What if we were living in a simulation reality, a grand experiment, where we were the avatars, much like in the 1999 movie, The Matrix?
What if the Mind of God, often referred to as “Source,” was really the Source Code for the intelligent programming behind this holodeck reality?
The penultimate question is whether our world is real or just “an illusion,” as the ancient philosopher Plato speculated. We may never know.
While this entire concept may sound like science fiction, some physicists and scientists are now saying that the premise might actually be true. We could very well be living in a computer simulated world and the reality we experience may be part of an “ancestral simulation,” a virtual recreation of humanity’s past. They postulate that a future humanity may be facing death and/or a dying world, forcing scientists to create our world as a massive diagnostic test to find out what went wrong in an attempt to fix or avert it, which could cause multiple timelines.
Our every memory could have been generated by banks of supercomputers, a theory first proposed by Oxford philosopher, Nick Bostrom. Bostrom argues that we have to conclude one of three things is true. “Either humans or human-like species become extinct before they achieve simulation-producing technology, or post-human civilizations have little interest in making or using this technology, or we ourselves are probably part of a simulation.”
When I first read this, I eerily recalled a strange experience I had back in my late 30’s while undergoing a dental procedure using nitrous oxide gas. The incident is documented in P.M.H. Atwater’s 1995 book, Future Memory (p.17-18).
“As the dentist worked on my nerve-exposed tooth, I felt and saw in my mind’s eye an intense energy pattern swirling inside my head in synchronicity with the action of the drill. I suddenly knew what the dentist’s next words to me would be, how many beats of a second he would pause in between his words, and what his precise actions would be as he spoke. Then, to my amazement, he did exactly as I had anticipated.
“I said to myself, ‘Now his assistant will say and do such and such next,’ and she did. A deep knowing came over me. A knowing that in this particular reality we are all actors acting out our pre-assigned roles and that the play is a long-running story with continuous performances. We are destined to repeat the same sequences in our lives over and over again while knowing it, and we have agreed as a collective to this continuous experience.
‘No I can change it. I can stop the pattern,’ I shouted in my mind. So I forced myself to say aloud the most outrageous thing I could think of to the dentist, something totally out of context. The second after I did, I knew I had spoken those very same words before in the same situation with the same response from the dentist. Even my deviation was part of the scripted role. There were no surprises. Everyone already knew everyone else’s lines. In this nitrous oxide induced state, I asked myself why we do it then? The answer was that inhabitants in this particular reality learn from constant repetition and reinforcement.
“During this experience I remember receiving pictures and impressions regarding my dentist and his role on Earth. I saw the sadness in his life and the problems he was facing with his children. I had great compassion for him, even though I barely knew him or even if he had children.”
Within the experience I saw myself, likened to a cell, residing inside this huge body politic, whose identity in place and time I did not know. Each cell (or being) knew its function and role within the body and contributed information to its operation and survival. I felt like I was part of the operating system inside some giant intelligent design—egoless, like a worker bee serving its queen.
I’m not sure how much the nitrous oxide contributed to the experience, or the aftereffects, but I was severely depressed for three days following the dental procedure. I had no prior history of depression, but having learned what I perceived, at the time, to be the true reality of human existence, came as a traumatic shock. I realized that if I embraced what I knew, it could color my entire life and make it seem futile. By the third day, something kicked in and the memory of what I’d seen and experienced, seemed to be short-circuited. I suddenly felt happy and hopeful again. I could still recall the experience, but it no longer held any emotional charge. I wasn’t sure why.
Nick Bostrom actually addressed a problem, such as mine, in his simulation argument: Should any error
[in the program] occur, the director could easily edit the states of any brains that have become aware of an anomaly before it spoils the simulation. Alternatively, the director could skip back a few seconds and rerun the experiment in a way that avoids the problem.’
Bostroms idea is that the whole Universe is a simulation, not just humanity. Every aspect of human life is part of the code, including our minds and interactions with the non-sentient parts of the program. He proposes that the beings, which run this simulation, might be as fake as we are. There may be multiple layers of simulation before it gets to the one true program creator. The post-humans running our simulation are themselves simulated beings; and their creators, in turn, may also be simulated beings. There may be room for a large number of levels of reality, and the number could be increasing over time.
If we do live in a simulated reality, the laws governing it may be different from its programmer(s). Scientists generate models all the time that dont correspond directly to the real world but help refine our theories. And if such a simulation is an imperfect emulation, there might be places where the computer code shows its presence. If the Universe is a numerical simulation similar to those run by modern nuclear physicists, then there might be a point where the programs necessary simplifications are at odds with the predictions of fundamental physics.
Everything in the universe is quantifiable in some way. Even life is quantifiable, despite medicines long reputation as an inexact science. The Human Genome Project, which sequenced the chemical base pairs that make up human DNA, was solved using computers. All the secrets of the universe are solved using math. In fact, we can explain the universe better using math than we can with words.
During my own near-death experience (NDE) in 2003, I learned that everything in the universe has a mathematical signature and everything can be broken down to binary code (0+1), the language of the universe. This is the underlying premise behind the Trinfinity8 technology I developed. The concept of informational healing and math being at its core, was something I had no knowledge of prior to my light at the end of the tunnel experience.
People have long exchanged ideas of God as the master mathematician of the world. Some imagine a white-haired bearded man presiding over some heavenly realm, but simulation theory says that God may instead be some geeky, perhaps even genius, programmer hunched over a keyboard. A programmer can create worlds out of simple binary and even encode us with the desire to religiously worship the program’s creator.
In the movie, The Matrix, the world is simulated but conscious minds are not. In Bostroms simulations, biological human beings with human brains interface with the simulated world. Human consciousness is just another figment of the simulation. An advanced civilization with sufficient computing power to pull this off would be classified as posthuman.
The virtual universe within a universe video game, No Man’s Sky, was created using a mathematical algorithm, as was the creation of the program’s avatars. Everything consists of a number. Throughout No Mans Sky is the use of fractal geometryrepeating patterns that manifest similarly at every level of magnification, just as we see in nature all around us–even inside the human body. We reside in a fractal universe. We are all fractals of God, and a product of the Mind of God. Or, as some might say— our “Source” code programmer.
If this is true, I can’t help but wonder if its “Open Source” code, meaning the coding has been created as a
collaborative effort in which other programmers can improve upon the code. Perhaps, on a higher spiritual level, we are all the real programmers in this experiment.
If so, we might question why we didn’t create a perfect simulated reality to live in—a virtual paradise. From my dental experience discovery, the answer is that nothing is truly learned or resolved without repetition and conflict. Perhaps our creator(s) want to see how much we can learn and evolve on this planetary civilization with a host of obstacles—like some complex level video game.
Rich Terrile, director of the Centre for Evolutionary Computation and Automated Design at NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory, has also spoken out about digital simulation:
Right now the fastest NASA supercomputers are cranking away at about double the speed of the human brain. If you make a simple calculation using Moores Law [which roughly claims computers double in power every two years], youll find that these supercomputers, inside of a decade, will have the ability to compute an entire human lifetime of 80 years including every thought ever conceived during that lifetime in the span of a month.
In quantum mechanics, particles do not have a definite state unless theyre being observed. Many theorists have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how you explain this. One explanation is that were living within a simulation, seeing what we need to see when we need to see it.”
This brings up a host of questions. Could other planets and/or civilizations also be a part of this simulation, or would this strain computational capacity issues? Are they a part of another simulation where they are barred from openly interacting in our world simulation unless, of course, they were programmed to be the observers of this simulation creating another level of existential and cosmic conflict?
According to U.S. theoretical cosmologist Michael Turner, the idea that our Universe is a fiction generated by computer code may solve a number of inconsistencies and mysteries about the cosmos—like the role of Dark Matter.
Dark Matter is one of many hypothetical materials used to explain a number of anomalies in the Standard Model—the all-encompassing theory science has used to explain the particles and forces of nature for the last 50 years. The still unproven existence of Dark Matter could be better explained by a virtual universe.
When scientists at The Hadron Super Collider at CERN discovered, then observed the “god particle” (referred to as the “Higgs Boson”), they were quite surprised to find it had no mass. All small sub-atomic particles have mass, which means they have weight. If the particle weighs nothing than it equals zero. Some would suggest that this means the universe, as we know it, is not real. It must be either a thought-form in the Mind of God, or perhaps a piece of programming software which assigns an arbitrary value to everything.
While we may never have definitive answers to the reality we live in, it does open us to the vast mysteries surrounding our true origins and purpose. Whether our reality is real or simulated, either way we, as infinite souls, have decided to participate in this grand learning experiment called Life.
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
Separateness is an Illusion
/by Kathy J. FortiBack then I understood so little of the world I was born into, as had so many generations that had come before me. Then in 1982 a remarkable event took place at the University of Paris that shed new light on our world. A research team led by physicist Alain Aspect discovered that under certain circumstances subatomic particles are able to instantaneously communicate with each other regardless of the distance separating them. It didn’t matter whether they were 10 feet or 10 billion miles apart. Little would they know that this experiment would turn out to be the most important experiment of the 20th Century.
In 1997 physicist Dr. Nicolas Gisan of the University of Geneva duplicated these findings and concluded that some subatomic particles appear to be communicating at the mind-boggling speed of 20,000 times the speed of light. The reason these particles are able to remain in contact with one another, regardless of the distance separating them, is not because they are sending some sort of mysterious signal back and forth, but because their separateness is an illusion.
At a deeper level of reality such particles are not individual entities, but are actually extensions of the same fundamental something. Like a holographic fractal, each part contains the whole—and we together are the infinite WHOLE like some cosmic biological internet.
Quantum physics now tells us that everything is interconnected. Energy, thoughts, nature and more. In the words of Thich Nhat Hanh, a prominent Zen master, poet, and activist:
Right now our nation and so many others on this planet are struggling to come to terms with this concept of interconnectedness.
Some have already awakened to the truth that we are all one. Others are slowly coming to embrace it, while still others fear ego annihilation and continue to fight against such thinking.
Change is happening very quickly. What used to take several generations, now is occurring in one. Waiting and believing it will change back to what once felt familiar can only cause stuckness and suffering. We are creating a new world where no man is an island. We are a Global Family, a Divine Brotherhood under the Fatherhood of God and Source.
Before every great leap forward comes a fracturing, a crumbling of the old way along with those fighting to keep the status quo before accepting the new change. This is where we are today. Right on track, or as a friend of mine would say:
We are moving towards the self-realization of Oneness. As we make progress, we will realize that hatred towards others is really hatred towards self. Would racism still exist if tomorrow we were all blinded and couldn’t see racial and/or religious differences? Next time you’re on the freeway, imagine that a clone of you is in the driver’s seat of every other car. You might all look different, but inside you are exactly the same person, just experiencing the world from a different physical and emotional perspective. Under those circumstances, would you find yourself more tolerant and compassionate?
To get to that compassionate level, we need to do more thinking with our heart. The heart actually contains multi-sensory neurites that are in a constant two-way dialogue with the brain. Interestingly, the heart and cardiovascular system are sending far more signals to the brain than the brain is sending to the heart. Some are calling the heart the “Second Brain” or the “Heart Consciousness” center. Marrying both the heart and brain centers opens the power of the mystical, triggering a heightened immune system response, rejuvenation, and spiritual awareness. (Even the Ancient Egyptians believed the Heart was the true seat of the Soul.)
Now imagine our hearts all being globally connected. Hate would be transformed by love, cooperation and compassion. Any thoughts of separateness would quickly fade. Those who felt disconnected would no longer feel alone. This is the Global Community that man is evolving towards. It may currently seem like an uphill struggle, but with great struggle oftentimes comes great reward. Anything is possible working together as One.
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical
A Glimpse into 5th Dimension Reality
/by Kathy J. FortiThe June 20, 2016 Full Moon Solstice was an “event horizon” which, due to several cosmic factors, caused a thinning of the veil between the dimensions, an overlapping of sorts, where souls now have greater access than ever before to 5th Dimension reality.
Ancient Mayan prophesy says that after 2012, a “cosmic sky portal” would open and a time for awakening and moving into a higher state of consciousness would take place—an event that happens approximately every 26,000 years. The Mayans looked to the Sun as the key sign heralding this great change. In the past many mistook this to mean a destruction of our world, not listening to the Older Elders which clarified it meant the end of a 26,000 period and the beginning of changes that would bring in the next 26,000 period. A time of greater enlightenment. A modern-day Renaissance period.
While many on Earth are still navigating 3rd/4th Dimensional awareness, a dimension inhabited primarily by service-to-self beings and a polarity between light and dark forces, others are already moving beyond lifetimes of fear, pain and limitation and catching glimpses of the next level of soul evolution through visions or dream states of the 5th Dimension.
About two months ago I had a rather vivid dream about being in a tall building in the sky, where incredible white light was streaming in from a two-story high, floor-to-ceiling, wall of slanted glass windows. The room, which I knew was my personal creative studio, had a large white sculpted workplace unit, where I was collaborating with a male client on a design project. I was slightly shorter, my hair and facial features were different, and I had darker skin. While I didn’t look anything like I do today, I knew it was me in some other reality—and wherever I was, I was very happy.
I was no stranger to this place and felt ecstatic to be back again. In this realm, I felt free to do, say, and create in any way I desired without limitation. I didn’t feel the pressure of time, no discordant thoughts or worries, just total and profound peace and freedom. In this place, I could just pursue becoming all I wanted to be and experience. And I knew others were also doing the same without any interference.
I felt telepathically connected to others residing there, along with a greater sense of compassion and understanding for who they were. Yes, it felt like heaven in comparison to this world. But, upon awakening I knew, without any doubt, it was my space in the 5th Dimension. I closed my eyes and tried to get back there—hoping to exchange this reality for that one which felt much more normal and real. While I was unable to return on command, I did find that just thinking about my time there and recalling how everything felt, allowed me to recapture the peace and serenity all over again. I now make it my mind meditation space.
What is this 5th Dimension all about? According to spiritual author and future visionary, E.M. Nicolay, 4th and 5th Dimensional life is manifested through the higher consciousness of heart-centerness. The focus is on “lessons of compassion, the interface of physical and emotional content, and heart-based caring.”
Nicolay says the 5th Dimension is less linear and more about living in the “Now” in a multidimensional way—meaning one can experience the immediate past, present and future at the same time, something Nicolay refers to as the “Super Now.” One can liken it to playing a lifetime chess game on multi-levels where one’s level of consciousness guides one’s choices.
The differences between the dimensions are often misunderstood. They are levels of consciousness, not places or locations. Each dimension vibrates at a higher rate than the one below it, and with it comes a greater knowing, more freedom, and a more expansive understanding of reality. Evolution to the next dimensional level requires a shift in consciousness where the entity is vibrating in resonance with that dimension.
Our current 3rd dimensional reality runs on a rather rigid and limited set of rules. We find ourselves in dense physical bodies, subject to the forces of gravity and disease, where fear and judgment prevail—leading to a host of discordant emotions within and without. It’s often like living in a primitive society.
In the 4th Dimension, we are less dense, more light filled, and our experiences tend to be more heart-filled along with a realization of our own spiritual awakening. These souls feel calmer and clearer. Their focus is more on service to others vs. service to self.
Many of today’s Lightworkers have been shifting in and out of this 4th dimensional reality for some time while detaching emotionally from the chaos around them. They are more likely to be exploring their spirituality without the dogma of traditional religion. They are finding God within. As they shift in consciousness, they are more likely to feel physical symptoms, which are really dimensional growing pains.
It’s not at all uncommon for these people to feel exhaustion, headaches, sleep problems, heart racing as their heart center opens, and/or sudden flu-like symptoms. The physical body has to adjust to the higher vibration rate and this transitional process may initially feel uncomfortable. One might actually get ill before they fully acclimate. As they shed the worry and anxiety of 3rd Dimension reality, they notice feeling lighter, more hopeful, more loving, and more in the Now. Intuition increases, as well as psi ability. They have to be especially careful of their thoughts, which are manifesting faster.
All this is preparation for the 5th Dimension where one can manifest things instantaneously and where telepathy with others makes verbal communication often unnecessary. In this dimension, there is no need to lie, deceive or hide information from others, when you can easily read their thoughts. Truth and honesty are the norm and there is no judgment of others. Everyone is working on soul growth, just as you are.
In my 5th Dimension dream-like experience, I knew I was working with like-minded souls in a community of
my choosing. It was a matter of like-attracts-like. I felt that my work equally mattered to those in my community as their work mattered to me. It felt very Utopian without ever losing a sense of self.
We are divine beings who have been asleep for some time. We have temporarily forgotten who we are, but all that is changing as Light continues to stream into our world opening our heart awareness.
Many may now find themselves taking nightly sojourns to this new dimension, slowly acclimating themselves, before the day when they make the final journey leaving 3rd and 4th dimensional reality incarnations forever behind. Lifetimes will now occur in this new higher dimension. This is the dimensional process the Ancient Egyptians aspired to. They weren’t just obsessed with death, as many would have you believe, but the “afterlife” transition to the stars. Today we know this as the “Ascension” process and God-consciousness. It means going to the next dimensional level.
From one who has had a near-death experience (NDE), I now realize many may have already accessed this dimensional level during their NDE thinking it was a realm of heaven. This realm is not in the sky somewhere, it resides in consciousness alongside the other dimensions, yet invisible to our 3rd dimensional brain. This is what the scientists are referring to when they speak about multiple or parallel universes residing in the same space and time.
Not everyone on this planet will make the conscious or unconscious choice to shift into the 5th Dimension. There are still many who will wish to remain in 3rd Dimensional reality. It may be more in line with soul lessons they are working on and want to continue to experience.
While Biblical scholars call this period the “end times,” it is really just a transitional time prior to experiencing a major evolutionary leap forward. The 3rd Dimension reality won’t disappear or cease to exist for those who choose to stay behind, but it will figuratively become obsolete for those choosing to move on. Think of it as graduating from primary school straight to graduate level work. We rarely have any interest in looking backward once we see the possibilities of what lies ahead.
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical
Transcending the Dark Forces
/by Kathy J. FortiHate crimes have escalated, racism is rampant, gun violence is everywhere, and so many parts of the world are either at war physically, socially, economically, or threatening it.
By now, we all know our political and voting system is rigged. Political players employ a cauldron of dirty tricks through outright Diebold voting machine irregularities and/or voter suppression. Makes one wonder how many of our past leaders were really Diebold presidents. Corporate corruption seems commonplace, yet few are being held accountable for their actions. Where is truth and honesty?
While it might seem like we are being bombarded by dark forces at this time in human evolution, we are also being bathed in illuminating Light from the cosmos, which makes the dark elements more obvious even to the most unaware. What was once hidden has now come raging to the surface where it can be seen, experienced, and hopefully transformed. The blinders have come off and each and every one of us is being called to act in some shape, manner or form. The question is are we ready?
I attended a spiritual meditation retreat a few weekends ago and quite a few participants revealed to the group that they are experiencing profound bouts of anxiety and depression, and have been for some time. They reported feeling isolated, adrift, hopeless and scared. They admitted having lost a connection to their true Self. This problem of disconnection appears to be at an all time epidemic proportion.
Recent statistics cite that 350 million people around the world currently suffer from some sort of depression. The U.S. suicide rate has surged to a 30 year high. To further support these findings, the mortality rate has also significantly increased on a national scale for the first time in a decade.
What’s happening? One of my astrologer friends informs me that planetary influences right now aren’t helping make the situation any easier. Whether you believe in astrology or not, four major planets are in retrograde (Mars, Saturn, Neptune, Pluto), meaning they have slowed down, forcing disruption and change on a global scale. This many planets in retrograde at the same time is considered unusual.
To glean some insight: Pluto in Capricorn correlates with soul evolution; Saturn in Sagittarius with karma and relationships; Neptune in Pisces with religious persecution; and Mars in Scorpio brings forth aggression and risky behavior. The alignments they make with each other bring forth conflict, obstacles, yet ultimately some form of resolution.
Marianne Williamson, well-known lecturer on A Course in Miracles, recently said that “the universe is self-organizing, but also self-correcting.” Meaning that slavery was followed by freedom from slavery; suppression of the female voice was followed by the women’s right to vote law, etc.
When a majority of the human race perceives there is a serious problem that excludes, unfairly punishes, or is unhealthy to “the People,” they will then rally together to make change. Like GMO labeling. As Senator Bernie Sanders says, “We are on the brink of a social revolution.” But remember—revolution contains the word “evolution”—the ultimate goal. And that means GROWTH.
Growth is everywhere. Even the universe is expanding 9% faster right now than scientists can explain. Which means, something unusual is happening. According to Spaceweather.com, cosmic rays are increasing and the earth’s magnetic field is changing. With increased cosmic rays comes more global illumination—LIGHT. With Light, comes increased Truth and Transparency.
Could we all be experiencing these changes on both a cellular and soul level? ABSOLUTELY. Will we be able to transcend this difficult time—I have little doubt despite the rocky road ahead. The greatest advice anyone can give is to open your heart and let go of whatever you hold or harbor against anyone, even yourself. Raise your consciousness and embrace love not hate and the cosmic ride will be a lot smoother.
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical
Inside the Mind of God
/by Kathy J. FortiWhat if the Mind of God, often referred to as “Source,” was really the Source Code for the intelligent programming behind this holodeck reality?
The penultimate question is whether our world is real or just “an illusion,” as the ancient philosopher Plato speculated. We may never know.
While this entire concept may sound like science fiction, some physicists and scientists are now saying that the premise might actually be true. We could very well be living in a computer simulated world and the reality we experience may be part of an “ancestral simulation,” a virtual recreation of humanity’s past. They postulate that a future humanity may be facing death and/or a dying world, forcing scientists to create our world as a massive diagnostic test to find out what went wrong in an attempt to fix or avert it, which could cause multiple timelines.
Our every memory could have been generated by banks of supercomputers, a theory first proposed by Oxford philosopher, Nick Bostrom. Bostrom argues that we have to conclude one of three things is true. “Either humans or human-like species become extinct before they achieve simulation-producing technology, or post-human civilizations have little interest in making or using this technology, or we ourselves are probably part of a simulation.”
When I first read this, I eerily recalled a strange experience I had back in my late 30’s while undergoing a dental procedure using nitrous oxide gas. The incident is documented in P.M.H. Atwater’s 1995 book, Future Memory (p.17-18).
Within the experience I saw myself, likened to a cell, residing inside this huge body politic, whose identity in place and time I did not know. Each cell (or being) knew its function and role within the body and contributed information to its operation and survival. I felt like I was part of the operating system inside some giant intelligent design—egoless, like a worker bee serving its queen.
I’m not sure how much the nitrous oxide contributed to the experience, or the aftereffects, but I was severely depressed for three days following the dental procedure. I had no prior history of depression, but having learned what I perceived, at the time, to be the true reality of human existence, came as a traumatic shock. I realized that if I embraced what I knew, it could color my entire life and make it seem futile. By the third day, something kicked in and the memory of what I’d seen and experienced, seemed to be short-circuited. I suddenly felt happy and hopeful again. I could still recall the experience, but it no longer held any emotional charge. I wasn’t sure why.
Nick Bostrom actually addressed a problem, such as mine, in his simulation argument: Should any error
[in the program] occur, the director could easily edit the states of any brains that have become aware of an anomaly before it spoils the simulation. Alternatively, the director could skip back a few seconds and rerun the experiment in a way that avoids the problem.’
Bostroms idea is that the whole Universe is a simulation, not just humanity. Every aspect of human life is part of the code, including our minds and interactions with the non-sentient parts of the program. He proposes that the beings, which run this simulation, might be as fake as we are. There may be multiple layers of simulation before it gets to the one true program creator. The post-humans running our simulation are themselves simulated beings; and their creators, in turn, may also be simulated beings. There may be room for a large number of levels of reality, and the number could be increasing over time.
If we do live in a simulated reality, the laws governing it may be different from its programmer(s). Scientists generate models all the time that dont correspond directly to the real world but help refine our theories. And if such a simulation is an imperfect emulation, there might be places where the computer code shows its presence. If the Universe is a numerical simulation similar to those run by modern nuclear physicists, then there might be a point where the programs necessary simplifications are at odds with the predictions of fundamental physics.
Everything in the universe is quantifiable in some way. Even life is quantifiable, despite medicines long reputation as an inexact science. The Human Genome Project, which sequenced the chemical base pairs that make up human DNA, was solved using computers. All the secrets of the universe are solved using math. In fact, we can explain the universe better using math than we can with words.
During my own near-death experience (NDE) in 2003, I learned that everything in the universe has a mathematical signature and everything can be broken down to binary code (0+1), the language of the universe. This is the underlying premise behind the Trinfinity8 technology I developed. The concept of informational healing and math being at its core, was something I had no knowledge of prior to my light at the end of the tunnel experience.
People have long exchanged ideas of God as the master mathematician of the world. Some imagine a white-haired bearded man presiding over some heavenly realm, but simulation theory says that God may instead be some geeky, perhaps even genius, programmer hunched over a keyboard. A programmer can create worlds out of simple binary and even encode us with the desire to religiously worship the program’s creator.
The virtual universe within a universe video game, No Man’s Sky, was created using a mathematical algorithm, as was the creation of the program’s avatars. Everything consists of a number. Throughout No Mans Sky is the use of fractal geometryrepeating patterns that manifest similarly at every level of magnification, just as we see in nature all around us–even inside the human body. We reside in a fractal universe. We are all fractals of God, and a product of the Mind of God. Or, as some might say— our “Source” code programmer.
If this is true, I can’t help but wonder if its “Open Source” code, meaning the coding has been created as a
collaborative effort in which other programmers can improve upon the code. Perhaps, on a higher spiritual level, we are all the real programmers in this experiment.
If so, we might question why we didn’t create a perfect simulated reality to live in—a virtual paradise. From my dental experience discovery, the answer is that nothing is truly learned or resolved without repetition and conflict. Perhaps our creator(s) want to see how much we can learn and evolve on this planetary civilization with a host of obstacles—like some complex level video game.
Rich Terrile, director of the Centre for Evolutionary Computation and Automated Design at NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory, has also spoken out about digital simulation:
This brings up a host of questions. Could other planets and/or civilizations also be a part of this simulation, or would this strain computational capacity issues? Are they a part of another simulation where they are barred from openly interacting in our world simulation unless, of course, they were programmed to be the observers of this simulation creating another level of existential and cosmic conflict?
According to U.S. theoretical cosmologist Michael Turner, the idea that our Universe is a fiction generated by computer code may solve a number of inconsistencies and mysteries about the cosmos—like the role of Dark Matter.
Dark Matter is one of many hypothetical materials used to explain a number of anomalies in the Standard Model—the all-encompassing theory science has used to explain the particles and forces of nature for the last 50 years. The still unproven existence of Dark Matter could be better explained by a virtual universe.
While we may never have definitive answers to the reality we live in, it does open us to the vast mysteries surrounding our true origins and purpose. Whether our reality is real or simulated, either way we, as infinite souls, have decided to participate in this grand learning experiment called Life.
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
Tomb Secrets from Egyptologist Kara Cooney
/by Kathy J. FortiCooney, a 6-foot tall, modern Lara Croft-type figure, spends her time amidst the mummies while specializing in ancient coffin identification. You would think it wouldn’t be a problem figuring out who is sealed up in which coffin with all the sepulchre inscriptions and markings, but it appears royal mummies were often removed from their original nesting coffins, which were multiple coffins within coffins much like those Russian Matryoshka dolls. Some mummies were buried in three to as many as eight internal coffins (as was King Tutankhamen). This multiple coffin practice was part of the process that linked them to their ancestors. But when tombs were plundered, the mummies were often tossed aside and the coffins were re-sold or recycled for other mummies. Who was buried where and in which coffin became a dilemma for later identification purposes. This is where Cooney’s expertise is often called in.
Tomb robbery has been going on since the earliest of times. Old Kingdom inscriptions contained warnings that robbers would be judged by the gods in the hereafter. Severe punishments awaited them in their current life as well, if a curse didn’t get them first. Sometimes safeguards were built-in to thwart the robber. The burial chamber in the tomb of Senwosret at Lisht was protected by a series of stone slabs, the first of which, once lowered, could not be forced upwards again because metal or wooden bolts were released from holes in the lateral grooves in the slab, effectively locking it.
But there were times when undertakers and cemetery guardians took advantage and stole precious belongings of the royals and elite during the very time of burial. A tomb could later be found to have entrance blockings still intact, yet the valuables had already been removed from the body. Objects and jewelry of gold, precious stones, alabaster and faience, which had been placed within the tombs for the use of the kings in the afterlife, as well as gold masks, would all be stripped off.
Even large stone sarcophagi could not always prevent theft, since the thieves would lever off the lids or even tunnel through the sides or floors of the sarcophagi. Today only a handful of bodies remain in their tombs, and even fewer are still as they were when interred.
After the death of Ramses III, during the New Kingdom’s Twentieth Dynasty, Egypt fell apart due to constant foreign invasions and the heavy cost of war. Drought may have also played a factor towards economic collapse. The Egyptian treasury was close to empty. To keep the government going it called for drastic measures. Gold was needed, and needed fast. Those in power knew where the gold was hidden and which pharaoh’s tombs had an abundance.
The high priests would open the tombs and, unlike the common tomb robbers, they would carefully unwrap the bodies and strip them of the golden pectoral hawks and scarabs which had been placed on their body for protection. Rings, jewelry, furniture, and anything else made of gold, which could replenish an empty treasury, was confiscated. The priests would then see to it that the tapes, the outer sheet, and the Osiris sheets were neatly and carefully folded on the bodies and stitched up the back. When the mummies found in later years were unwrapped, the black resin marks from where the gold necklaces had once been placed, could still be seen.
The priests back then were an unholy lot. They did not take vows of poverty nor chastity. Power and influence went hand and hand with accumulated wealth, and because of it they were a powerful force to be reckoned with throughout Ancient Egypt. Some might liken them to the Vatican today, which wields substantial political influence. It’s treasury contains more wealth than many countries combined.
Even after all these centuries, some things still have not changed. It’s still all about who has and controls the most Gold.
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
Egos Clash Behind Stall in Search for Nefertiti’s Tomb
/by Kathy J. FortiYet, Live Science, recently released the news that National Geographic Society’s radar scans of King Tutankhamun’s tomb show no hidden chambers behind the walls. Dean Goodman, a geophysicist at GPR-Slice software, which conducted the scans for National Geographic and issued the definitive word, said he was barred from commenting on his findings. Disappointment reigned throughout the Egyptology world except, perhaps, for one man—Dr. Zahi Hawass.
Hawass, a former minister of Egyptian antiquities, who was ousted due to accusations of corruption and
illegally selling antiquities in 2011, has vehemently been saying since day one that there are no hidden chambers, and that Nefertiti will not be found behind the walls, because he already found her mummy several years ago, which was aired on a TV show, one of many he has hosted for the History Channel, National Geographic and others. He points to DNA testing to confirm the legitimacy of his discovery.
Seasoned Egyptologists will readily admit that DNA testing on any mummy is inconclusive. The pharaohs and queens all inter-married within the royal family to protect sovereign blood lines, so any mummy found within a cache or “family” of mummies, would have similar DNA, rendering positive identification almost impossible.
Royal mummies were often moved from their initial burial site, sometimes put in used coffins, stripped of identification (and jewels), as was the case with the unknown mummy Hawass claims is his Nefertiti. In Egypt, as everywhere else in the world, DNA analysis is not a perfect science. Consequently, many questioned Hawass’ stance that he had actually found the real Nefertiti. But to challenge him, while he was still minister, was considered professional suicide.
The problem with Hawass is that he hates to be proven wrong. He also doesn’t like to watch from the sidelines while another Egyptologist, especially a foreign one such as Nicholas Reeves, might get credit for what could turn out to be the discovery of the century. It is no secret Hawass has openly challenged and ridiculed Reeves every step of the way, threatening that Reeves “would never be allowed to test his theory.”
Many authored Egyptologists, often allude in their books to Hawass dismissing their initial findings, sometimes even shutting down their digs or denying them further access, only to come back at a later time, when everyone is gone, and take credit for their discovery. Access to ancient sites, meant pandering to Hawass. Is it any wonder the man has made plenty of enemies over the years, resulting in his swift ouster during the 2011 Arab Spring uprising and regime change. Many Egyptologists say that while Hawass has done much to preserve ancient history during his reign as antiquities minister, he also did much to suppress important findings.
After his fall from professional grace, Hawass vowed to make a comeback. Towards this end, insiders currently believe he has been working behind the scenes to sow seeds of doubt and dissension between all parties, including the current minister of antiquities Khaled El-Enany, and the recently replaced minster, Mamdouh Eldamaty, who declared he was “90 percent” certain that such hidden chambers exist. Hawass may have been ousted from direct power, but he still seems to think he wields a mighty sword of influence behind the scenes. He may be right.
No one is sure why National Geographic abruptly pulled the plug, claiming nothing is there, when others have found evidence to the contrary, but insiders allege that Hawass might somehow be behind it. Hawass’ relationship with the National Geographic Society goes way back. In fact, it was because of some of the contracts he illegally made with National Geographic, without required Egyptian government authorization, which contributed to him being accused of corruption charges for personal profit. Insiders theorize that Hawass may, once again, have his own agenda and timeline for this potential new discovery.
Archaeologist Howard Carter, who discovered King Tut’s untouched tomb hidden under another tomb in 1922, may not have thought to look any further in his tomb search. In 1998, when the Amarna Royal Tombs Project was granted permission to search for new tombs in the Valley of the Kings, Nicholas Reeves recalled the information once given by Egypt’s infamous seer Om Sety. In the book, Om Sety’s Egypt – A Story of Ancient Mysteries, Secret Lives, and the Lost History of the Pharaohs, by Hanny el Zeini and Catherine Dees, Om Sety talked about Nefertiti’s tomb:
Debate continues to rage, as witnessed at this past weekend’s Second Annual Tutankhamun Grand Egyptian Museum Conference in Cairo. Over a hundred people watched the two former government ministers, Hawass and Eldamaty, sit onstage and angrily accuse each other of trying to drill holes into World Heritage Sites without proper permission.
The quarter-size hole needed in Tut’s tomb to put speculation to rest, would be drilled near the floor of the unpainted North wall (believed to be a false wall), and a small fiber optics camera would be inserted. No one is threatening to drill without permission. Permission to do so is what this entire drama is all about. They drilled holes even bigger in the hidden door found in the shaft of the King’s Chamber in the Great Pyramid during Hawass’ time. So this is really a power struggle between ego and politics.
Right now there are two different radar scans showing contradictory evidence. In Reeves’s theory, these doorways present several clues suggesting that the tomb was originally built for another ruler—Nefertiti, the principal wife of Akhenaten. It is not certain whether she is the biological mother of Tutankhamen, or if he is a stepson by another of Akhenaten’s wives. But if she is buried in the hidden chamber next to him, it would certainly support a maternal theory.
Nefertiti died suddenly in year three of Tutankhamun’s reign (1331 BC) and apparently vanished without a trace. When Tutankhamun himself died shortly into his rulership, at age 19, in all likelihood he was hurriedly buried in someone else’s finished tomb—someone with rank who had a tomb befitting a king. Tut’s current tomb is considered quite small, the size of a royal’s antechamber, not a full tomb. This is considered quite unusual for a king, even for one that had an uneventful and short reign. This would lead to the theory that it might be a partitioned double tomb. Perhaps, Om Sety was correct in saying that Nefertiti was buried close to Tutankhamun” where nobody would think to look,” (at least for centuries, that is).
I’m sure before long, we will all know the truth about Nefertiti’s final resting place. That should be the treasure of all treasures.
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
Capturing Images on Film from Another Dimension
/by Kathy J. FortiI have some very dear and well-known friends who see dead people and professionally communicate with spirits all the time. But back in 1982 I didn’t know them, and what happened to me even had some psychic research experts scratching their heads.
For some reason, I found my detailed notes on the experience this past week, hidden away in a forgotten book. The story was just begging to be retold.
Back in January 1982, I was living in Kansas with my then psychologist boyfriend. A few weeks earlier, I had returned from spending the Christmas holidays in Chicago where I had shot footage on my Super 8mm movie camera of my family snowmobiling. Earlier that day I had picked up the processed film from the local Photomat and when I got home wasted no time threading it onto my projector to see what I had.
Immediately I saw a chest of drawers, which shouldn’t have been there. I had the split second thought this must be someone else’s film. Then what I saw next sent me into a state of semi-shock. Running across the screen, as clear as could be, was my schnauzer dog, Winnie, who had died seven years earlier in 1976, a long time before I even owned a movie camera. No movie film of her existed.
It was one of those “OH.MY.GOD.” moments, where your brain can formulate no other words. My screaming brought my boyfriend running, thinking I had encountered a dead rat. Together we re-played the film several times and tried to make sequential sense of what we were seeing.
The film opened on a lopsided shot from the floor tilting up, showing a chest of drawers that I
recognized as being in my little brother’s old bedroom. Next was a short black blip on the film which, upon closer examination using a light box, looked like a woman’s face in the shadows whose identity was unrecognizable. She was wearing a white sweater and what was either a dark-colored head scarf or shoulder length brown hair. I had no idea who she was.
Immediately the film returned to the bedroom chest of drawers where Winnie ran across the screen with the camera going in for a close-up of the dog’s face so there would be no mistaking the animal’s identity. Winnie looked like she had just been given a haircut, which she had just prior to her death, and her ears were unclipped, just like we had left them. I kept asking myself—just who is operating this camera?
The scene on the film suddenly shifted to my parent’s Chicago living room where Christmas decorations, stockings and our holiday tree were all missing. This was not December time. Placement of certain objects and furniture in the room told me it had to have been during a time when Winnie was still alive. Some of the objects were no longer there in 1982. The phantom camera operator panned the living room back and forth, with no other apparent reason than to show things clearly. Suddenly the film went to WHITE and then the film returned to 1982 and my family snowmobiling scenes that should have taken up the entire film.
I distinctly recalled that when I started shooting the snowmobiling, I had to unwrap new film and load the camera. The opening shots of the frozen lake were gone, now replaced with the strange Winnie footage. At the time I shot the film it was very cold outside and I recall looking at my footage meter and noticing that the indicator was not moving as accurately as normal. I attributed it to the cold temperatures and nothing else. One has to wonder when the transference took place. Was it already impressed upon the film before I started shooting, or after? I had purchased the new film roll and others only a few weeks earlier.
To make things even stranger, that Christmas my mother had given me the paperback book, Voices on the Tapes, not knowing I had just bought a book at the airport, titled, Phone Calls from the Dead. Coincidence? I think not. As Albert Einstein said, “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” I was being set up for another unexplainable experience, like others I would continue to have in my life.
My psychologist boyfriend referred the strange experience to the The Menninger Institute, a psychiatric institution in Topeka, Kansas, where they were studying altered brain states as well as psychic phenomenon (among other things). Dr. Elmer Green, the Director of Menninger’s, contacted psychiatrists Dr. Stuart Twemlow, MD and Dr. Glen Gabbard, MD to meet with me and discuss the film.
Both doctors were interested in how intent, during altered states of awareness, might affect physical matter. They were curious to see if I could consciously affect film to bring about strange manifestations. They hooked me up to a deep focus state audiotape and let my movie camera run.
While I found it an interesting experiment, I’m sure they were sadly disappointed to find the results extremely boring. Not surprising for me, the film showed nothing. I never thought it was me influencing it, but rather a random message of awe from the universe.
On the other hand, Twemlow and Gabbard had expressed interest in the possibility of officially documenting the case and perhaps presenting the unusual phenomena at the American Society for Psychical Research in New York City. I guess somethings happen only once—at least in my case. Thankfully, I was not destined to be a psychic guinea pig.
The footnote to this story is that my “Winnie” film was authenticated by Kodak Labs, where it was sent to verify it had not been tampered with through editing. Along the side of the film are sequential symbols marking frames and the year the film roll was manufactured. What they found stamped on my “Winnie” film roll was the code symbol for the year 1976. I submitted another film roll to the lab which I had purchased at the same time. The code symbol for this roll showed 1981. While this made events even more bizarre, it immediately made my film undocumentable. Someone could always claim I had saved film I shot from that year when the dog was still alive—even though neither my parents or I ever owned a Super 8 camera back then. So this strange story just remains another strange story without explanation. Life is often like that.
I have no idea where the Winnie film is today. It might be packed away somewhere in a box or I might have accidentally tossed it years ago when I sold my old equipment and went to digital.
Today, things are different—not even as shockingly strange as years ago. Due to the Internet, we DO hear of cases where people consistently pick up other-worldly images on film. For some people, it doesn’t matter whose camera they are using. The results are always the same, as seen in this interesting 8-minute video below. It will forever leave you wondering…
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
In Search of the LIBRARY of TRUTH
/by Kathy J. FortiThere were no lies in this place, nor spin on the facts. She learned things about her own life as well as being able to access information on Earth history. While many may be familiar with the premise of an otherworldly depository of wisdom, known as the Akashic Records or Book of Life, the thought of spending time in such a place really intrigued me. Needless to say, I never forgot that particular conversation.
In fact, the conversation would later plant the seed for the 12-episode STACKS web series I wrote and produced for fun in 2010 with some of my movie industry friends (Watch it Here). I always thought the premise would make for a wonderful TV series or movie. Wouldn’t we all like to find the portal into a Library of Truth?
Currently, we live in times where the “Truth Movement” is growing. “Truthers,” as they call themselves, are demanding NO MORE LIES from government, industry, church and, well everyone and everything out there that has tried to suppress the truth and forever keep the populace in the dark. Knowledge is power and those who deceive are scared to death of the masses becoming enlightened. They will stop at nothing to destroy the whistleblowers and purveyors of truth.
Man’s Search for Truth is intrinsic. It is hardwired into his soul and psyche, because with it comes understanding and growth. If one man’s truth might be another man’s folly, how do we know what is really truth? In answering such philosophical questions, we might get caught up in the illusion of how things appear in order to arrive at an answer. However, appearances can be deceiving. We might see things only as we want to see them based on preconceived beliefs. We may go along with what the majority says is true, never coming close to the truth. Fifty-one percent of a group can easily reach a wrong conclusion. We see it happen in science and medicine all the time.
Truth, like knowledge, is difficult to define. It resides in the realm of metaphysics and the study of what is real. The paths to seeking truth are numerous and sometimes elusive. Universal truths transcend cultures and individual preferences—like physical death. We all know we will eventually die. It’s an absolute truth. Then there are spiritual truths (e.g. we are all spiritual beings on a human journey; our souls never die; love is all there is). The entire subject of what truth is and what truth means to each and every one of us has plagued philosophers for centuries.
We can always fantasize about living in a more evolved world where there is nothing BUT truth. If you were to envision yourself journeying to the Library of Truth, what would you seek after finding the book on your own life? I would take out the book on the true origin of mankind, the true origins of life and the
cosmos, the Book on the Divine Plan which would probably cover it all. And somewhere in there is a Book of Complete Wisdom just waiting to be opened.
Okay, for sheer curiosity sake, I would definitely check out who the real culprits were behind 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, and other nefarious and sinister plots and coverups in history—if only to confirm my existing suspicions. When you are thirsty for knowledge, truth is unlimited.
But perhaps in this other dimension, one already has an all-knowing of this information and it matters not. Maybe the Library of Truth is just there for reference validation as mankind’s depository of his educational soul journey—like some celestial parent who keeps a record of every aspect of their child’s progress and development.
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God
VAXXED Movie Controversy: What You Should Know
/by Kathy J. FortiIf you haven’t heard about this film, it’s the one that was slated to be screened at actor Robert DeNiro’s Tribeca Film Festival last month and, due to high pressure by “powerful interests” (i.e. probably the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Vaccine Pharmaceutical manufacturers, and other government shills), DeNiro backed down and took it off the schedule. One can only imagine what they threatened him with regarding the fate of the Festival should he not comply. DeNiro said he just wanted the film out there to start an informed national discussion. He and his wife, Grace, have a son with autism and are trying to understand why, as are thousands of other parents just like them.
As could be expected, trying to stifle this controversial documentary backfired and only made it hotter. Negative publicity is like gold in the film industry. VAXXED is currently playing in New York and Los Angeles (it will even be played at the big AutismOne Conference in Chicago in May) and it will certainly spread to other cities and countries around the world. The cat is out of the bag and people now know, if they hadn’t already suspected it, that our government doesn’t always tell us the truth—especially when it’s not in their financial best interest.
Let me first start by emphasizing that VAXXED is NOT about ANTI-VACCINATION; more importantly, it’s about VACCINE SAFETY. No where in the film does anyone say the concept of vaccination is a bad thing or tell you not to get your child vaccinated. What you will hear is that something has gone terribly wrong with today’s vaccines and it’s time to ask serious questions and get truthful answers. Autism rates began skyrocketing in the late 1980’s when children, before the age of 36 months, started receiving a program of multiple vaccine shots all at once. One would think there wouldn’t be a soul out there against vaccine “safety” for kids, but apparently there are.
In 2013, biologist Dr. Brian Hooker received a call from a Senior Scientist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who led the agencys 2004 study on the Measles-Mumps-Rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link to autism.
The scientist, Dr. William Thompson, confessed that the CDC had omitted crucial data in their final report that revealed a causal relationship between the MMR vaccine and autism. Over several months, Dr. Hooker recorded the phone calls made to him by Dr. Thompson who provided the confidential data destroyed by his colleagues at the CDC.
Dr. Thompson’s analysis of the data showed that multiple vaccines given before the age of 3 years old were increasing autism by as much as 23%, especially in Afro-American males. When a “single vaccine only” program was suggested to cut the risks of multiple vaccinations, the option was quickly taken away. Thompson was told, “It will destroy our MMR program.”
Dr. Hooker enlisted the help of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the British gastroenterologist falsely accused of starting the anti-vax movement when he first reported in 1998 that the MMR vaccine may cause autism. In his ongoing effort to advocate for childrens health, Wakefield directs this documentary examining the evidence behind an appalling cover-up committed by the government agency charged with protecting the health of American citizens.
Interviews with pharmaceutical insiders, doctors, politicians, and parents of vaccine-injured children reveal an alarming deception that has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism and potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime. It’s understandable why so much effort was made to suppress this film.
What is quite disturbing to learn is that there have not been any long-term studies carried out, by the CDC or a vaccine manufacturer, using a control non-vaccine study group to analyze results against those receiving the vaccine. This is truly astounding when, as every doctor and researcher knows, the scientific community and its varied professional journals demand double-blind or control group studies for drug efficacy.
The VAXXED documentary does not explore what might have made vaccines less safe than before. It only makes one want to ask important questions that need to be known. Since those questions might open a whole other can of worms, I will attempt to shed some light on the issue…
University of Pennsylvania’s Dr. Brian Strom, who has served on Institute of Medicine panels advising the government on vaccine safety says the prevailing medical opinion is that vaccines are scientifically linked to encephalopathy (brain damage), but not “scientifically” linked to autism. (NOTE: The Zika virus is blamed on mosquitos, but many of the women, who gave birth to children with brain encephalopathy, were mandated by the Brazilian government to have multiple vaccines while pregnant. Read More) This is important to keep in mind.
While Dr. Strom suggests they can’t prove the autism/vaccine link (others strongly disagree), let’s take a closer look at what’s happening in a child’s body when they do have autism. John Hopkin’s researchers found that these children experience acute brain inflammation from widespread activation of brain immune cells trying to fight off a toxic foreign invader. When the body wages war against itself, it is considered an autoimmune disorder. Autism falls into this category.
No one has officially determined what the actual invader is that the child’s immune system is trying to ward off leading to autism. Is it multiple vaccines that overwhelm the developing immune system at such an early age? Is it the controversial mercury preservative known as “Thimerosal” which has been put into some vaccines to protect the vaccine from degradation when refrigeration isn’t always available? Or is it something else even more insidious and disruptive?
Very few people realize that when vaccine manufacturers started removing Thimerosal from their
vaccines in the late 1980’s, they began the worldwide practice of using human DNA from aborted fetal cells. MERK lists this on their ingredient label as “recombinant human albumin.” According to a recent Environmental Protection Agency Study (EPA), in 1988 there was a sudden spike in autism disorders, which is the same year the U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices began recommending a second dose of the MMR vaccine using the human cell cultures.
The use of growing vaccines in human cell cultures has problems, says former pharmaceutical senior scientist, Helen Ratajczak. She explains that when these human cell fragments are in the presence of the disease they are grown in, both are identified by the immune system as an enemy of the body. This is immediately seen in the neurons of the brain. The body attacks the brain cells causing acute inflammation, which can continue throughout the life of the individual. Ratajczak also says an additional increased spike in autism occurred in 1995 when chicken pox vaccine was grown in human fetal tissue. Fetal cell tissue is used today in approximately 23 vaccines.
Years ago they used animal DNA tissue in vaccines, which is why many people became allergic to their pets after receiving vaccinations if cat or dog cell cultures were used. The immune system sees these cells as the enemy. The problem is that with current vaccines used from human tissue, the body will try to reject it, much like an organ transplant recipient might reject a donor organ. The long-term risks to human health of injecting infants, children and adults with human protein/DNA have never been studied.
In 1985, 1 in 2500 children had autism. Today, that figure is 1 in 250. Every seven minutes another child in the U.S. is diagnosed with autism. At this rate researchers predict that by 2032, if something is not done, 80% of boys will have autism. There are many reputable scientists who have done studies showing the link between vaccines and autism. Most all have been discredited after trying to publish their findings—like gastroenterologist, Dr. Andrew Wakefield. Anyone who has ever tried to write an article on the vaccine safety subject has been either vilified or silenced. Even the Huffington Post suppressed a review of the VAXXED documentary by a veteran writer of their newspaper.
National Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 protected vaccine manufacturers from lawsuits. We clearly need to review our vaccine safety policy. Future generations of children are counting on us.
A recent update to this story now suggests that Dr. William Thompson is under attack by the CDC to change his story and resubmit “re-analyzed” results refuting his original claims. We can only hope he stands strong against this opposition.
VAXXED Website & Screening Info
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God