
Beneath the Great Pyramid – Part 2

EgyptTunnel8jpgIt is no secret that beneath the Great Pyramid are vertical shafts, tunnels, hidden chambers, and even a subterranean lake. To find underground water in a dry desert area, where there shouldn’t be any, is intriguing.

Tourists don’t get to see the more interesting lower depths of the Great Pyramid which, due to accessibility problems, has kept important secrets safe for thousands of years. There are layers of shafts that lead straight down through solid limestone, much like the tunnels seen in the tombs of the Valley of the Kings, where the Ancient Egyptians buried their dead and hid from ordinary man vast treasures.


Three levels of chambers under the Great Pyramid. The largest contains the solitary “Tomb of Osiris.”

Once you get past ground level in the Pyramid, there is a second layer shaft which descends to a court flanked on both sides by seven chambers. Some of these chambers contain huge sarcophagi of basalt and granite, 18 feet high. There are no carvings on the stone to tell us who its owner may have been or its purpose for being there. These sarcophagi were allegedly open and empty when found.

Down an even narrower shaft, to a third and even deeper level 95 feet down, lies a clear subterranean lake containing a submerged blue stone sarcophagus about 9 feet in length and weighing between 11-12 tons. Surrounded by four pillars (which have since been removed), the chamber was said to be the “Tomb of Osiris” by Dr. Zahi Hawass, the Director of the Giza Plateau back in 1997-1999, when they first discovered it. How it got down such narrow shafts is an even greater mystery, as no other entrances have been found.

lakeunder pyramidThe Egyptian government claims they extracted this sarcophagus and found it empty, but there are no videos or pictures anywhere to be found of them actually unsealing it. In this day of mass media promotion and documentaries on almost everything, it’s pretty hard to believe they would pass up such an extraordinary opportunity.

We do know that they supposedly carbon dated the sarcophagus and found the results completely challenged accepted Egypt chronology about the Pyramid’s age. Even that news went completely silent. This major discovery happened in the late 90’s, yet no new update has ever been made public on the alleged “Tomb of Osiris.” There are good reasons.


Solitary stone sarcophagus found in lake

I am quite certain the Egyptian Department of Antiquities will not find the God Osiris nor any other being inside. Why? Because this particular sarcophagus is virtually impossible to open.

I remote viewed the submerged area and found the sarcophagus to be impenetrable, so I contacted expert remote viewer, clairvoyant, and author, EM Nicolay, who is extremely proficient at these sort of things. Not knowing my lack of findings, he confirmed it had never been opened, but provided further information I wasn’t privy too.

It appears the sarcophagus is “genetically sealed,” meaning that no man can open it unless his or her DNA matches the genetic coding intentionally locked in place. The Ancient Atlanteans, who brought their advanced knowledge to Egypt (read Who Really Built the Great Pyramids – Part 1), apparently devised a fail safe method, much like our iris scans or fingerprint security locks do today, but much more sophisticated. Pretty clever using DNA.

Archaeologists report that the sarcophagus sits in cold clear water that sizzles when objects fall into it. Understandably they avoided physical contact, assuming it contained some caustic ancient substance. Yet, the water wasn’t always there. Due to the strange properties of this particular sarcophagus, a flooding of magnetic energy occurred when it came in contact with water and somehow charged it, creating an additional level of protection. Whether accidental or intentional in design, it only adds further to the mystery.

It’s obvious there is something very important inside the sarcophagus to warrant such safeguards. Nicolay reports that it contains a major planetary entrance to a dimensional portal. This particular portal is a key stargate that anchors our entire planet, much like a “Divine Engine.” Could this be the true entrance to the Hall of Records which the sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce predicted would be found, but could only be “unlocked” by a select few? If so, no archaeologist has, thus far, displayed the right genetic code to crack it.


Computer rendering of submerged discovery

While present day archaeologists are still trying to figure out how to open this sealed container, it may be a futile task. Unfortunately, the beings with the correct genetic codes to open it are no longer present in this world. One of these beings would, in fact, have to incarnate to accomplish this.

To understand how this genetic coding all came to be, one has to first go back to the time of Atlantis (as I referenced in my previous blog). I will attempt to give a brief overview in order to shed light on man’s rather complex history.

Before the third and final upheaval of Atlantis, there existed two major ruling parties on Atlantis—The Order of Melchizedek (also known as the Sons of the Law of One), which had 12 members (like Senators), and the Sons of Belial (sometimes referred to as Baal) which also had 12 members.

Each group knew how to use the spiritual truths of God and the forces of Nature, but the Sons of Belial used this knowledge for the material gain of physical power and service to self, whereas the Melchizedek followers believed that it should only be used for service to others. A continual struggle regarding man’s proper use of advanced technology and universal knowledge existed between these two opposing parties. (It’s the age old battle between the forces of Darkness and the Light.) These differences led to the misuse of advanced weaponry by the Sons of Belial for the purpose of ridding areas of the Earth from an overpopulation of large animals (the dinosaurs). The Belial followers ignored all safety warnings, which consequently caused a planetary shift, massive flood inundation, and thousands of lives being lost.

Before the final upheaval, Atlantis had many colonies or “outposts” spread throughout the world (i.e, China, Latin America, India, Mongolia, Egypt, etc.). Egypt was their principal outpost and it was here that the Atlantean entity known as Thoth, the “Lord of Magic and Time” (aka Enoch), traveled before the Great Flood (now known as the Biblical flood of Noah), to preserve the knowledge of Atlantis before it was destroyed. All 12 members from the Order of Melchizedek were dispersed to outposts in other parts of the world to also secure the sacred knowledge. The Mayan civilization was one of these outposts, and from the Atlanteans they would inherit celestial and “timekeeping” knowledge.

There were survivors of the Sons of Belial who set up their own habitation areas on Earth after the Great Flood, but the Sons of Belial and the Order of Melchizedek weren’t the only two groups to have staked out new territories.

There was also the Anunnaki. The ancient Sumerian texts referred to them as the “Gods from the sky.” The Bible refers to them as the “Nephilim” or “fallen angels” who came to Earth and mated with humans. Most of these “god” myths are not myths at all. The Anunnaki were an extraterrestrial race that came to Earth and put down roots in Mesopotamia. They were responsible for the advanced Sumerian civilization that suddenly sprang up out of no where. This ancient Assyrian land (today’s Iraq), has always been seen as the “cradle of civilization” because of the Anunnaki influence.


The Anunnaki changing the genetic tree of life.

The Anunnaki were technologically advanced, yet their primary interest was mining Earth’s gold resources in the African mines. To do so, they needed lots of workers which their own people would not provide. To fulfill their labor need, they employed genetic manipulation and in-vitro fertilization techniques to create a new breed of hybrid workers that came from their bloodline, but were essentially slaves.

The idea of ET genetic manipulation may sound preposterous to some, but just recently long-time researchers in the Human Genome Project stated that they now believe “the so-called 97% of non-coding sequences in the human DNA is nothing less than the genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.” While science no longer finds this theory far-fetched, Nobel Prize winner of DNA fame, Sir Frances Crick, has always espoused the belief of our extraterrestrial origins.

Several races sprang forth from the Anunnaki genetic experiments—-the Arabs, the Hebrews, and the 12 Tribes of Israel. This would forever set the stage for undercurrents of resentment and persecution for centuries to come, especially when the Anunnaki left and the Hebrews were then taken into slavery by the Egyptians and Babylonians. One can begin to understand the conflict over the centuries between the races in the Middle East and the rest of the world. The roots to the Anunnaki and the disruptive energy of these areas runs deep, as we can still see today. There are those that have clearly taken advantage of this for the control of people and lands.

While certain civilizations tend to whitewash their history, as man oftentimes does to make himself appear good and righteous, the Anunnaki saw themselves as all-powerful and had no qualms about destroying those who might interfere with their legacy. When an influx of Atlanteans came into their lands after the Great Flood (approximately 15,000 – 13,000 BCE), the Anunnaki waged a war for territorial dominance. The Sons of Belial quickly sided against the Melchizideks and joined ranks with the Anunnaki who, like themselves, were more interested in material power and gain. A sky war was waged with “fireball weapons” that decimated thousands of people. This is the war the ancient Vedic texts described, in terms which we now understand to be the use of nuclear weapons. Researchers have verified evidence of such ancient nuclear battles sites in the Middle East. Again, it appears that history may be repeating itself.

After the great “sky war,” the Anunnaki eventually left Earth. The Melchizedek Atlanteans made sure the key Earth portal entry underneath the Great Pyramid was sealed and not accessible to those of the Anunnaki DNA bloodline, or their descendants. Thoth made sure of it.

It is undeniable that Thoth was a very interesting link in man’s history. He was a spiritual being with great knowledge and stature. In fact, many Atlanteans would be considered giants by today’s standards, with heights between 7-8 feet tall. They towered over man both intellectualy and physically. They were called “immortal gods” not because they couldn’t die, but because they could live for several hundred years having clearly discovered the secret to longevity which is a characteristic of higher dimensional lineage. This slow aging process has been known to confuse the historical timelines if one is thinking in limited human lifespan years. This is one reason why many of these ancient stories have been explained away as myth.

Much of what Thoth put in place deteriorated after his death and transmutation, but beneath the pyramids his legacy still lives on.

More unusual articles on Egypt are coming.  Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.

Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God

Who Really Built the Great Pyramid – Part 1

GP_GizaEgyptologists will not agree with what I have to say about the Great Pyramid, but then they’ve been proven wrong countless times. This is because anything that contradicts one’s beliefs is oftentimes discarded or even suppressed. To understand Egypt and man’s true history, one has to see through a different lens.

The entire Great Pyramid timeline is inaccurate. The Sleeping Prophet, Edgar Cayce, was more in line with its true construction age, which is between 11,000 – 10,000 B.C. Chamber shafts inside the pyramid are perfectly aligned with key star systems during this time frame. Mainstream Egyptologists would have you believe the Great Pyramid came into being around 2500 B.C., which just happens to fit quite nicely into the reign of the Pharaoh Khufu.

Contrary to popular belief, Khufu (aka Cheops), a 4th Dynasty pharaoh of the Old Kingdom, was not the original builder of this great wonder. He did a great restoration job on a very old structure and no one will fault him for putting his name to it for vanity’s sake. But he did not build it.

Khufu had a reputation for cultural preservation and restoration building projects. He was also widely remembered as being an unlikeable tyrant—hardly someone with the higher consciousness required to build such a celestial monument. So little is known about Khufu, that historians are even in conflict about how long he actually ruled—anywhere from 26 to 53 years. Yet, because someone found an inscription in one of the chambers inside the Great Pyramid, which mentioned a work crew named “friends of Khufu,” historians jumped to the flimsy conclusion he must have been its builder. Wrong.

So who did built it? The very ancient Arab writers were convinced that the Great Pyramid was built by the Egyptian god “Thoth” (known as the Greek godThoth Ok Hermes, the Arabic Idris, the Hebrew Enoch, and the messenger of the gods, Mercury ). He went by many names in different world cultures, but it was the same man.

So was he man or god?  Perhaps a little of both. Through the centuries, the Egyptian god Thoth has held an extremely dominant place in all the sacred temples. Depictions of Thoth show him in human form with the head of an ibis—the symbol on alchemical scripts for successful transmutation. Thoth was revered as the “creator god” who brought knowledge, wisdom, medicine, sacred geometry, and the alchemy arts to Earth. This ibis-headed distinction made him readily identifiable on any temple wall.

Who was he really? Thoth was the true builder of the Great Pyramid. He was one of the original elders that came to Ancient Egypt (called “Khem”) after the third and final upheaval of  the continent known as Atlantis. He was entrusted by his “father,” an advanced Temple elder, to preserve the great cosmic knowledge, technology, and alchemy of the Atlanteans.

Thoth’s vast knowledge of harnessing earth forces was like magic to the Ancient Egyptians who knew nothing of alchemy. To them he appeared to be a god. Like some early missionary to the native tribes, he brought knowledge of man’s true connection to the Light of Source, his origins to the stars, and how to attain the path to enlightenment and wisdom. For wisdom is power and power is wisdom. One could say that Thoth was man’s first Higher Consciousness coach.

The Egyptians knew him as “one of the ten members of the dynasty of gods who ruled earth before earthly kings,” meaning he came from the Atlantean Order of Melchizedek (the cosmic priests to the priests)—highly evolved beings who reincarnated to help man during key periods in evolutionary time.

Today Thoth is best remembered as the great scribe of the sacred writings called the “Emerald emerald tabletTablets.” These 12 Tablets are said to be constructed in a material that is “imperishable and resistant to all elements, corrosion and acids. The atomic and cellular structure is fixed, and no change can take place, thus violating the material law of ionization.” They were translated and interpreted by a Dr. M. Doreal in 1925. How and where they were first found is still unclear. To review the writings, click here: The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean. In these Tablets, Thoth actually reveals his involvement in building the Great Pyramid. It’s definitely worth a read.

Thoth encapsulated much about the universe, the stars and mathematics into the dimensional structure of the Great Pyramid, thereby giving man a cosmic time capsule. Thoth intended that knowledge be preserved for those who would come after—those who could read the signs.

The Ancient Egyptians did not just wake up one day and suddenly know what even our scientists are still learning about our world today. This knowledge was shared with them by the Atlanteans—some of it openly revealed and some hinted at, even secreted away, until man had evolved enough to be ready to use it to connect with the Divine Source.

Misuse of some of this knowledge—i.e. weather manipulation, DNA experimentation, bio-engineering, and advanced weaponry led to man’s “fall into darkness,” causing the destabilization and submersion of Atlantis by those only interested in service to self. We seem to be revisiting that same trajectory pattern today. Is history once again repeating itself until we finally learn the lesson?

pyr4The Great Pyramid had several purposes. It was not just a cryptic depository of universal knowledge, but it also served to magnetically stabilize the Earth’s axis and anchor it in time and space. It was intentionally built on the exact center of Earth as well as aligned to Earth’s inner core, to correct a slight wobble in its orbit caused by the upheaval of the Atlantean continental landmass.

Today’s scientists have already established that Earth went through several magnetic pole reversals since pre-Ice Age time. They also know that continental drift and tectonic plate dynamics can cause strange magnetic anomalies to occur.

Could pole shift have disrupted the entire magnetic field of the planet during this Atlantean time? If so, someone certainly found a way to fix it. The Earth now has an unusual magnetic grid (the 12 Earth Vortices), laid out so astoundingly uniform throughout both hemispheres, it defies natural explanation. All these vortice sites display magnetic anomalies. Scientists admit the uniformity of design could not have been naturally formed, but appears to have been somehow intentionally placed in this pattern. Cosmic alchemy at work?

In addition to its function as an Earth stabilizer, the Great Pyramid was also a resonant energy generator using vibrational sound. The pyramids around the world, as well as obelisks were much like today’s electrical transmitting and receiving towers. Because of this natural energy source, the Great Pyramid also became a vehicle for transmutation—transforming matter into Light Energy—the key to Soul Evolution and Higher Consciousness. This knowledge was used in initiation rites to access the Divine Will of One and transverse the cosmos (more on this in a later blog).

The Ancient Egyptians, and our entire planet, have Thoth and the Order of Melchizedek to thank for all this. Is it any wonder he was thought of as a god. So what happened to Thoth?

The ancient Sabaeans, who inhabited the Biblical Land of Sheba, adamantly believed that the Great Pyramid concealed the tombs of both Thoth and his father. Because of this strong belief, they came on pilgrimages to Giza right up until medieval times in order to venerate them. They said Thoth possessed the secrets to immortality. They may have been right.

In Part 2 of my next blog, I will share what they found deep beneath the pyramid, in a vertical shaft chamber that is almost unreachable. Soon after they made the discovery, few in Egypt wanted to talk about it. Yet, the quest for Truth continues…

More unusual articles on Egypt are coming.  Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.

Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God

Rediscovering the Healing Temples of Saqqara

saqqara1Modern-day Egyptologists will tell you the Step Pyramid at Saqqara is the oldest known stone pyramid in the world. But most are unaware of the incredible significance this ancient complex once held for history’s most advanced healers. These are the same healers who “wrote the book” for all mystery school teachings spread throughout the Temples of Egypt.

Last week I returned from leading a small group to this sacred site, my second visit there in this lifetime, but no less a powerful remembering experience. For me, it will always have a feeling of coming home.

Saqqara’s history goes back much further than the Third Dynasty when King Djoser had his royal architect, Imhotep, design the now famous Step Pyramid. The Saqqara area was where many of the elders, especially the priests of the Cosmic Order of Melchizedek, came to preserve the ancient knowledgeUnasTexts after the third and final upheaval of Atlantis.

Some of this knowledge was written down and preserved in the Fifth Dynasty on the inside walls of the Unas Pyramid, known as the “Pyramid Texts.” This depository of information, a stone’s throw from the Step Pyramid, displays the soul’s ascension through the celestial dimensions and the entire resurrection process. Sprinkled throughout these depictions are some written prayers and instructions, which would eventually form the Egyptian “Book of the Dead.”

These texts provided modern-day Egyptologists with some understanding of the beliefs of the time. But, the Pyramid Texts are only a small fraction of the full story. To have written down all they knew would have put this sacred knowledge in the hands of those very individuals they knew would misuse it for personal gain and power. (Clearly, some things never change.)

So what can we gather from the collective and shared memories of the many visionary intuitives who are able to look backwards in time? For one, the greatest alchemy and magic ever known was taught and practiced at Saqqara—but only to those willing to overcome all attachment to fear and the demands of the ego-self, and instead embrace a life of love and harmony. This was the training practiced in what was known as the “Temple Beautiful.”

The practices of the original Temple Beautiful (which the sleeping prophet Edgar Cayce spoke about) were carried forward from Atlantis to Saqqara where they flourished under the guidance of the spiritual and cosmic brotherhood. While there were many Temple Beautifuls in each community, the main Temple Beautiful was once housed inside the Step Pyramid of Djoser which has more than 5,700 meters of shafts, tunnels, chambers and galleries.  Much like the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx, it too has undiscovered underground passageways.

Many early Egyptian pharaohs, who maintained peaceful Atlantean principles taught by the elders, were eventually, over time, replaced by a more conquering, military-based succession of Kings. These military kings secured their power by disposing of those they thought had access to more celestial and earthly power than them. Consequently, many of the Temple Beautiful priests were assassinated. Others fled hoping to preserve the knowledge of the forces of nature with them. With the priests gone, the original Temple Beautiful would later become a tomb. But I’m getting ahead of myself in this story.

DSC04092The Saqqara complex was once surrounded by a high privacy wall that naturally kept out those who were not invited in and/or those who did not vibrate at the higher frequency it was tuned to. This frequency, which was tuned to love and harmony, versus fear and destruction, was regularly maintained by both initiates and priests by standing within the niches of the inside walls and using harmonic toning to set up a desired frequency field effect. My group set up their own tuning chain in the remaining part of the wall, connecting to their ancient counterparts (see pic).

On the east side of the Saqqara complex, located within the great outer walls, is a series of chambers once used as a teaching school for the vibrational sciences. This series of buildings housed sound healing rooms. Multiple “cone-like racks” were seen along many of the inner wall rooms. TheseDSC04107 strange-looking devices, which you don’t see anywhere else in Egyptian temples, were used in setting resonant frequencies for the purpose of healing the etheric body.

Healing with sound, color, light and music was integral to the ancient process of re-harmonizing the body back to a state of total health. This process aided in resetting the person’s own unique frequency signature (much like doing a computer restore point). Health was equated with being in tune with one’s true soul path. The body was seen as an earthly vehicle which housed the soul and was treated, “like God’s Holy Temple.” Living a life in resonance and loving service to others was what the tenets of Saqqara priesthood were all about.

DSC04100The cosmic priests of the Order of Melchizedek were not only highly adept in harmonic sound healing, but also possessed the ability to transmute matter into spiritual light energy (known today as tachyon energy). This is what Jesus (a Mystery School initiate himself) spoke about when he referred to “God is Light.” Through this process one could perform such things as Jesus did in turning water to wine and resurrection of one’s physical body into pure light. Pure light energy could then be changed into anything—even silver or gold.  This was the basis of alchemy.

Transmutation was the key to the ascension/resurrection process. Taking this step opened one to the understanding of the Universe. This is why the Ancient Egyptians were obsessed with the cosmos, the stars, and traveling through the underworld to other realms. They were trying to tell us what they knew, while not exactly giving us the step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish the physics of it.

In the transmutation process one’s body could move beyond the limitations of earthly existence and travel freely throughout the dimensions where even the future could be seen. To learn transmutation was in essence receiving the Keys to the Cosmos. Is it any wonder the priests who learned this knowledge from their Atlantean brotherhood, who probably learned it from Star Visitors to this planet, were something the latter Kings would try to vanquish?

While the ability to transmute one’s earthly body was the penultimate to aspire towards, the Saqqara priests knew more about harnessing the forces of nature than we do today—especially in building. They employed the use of high frequency sound in precision stone cutting. Today’s expert engineers in masonary sheepishly admit we have nothing nearly as comparable as the ancients had.

In addition, priests used sound to unlock the effects of gravity, allowing them to levitate and move large objects easily. They coupled the power of sound with the power of the mind. Learning to control one’s own mind against destructive thoughts signaled an initiate’s true awakening. One could say the ancient priests of Saqqara invented the term, “mind over matter.” When the mind was clear, one could work with the divine forces of nature. To do so, they had an instrument they used to harness these forces. They were called the “Rods of Ptah” (after the “Creator God” called Ptah), also known as “vril rods.”

harmonicrodptahThe Rods of Ptah were “U-shaped” at the bottom, resembling resonant tuning forks that could be struck in ways to create electromagnetic effects. At the top were the symbols of the Ankh (the symbol of life) and the Djed Pillar (a symbol for the spine of the God Osiris and rising energy). These powerful symbols could only be used by the higher priests or a Pharaoh (who had also undergone initiation). They could only be used within the right mindset of the operator or the power could be destructive. You will not find these instruments in museums anywhere today.  The priests of the ancient mystery schools destroyed them to keep them out of the hands of those who would abuse the power they could harness, much like the Ark of the Covenant was later secreted away for safety and protection. Although later Pharaohs used these power symbols in depictions of themselves, many were no longer privy to the full extent of this mystery school ability. Today, the representation of these symbols are seen as kingly sceptres, their true meaning entirely lost.

Before one could enter the Temple Beautiful, and be initiated into the knowledge of cosmic alchemy, one had to first pass tests of one’s true spirit in the Temple of Sacrifice. This Temple was where one demonstrated they had mastered the ability to let go of anything fearful, ego-based and self-serving. The ancients used the auric field of the initiate to determine this. This test was more accurate than today’s lie detectors. One simply could not fake one’s auric color field. If the initiate maintained this field throughout all their tests, then and only then were they allowed entrance to the Temple Beautiful.

The Temple of Sacrifice, which was mostly underground, is now long gone. Only two large “B” like structures marking the places where the initiates entered and exited, can be seen in the courtyard. Egyptologists today say it was used to race horse carts around. IDSC04122 guess, nothing else made sense to them due to the odd shape and placement. So far, they have DSC04124not attempted to dig any deeper to see what might be found underneath this structure. Perhaps, time will tell.

For centuries, much of this ancient knowledge has been buried and forgotten. Today, during this great evolutionary time in our 26,000 year planetary cycle, many souls from this ancient time have once again returned. They are being re-awakened. They are the healers and helpers of the world. They are here to hold the frequency of love and peace, so man will not destroy himself through fear and hate. Instead, man must find his way back to his true Source and God’s Divine Light.

In the spirit of our ancient Saqqara brotherhood, we should find time each day to sit in quiet meditation, to tone, to pray, to send out loving and healing thoughts to all our brothers, both here on this planet and throughout the Universe. It’s time to put aside our differences, embrace our true oneness, and come together to make peace work. Namaste to all.

More unusual articles on Egypt are coming. Stay tuned for my next blog “Who Really Built the Great Pyramid”

Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.

Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God