’re Not Being Told About the Zika Virus
The laboratory selling of the Zika Virus has the year of origin as 1947 by The Rockefeller Foundation
Was Zika manufactured to change harsh anti-abortion laws in Brazil?
Scientific Opinion against release of GM mosquitoes
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God