There are times when people enter you life that you either know then, or later find out, were meant to be profound instruments of change and soul growth for all parties involved. Valerie was one such individual. I was first introduced to Valerie almost 25 years ago when she was assigned to my client case load at a Community Mental Health facility in Norfolk, Virginia. I treated her for Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), later to be classified as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). She had well over 100 different alters and fragment personalities due to severe sexual, emotional, and physical abuse by multi-generational family members since infancy. Back then those who had this condition called themselves “multiples”. Their case files were usually huge, with many diagnoses from countless therapists. All too often they were misdiagnosed and lost in the mental health system for years without proper treatment. Valerie was no exception.
What I learned from Valerie in the nine years I helped her to integrate her multiple parts, was more than I had ever learned in any masters or doctorate psychology degree program. She made me a better therapist. She stretched my belief system about the mind and healing, and she is still doing so today, even though I have not seen her in 15 years.
Due to a host of already existing health problems, I was sure Valerie had died during the years we lost contact. Imagine my surprise to get a call from her granddaughter several months ago (after she tracked me down via the internet) that Valerie was alive and wanted to speak to me. She was very ill, with a rare cancer disease that attacked blood, bone marrow, and destroyed the immune system. Only five cases existed like it and specialists had been called in from around the world to study it. Valerie told me that even though she was doing better, she knew she would not make it to Christmas.
Her rare cancer disease was only one of five inoperable terminal illnesses she had, yet she continued to defy all medical odds. Last year she was placed in an experimental
drug treatment program, but although every other participant in the study was long dead, Valerie lived on. The doctors couldn’t explain it, which was one reason why a battery of doctors, from as far away as Asia, and two military doctors from the U.S. came to be on her medical team. (The latter makes me question whether she had somehow been exposed to biological weapons having lived near a Naval Base.) Consequently, her organs were repeatedly failing from the large doses of steroids and antibiotics she had been given, which would eventually also give her diabetes. But each time Valerie came close to death, she prayed her way out of it. Perhaps she is the penultimate spiritual prayer warrior, but the truth is—I think Valerie is an Angel. Her work here on Earth is simply not done yet.
Before I tell you what recently happened, let me back up and tell you a little something about Valerie that might stretch or challenge your own beliefs. About 20 years ago, Valerie also had cervical cancer. The doctors would conduct tests, and the cancer was there as clear as could be, but when another alter personality was out and they ran the same tests, all the cancer was gone. The doctors re-ran the tests several times thinking it was a mistake, but the results always came out the same. Sometimes Valerie showed all the signs of cancer, and sometimes she did not. But eventually, it would always be gone. I can’t tell you how many of her doctors scratched their heads in disbelief, or got frustrated and angry because they felt helpless to understand or treat something this changeable. The wise ones learned from it. Valerie became their unofficial teacher on the complexities of the mind on healing.
When I say Valerie is an earth angel, it’s because every one she prayed for, or ministered to in her spiritual, non-dogmatic way, always healed. She could look at a person and knew what was wrong inside them both physically and spiritually. She was always praying for people or helping to take away their burdensome pain. And in a moment of perfect clarity, I saw that she was a highly evolved angelic being who chose to be born into the worst possible scenario of a family, to not only help them learn, grow and stop the cycle of abuse, but to accelerate her own soul growth in the process.
I’ll never forget the day about 16 years ago when an alter personality I had never seen before emerged during one of our therapy sessions. The personality talked in biblical sounding “Thees” and “Thous” and identified itself as an “angel” from outside Valerie’s personality system. It then proceeded to tell me private things about myself, which Valerie had no access to, as well as tell me about three gifts awaiting me in the future (only one have I received thus far).
This Being also told me to start preparing Valerie for my departure from Virginia in six months time. At the time, I had no plans to leave Virginia. I was married, had a thriving therapy practice and a home. But without getting into personal details, exactly six months later a series of events happened that caused me to leave Virginia for California. The prophecy was dead accurate.
Before I left for California, I tried to find a competent therapist to refer Valerie to. Much of her integration work had come together over the years, but she still needed help. She thanked me for all the help I had given her, but I knew deep down I owed her an even greater debt of gratitude for all she had taught me.
Fast forward to present time. This past week Valerie, now 63, was rushed to the hospital with deadly pneumonia and what appeared to be rapidly spreading cancer in her lungs. She had a history of seizures, but it looked like she may have also suffered a left-sided stroke as well, which left her slurring words and experiencing some loss of motor coordination on the right side of her body. Her potassium levels were depleted and her white blood cell count was extremely low. She was in so much pain, morphine was administered.
By now the doctors on her team, having worked with this medical oddity for awhile, listened to whatever Valerie told them she needed. Mainly, because she had always proven to be right. Before they took CT scans she told them she felt the masses suddenly develop in her chest, told them her potassium was low, along with other instructions. She professed that she wasn’t a “know it all” but she did “know enough.”
As soon as they could stabilize her, they scheduled a biopsy surgery. On the way to the operating room, her heart stopped and they had to resuscitate her. (Later they would find out a respiratory technician had administered high levels of oxygen leading to saturation and carbon-monoxide poisoning—an almost lethal dose. This technician is now under hospital investigation.) When they were finally able to resuscitate Valerie, she told the doctors an incredible story.
Valerie was no novice to near-death experiences, having had several over her lifetime. But this time, when she lost consciousness and her heart stopped, she told the doctors that several angels were there to enfold her in their arms. “Just hold on,” they told her. “We will put you back in when the door opens.” She had no idea what “door” they were talking about. She looked back at her body and saw it open, like a door, showing a growing light within. “I had no idea I was filled with such a light,” she would later tell them.
Valerie told the angels she was too weak, too tired to go back into her body. As they continued to cradle her, the angels assured her: “We will help you.” Several moments later she found herself back in her physical body, much to the relief of the doctor who was applying shock paddles to jump start her heart.
Within hours after returning to her physical body, she started coughing up bloody tissue masses. She got the doctors to promise that they would not take her back to surgery until they ran another CT scan, for she told them she was certain the cancer would now be gone. The next morning they ran the CT scan and sure enough, just like Valerie told them, it was all gone.
I asked Valerie what she had done to heal the cancer. She told me she had prayed with the angels. Later I learned that not only nurses (from other floors), but doctors as well, had come to her room to see this “miracle” patient that had the entire hospital talking. A few of the nurses took an hour out of their day to help her shower and bathe, dress her, comb and do her hair, and ask her for a healing blessing. She sang to them, one of her favorites being Rachel Platten’s, “Fight Song” with her own made up lyrics. They, too, recognized there was something special about this women. You felt good around her. She beamed with love and light. One of her doctors said, “Valerie, whenever something weird happens in this hospital, I know you will be at the center of it. But from it, I always manage to learn something.” How true, indeed.
A day later Valerie was released from the hospital. But, I know that her time here on Earth is short. I had a vision a few weeks ago that I needed to go see her in August, despite the cross-country trek and scheduling. Before I made my flight reservations, I asked her if it was alright that I come visit her. She told me her angels had already shown her I would be coming several months ago, but she didn’t want to say anything. I asked her to promise to stay alive long enough to make this visit and she readily agreed. So far she has kept her promise, even though she was so close to death’s door this very week.
I have the feeling that something profound will occur when I see her again after this 15 year separation. It’s just a gut feeling. The journey, or reunion, is destined to be. I know she will stay alive long enough to make it possible. I am once again the humble student returning to the teacher. Until I write the final ending to this story, Valerie will always be a living testament that miraculous healing can happen at any time. There are angels that walk this earth. I am grateful to have met one and be a part of her journey.
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical
Why is the U.S. so Medically Backward about Ozone?
/by Kathy J. FortiI can’t tell you how many times over the last 30 years I’ve heard people tell me how happy they were to be living in the most medically advanced country in the world. The sorry news is that it’s simply NOT true. The U.S. is the most medically CONTROLLED country in the world, which has nothing to do with the health of its citizens–especially when it comes to inexpensive, effective care.
If you’re wondering what IV Ozone Therapy is, then you’re not alone. Most people have never heard about it and that’s exactly how the pharmaceutical companies and AMA prefers it. In fact, they have done everything possible to keep it illegal in this country even though scientific studies have proven that Ozone, properly introduced into the body in repeated intravenous injections inactivates viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and carcinomas in diseased cells.
Within hours after having my first Ozone arm injection (which is totally painless), my fever
normalized. The aches and pains left my body, and my cough went from a deep chest rumble to a shallow cough. Even though I was 90% better, I had one more injection the next day just to make sure it had done the deed. It wasn’t really necessary.
In less than 24 hours, I went from feeling deathly ill with some monster pathogen in my bloodstream to feeling like my old self again. No antibiotic can do that!! The Ozone supported my immune system, cleared my blood of those nasty Virgin Australia viral/bacterial critters, and even left my skin looking remarkably younger. An extra perk!
Ozone is completely natural. It is an alternate version of oxygen. Oxygen in the air we breathe is actually two molecules of oxygen attached together, or O2. Ozone is an activated form of oxygen where there are actually three atoms of oxygen attached together, forming a molecule that is O3. Ozone (O3) behaves completely differently than O2. Ozone is far more energetic and oxidative than Oxygen, which is what makes it so valuable for so many applications.
Ozone Therapy has been in use for many years by thousands of West German doctors who claim, in hundreds of scientific and clinical studies, that they are able to inactivate AIDS and other viruses and cancer through Ozone Therapy. A paramedic I know told me that when he worked in Germany it was the first line of defense administered on ambulances when someone had a heart attack. Ozone staves off tissue death.
According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, a team of IV Ozone doctors went into Sierra Leone in Africa to use Ozone to combat the Ebola virus. They had great results, but the government interfered and barred them from further treatments. Most likely because it would ruin profits for the lucrative and extremely controversial vaccine companies.
Ozone is a God-given gift where nature provides. Ozone is used for air purification, to speed up burn healing in trauma victims, and even keep swimming pools germ free versus using use chlorine. About 20 years ago I was in a multi-floor discotheque in Cancun that was smoke-filled due to all the smokers back then. Every 15 minutes, Ozone jets in the ceiling released Ozonated air and in seconds the place was clear and smelled like a rain forest. That was my first introduction to the many benefits of Ozone.
The sad part is that some of us who want IV Ozone Therapy in this country, have to seek out such qualified practitioners via “back door” or “off the grid” methods. I know medical doctors who are forced to do the same for their own families. Before we could ever become the most medically advanced country on Earth, we first need to put the health and welfare of our citizens first. It’s a lesson in humanity over greed.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God.
The Sept 2015 “Wave X” Awakening
/by Kathy J. FortiWhen I heard Dr. Simon Atkins recently talk about the ‘”WAVE X shift of 2015″ it made complete sense. Atkins is a well-known climate risk economist and planetary threat forecaster with a doctorate in Biometeo-electromagnetics. He uses the science of magnetism to bring clarity to what is presently occurring in our world.
Space weather not only influences, but guides humanity. Statistics show that when there are intense solar flares from space, 82% of the time there is a downshift in the stock market 1-3 days later. These same solar flare peaks are known to cause eruptions of violence between classes (sort of like the full moon effect). It’s a natural phenomenon, but its all due to magnetic waves that ultimately affect every living organism on our planet.
On a positive note, when there are coronal mass ejections from the sun (CMEs), humans are more likely to experience euphoria, calmness and ultimately peace. CMEs are explosions of electricity and energy in the form of electrons and protons, according to NASA. This magnetic energy that comes from our Sun (which is why the Ancients saw the Sun as the God Source) actually elevates consciousness levels. The Sun is the great benefactor. If you stay out of the Sun you quickly lose your connection to third eye consciousness. You also can experience depression and/or illness.
I experienced this first hand many years ago when I worked in a darkened lab doing altered states studies during daylight hours. I started not only getting oily skin and breaking out with facial eruptions (which I had never had), but I became quickly depressed. Something told me to take a few 15 minute breaks outside each day and just sit in the Sun. It was like a miracle cure. Like a plant, we need light to thrive. Without it, it will lead to dysfunction, be it emotional and/or physical. It’s a lesson I never forgot.
The BIG SECRET is the Sun is also connected to our evolutionary awakening. During the last half of
September 2015, there is a powerful wave of gamma light coming from the Galactic Core. This intergalactic WAVE X energy will be coming through to Earth at maximum strength and peaking on September 28th. We are already well into it and feeling its effects. It happens every 3,600 years, and is being called “The Event Horizon.” It is the next step in the evolutionary cycle of man.
As reported by Time Magazine, scientists know about this event, but are questioning what these mysterious intergalactic bursts are or, more importantly, what they will bring. Change, for sure. It is no coincidence that in the last 18 months worldwide earthquakes have suddenly quadrupled as this energy is beginning to be felt more and more on the planet. The earth is doing strange things. People of all countries and even the media have reported eerie sounding, and rather loud, groaning sounds coming from the earth. Expect more in August as these are signs of dimensional portals opening in the earth itself, says Atkins. Intergalactic WAVE X is getting closer. This is no Armageddon scenario as many biblical adherents are predicting, but a time when our cellular DNA is able to shift and open up our true gifts.
In 1984-1985, Dr. Peter Gariaev and his team of Russian linguists were studying DNA and the ways light, sound and frequencies interact with DNA. Their research led to many groundbreaking and paradigm-shifting discoveries with one of them showing that DNA is able to absorb and emit light (photons), which spirals along the double helix in sacred geometrical form. Literally, DNA creates magnetized wormholes in the time-space fabric. DNA acts as “tunnel connections between entirely different areas in the universe through which information can be transmitted outside of space and time. The DNA attracts these bits of information and passes them on to our consciousness.” The researchers found that with the presence of light (photons), DNA activation and thus evolution can occur.
This is the great awakening that has always been promised us. This is an incredible time to be alive to witness this shift. It does not pick favorites. It does not matter what race or religion you embrace. It is here for us all. We are the Oneness.
This new energy is nothing to fear. We want this WAVE X energy. It serves to cleanse and help raise the consciousness of humanity. There are those who might disagree and are doing their best to suppress it. The CERN particle accelerator in Switzerland is ramping up to go full steam on August 15, hoping to stop this galactic energy. They’ve spent trillions of dollars for this very purpose. The dark forces behind CERN know this energy shift will spell the beginning of the end of control of the masses as it begins shifting DNA. Just imagine a world where a greater percentage of people are fully awakened than ever before. The 1% who have worked hard to enslave humanity for their own greed and benefit—well, their days are numbered.
Everywhere in our world we are now seeing the awakening of humanity speed up. We are seeing massive rallies against corruption and rallies for peace spread. We are seeing tyranny, cover-ups and false flags exposed. And more importantly, we are seeing movements converging that offer solutions to these issues the world faces. People’s inner worlds of heart and mind are breaking free and we are seeing this have direct and positive impacts in our outer world.
If you talk to most people these days they all feel like something is getting ready to happen in the next month or two. Most don’t know what it is, but they can sense it. Whether it be a global currency reset, financial collapse, civil chaos, more earthquakes, or something else—as a collective mass we are the precipice of a new world emerging. Trust that this is not the end. You may be feeling more tired than usual lately—like you just can’t get enough restorative sleep. Maybe you’ve even taken to power napping—which is good. Take care of yourself. Your cells are already feeling the energy change. No sense fighting it. It will be interesting to see what emerges for us all.
Learn how WAVE X might affect you.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God.
The Multiple Miraculous Healings of Valerie
/by Kathy J. FortiWhat I learned from Valerie in the nine years I helped her to integrate her multiple parts, was more than I had ever learned in any masters or doctorate psychology degree program. She made me a better therapist. She stretched my belief system about the mind and healing, and she is still doing so today, even though I have not seen her in 15 years.
Due to a host of already existing health problems, I was sure Valerie had died during the years we lost contact. Imagine my surprise to get a call from her granddaughter several months ago (after she tracked me down via the internet) that Valerie was alive and wanted to speak to me. She was very ill, with a rare cancer disease that attacked blood, bone marrow, and destroyed the immune system. Only five cases existed like it and specialists had been called in from around the world to study it. Valerie told me that even though she was doing better, she knew she would not make it to Christmas.
Her rare cancer disease was only one of five inoperable terminal illnesses she had, yet she continued to defy all medical odds. Last year she was placed in an experimental
drug treatment program, but although every other participant in the study was long dead, Valerie lived on. The doctors couldn’t explain it, which was one reason why a battery of doctors, from as far away as Asia, and two military doctors from the U.S. came to be on her medical team. (The latter makes me question whether she had somehow been exposed to biological weapons having lived near a Naval Base.) Consequently, her organs were repeatedly failing from the large doses of steroids and antibiotics she had been given, which would eventually also give her diabetes. But each time Valerie came close to death, she prayed her way out of it. Perhaps she is the penultimate spiritual prayer warrior, but the truth is—I think Valerie is an Angel. Her work here on Earth is simply not done yet.
Before I tell you what recently happened, let me back up and tell you a little something about Valerie that might stretch or challenge your own beliefs. About 20 years ago, Valerie also had cervical cancer. The doctors would conduct tests, and the cancer was there as clear as could be, but when another alter personality was out and they ran the same tests, all the cancer was gone. The doctors re-ran the tests several times thinking it was a mistake, but the results always came out the same. Sometimes Valerie showed all the signs of cancer, and sometimes she did not. But eventually, it would always be gone. I can’t tell you how many of her doctors scratched their heads in disbelief, or got frustrated and angry because they felt helpless to understand or treat something this changeable. The wise ones learned from it. Valerie became their unofficial teacher on the complexities of the mind on healing.
When I say Valerie is an earth angel, it’s because every one she prayed for, or ministered to in her spiritual, non-dogmatic way, always healed. She could look at a person and knew what was wrong inside them both physically and spiritually. She was always praying for people or helping to take away their burdensome pain. And in a moment of perfect clarity, I saw that she was a highly evolved angelic being who chose to be born into the worst possible scenario of a family, to not only help them learn, grow and stop the cycle of abuse, but to accelerate her own soul growth in the process.
This Being also told me to start preparing Valerie for my departure from Virginia in six months time. At the time, I had no plans to leave Virginia. I was married, had a thriving therapy practice and a home. But without getting into personal details, exactly six months later a series of events happened that caused me to leave Virginia for California. The prophecy was dead accurate.
Before I left for California, I tried to find a competent therapist to refer Valerie to. Much of her integration work had come together over the years, but she still needed help. She thanked me for all the help I had given her, but I knew deep down I owed her an even greater debt of gratitude for all she had taught me.
Fast forward to present time. This past week Valerie, now 63, was rushed to the hospital with deadly pneumonia and what appeared to be rapidly spreading cancer in her lungs. She had a history of seizures, but it looked like she may have also suffered a left-sided stroke as well, which left her slurring words and experiencing some loss of motor coordination on the right side of her body. Her potassium levels were depleted and her white blood cell count was extremely low. She was in so much pain, morphine was administered.
By now the doctors on her team, having worked with this medical oddity for awhile, listened to whatever Valerie told them she needed. Mainly, because she had always proven to be right. Before they took CT scans she told them she felt the masses suddenly develop in her chest, told them her potassium was low, along with other instructions. She professed that she wasn’t a “know it all” but she did “know enough.”
As soon as they could stabilize her, they scheduled a biopsy surgery. On the way to the operating room, her heart stopped and they had to resuscitate her. (Later they would find out a respiratory technician had administered high levels of oxygen leading to saturation and carbon-monoxide poisoning—an almost lethal dose. This technician is now under hospital investigation.) When they were finally able to resuscitate Valerie, she told the doctors an incredible story.
Valerie was no novice to near-death experiences, having had several over her lifetime. But this time, when she lost consciousness and her heart stopped, she told the doctors that several angels were there to enfold her in their arms. “Just hold on,” they told her. “We will put you back in when the door opens.” She had no idea what “door” they were talking about. She looked back at her body and saw it open, like a door, showing a growing light within. “I had no idea I was filled with such a light,” she would later tell them.
Valerie told the angels she was too weak, too tired to go back into her body. As they continued to cradle her, the angels assured her: “We will help you.” Several moments later she found herself back in her physical body, much to the relief of the doctor who was applying shock paddles to jump start her heart.
Within hours after returning to her physical body, she started coughing up bloody tissue masses. She got the doctors to promise that they would not take her back to surgery until they ran another CT scan, for she told them she was certain the cancer would now be gone. The next morning they ran the CT scan and sure enough, just like Valerie told them, it was all gone.
I asked Valerie what she had done to heal the cancer. She told me she had prayed with the angels. Later I learned that not only nurses (from other floors), but doctors as well, had come to her room to see this “miracle” patient that had the entire hospital talking. A few of the nurses took an hour out of their day to help her shower and bathe, dress her, comb and do her hair, and ask her for a healing blessing. She sang to them, one of her favorites being Rachel Platten’s, “Fight Song” with her own made up lyrics. They, too, recognized there was something special about this women. You felt good around her. She beamed with love and light. One of her doctors said, “Valerie, whenever something weird happens in this hospital, I know you will be at the center of it. But from it, I always manage to learn something.” How true, indeed.
A day later Valerie was released from the hospital. But, I know that her time here on Earth is short. I had a vision a few weeks ago that I needed to go see her in August, despite the cross-country trek and scheduling. Before I made my flight reservations, I asked her if it was alright that I come visit her. She told me her angels had already shown her I would be coming several months ago, but she didn’t want to say anything. I asked her to promise to stay alive long enough to make this visit and she readily agreed. So far she has kept her promise, even though she was so close to death’s door this very week.
I have the feeling that something profound will occur when I see her again after this 15 year separation. It’s just a gut feeling. The journey, or reunion, is destined to be. I know she will stay alive long enough to make it possible. I am once again the humble student returning to the teacher. Until I write the final ending to this story, Valerie will always be a living testament that miraculous healing can happen at any time. There are angels that walk this earth. I am grateful to have met one and be a part of her journey.
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical
Secrets of the Ancient Egyptian Sacred Blue Lotus
/by Kathy J. FortiI was curious to know why the ancients cultivated special lakes and ponds of Blue Lotus and prized it above all other plants. When I asked modern-day Egyptians they told me the lotus flower, known as Nymphaea Caerulea or the Blue Water Lily, symbolized creation and rebirth as it emerged from its primordial waters to bloom once a year for only 3 days. The plant was associated with the sun-god Ra as the bringer of light and the embodiment of the “perfection of wisdom.”
When it was mentioned that the plant had medicinal properties, I went on a search. What I found was quite interesting. The Sacred Blue Lotus is a plant with psychoactive effects. A clearer picture was starting to form. I recalled seeing the plant on a few Egyptian wall depictions—some that looked suspiciously like nude party scenes.
The plant is actually a natural sedative. It contains small amounts of alkaloids highly similar to those used for sedation and anti-convulsant
purposes. For thousands of years it was used by the ancient Egyptians as part of religious ceremonies to reach higher levels of consciousness and connect to the Divine. They would steep the Blue Lotus flowers in wine for several weeks and use it as a sacred sacrament. (They say it nullifies the negative effects of alcohol.)
Blue Lotus contains nuciferan (a natural anti-spasmodic) along with aporphine, which will give you feelings of calming euphoria. For that reason, it is a natural anti-anxiety and stress reliever. No wonder it was often used in ancient social gatherings. It has been reported to be useful as an aphrodisiac and to remedy erectile dysfunction (which might explain the ancient nude party scenes). Perhaps its a modern-day Viagra as well. On a more medicinal front, Blue Lotus is used to treat gastrointestinal problems, diarrhea and dyspepsia and aid in sleep. That’s quite a plant!
Users reports that the plant’s calming effect is much like the drug Ecstasy (MDMA), while others report a mild stimulant-like effect with tingling sensations. Some have used Blue Lotus to help relieve depression by opening them to greater examination of what led to their depression. With calming euphoria often comes insight—which is why the ancients prized Blue Lotus effects. It was believed that use would easily release fear and lead to increased states of cosmic connection and ultimate soul growth.
This magical elixir was concealed by the early Church for well over 1500 years. It’s true purpose long forgotten until interest re-emerged again in the mid 1800’s when archeologists began asking questions. They too wondered why temple wall carvings showed Blue Lotus flowers laying over earthen jars. No one guessed it was to steep flowers in wine for mind altering use. Some debated it might have inebriant properties, but no one put it to the test until a recent group of Egyptian archeologists decided to measure the effects on two test subjects and see for themselves (see video below).
For those who are wondering, Blue Lotus is not a controlled substance in the United States. The cultivation, sale, and purchase of Nymphaea Caerulea is legal, but it cannot be sold for human consumption. There are three ways people have taken Blue Lotus: smoking it, brewed as tea, or in a tincture after steeping it in wine for several weeks. The full effects kick in after about 20-30 minutes. There are mild withdrawal symptoms from continued use, which tells me it has some addictive qualities. This is why the ancient Egyptians priests reserved its primary use for temple ceremonies, healing and communicating with the Gods.
Now that the secret is out and I have been enlightened, I will never look at another Blue Lotus temple scene in quite the same way ever again.
Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical
Blue Lotus Experimentation & Testing:
NASA Discovers Pyramid on Mars
/by Kathy J. FortiThe astounding image of the Martian pyramid was captured on May 7, 2015 by NASA’s Mars Curiosity Rover, striking a peculiar likeness to the Great Egyptian Pyramid. This Martian pyramid is about the size of a “small car.” Mars enthusiasts speculate it is only the “capstone” of a gigantic pyramid that once towered on the Martian landscape, but is now buried by eons of sand.
What stands out about the photograph is the symmetry. A telltale sign that differentiates a natural
formation from a manmade one is its angles and lines. Additionally, this pyramid image belongs to one of the very clearest images captured on Mars. This artificial structure clearly points to evidence that a civilization once existed on Mars with the capacity to build such a pyramid.
The image’s original timeframes spanned over 20 to 30-second intervals. Strangely enough, the photos taken by the Curiosity Rover immediately following the initial pyramid photo did not include the pyramid, causing even more speculation.
Conspiracy theorists point to the lack of follow-up photos of the pyramid on Mars as proof of NASA’s
avoidance in providing proof that life, and a probable advance civilization, may have existed on Mars long ago, or probably even now.
One such was a Global Surveyor Image from 2000 that depicted the base of a “flying saucer” that is nestled on a cliff, and has no discernible damage. Again, symmetry offers a hint. Allegedly, this spacecraft had what appeared to be observation windows.
Other images have been found on Mars that support the belief that this planet once held intelligent life.
The famous face on the Cydonia region of Mars was discovered in 1976 by the Viking 1. NASA has officially dismissed it as a natural rock formation. Looks sculpted to me. Could it be some type of aerial welcome (or deterrent) beacon to strangers approaching from space?
Mars researchers continue to pour over thousands of NASA images as if looking for the Holy Grail. The scrutiny has turned up some interesting finds. The Mars Anomaly Research Project points to water, biological, and civilization evidence on Mars—along with signs of
past warfare.
UC Davis plasma physicist Dr John Brandenburg believes that the soil composition on Mars is consistent with fallout from a series of “mixed fusion-fission explosions.”
Back in 2011, Brandenburg first postulated that the red colour on Mars could have been due to a naturally occurring thermonuclear explosion.
Brandenburg also believes Mars once had an Earth-like climate home to animal and plant life, and any intelligent life would have been about as advanced as the ancient Egyptians on Earth. From the newly discovered pyramid on Mars, he may be right.
Ancient Sumerian texts indicate that a planet called “Tiamat” was struck by a large planet, which moved it into its present orbit, and also created the Earth’s moon and the Asteroid Belt. This large planet, which the Sumerians called “Nibiru” (known as “Marduk” by other ancient texts), came into the solar system on its 3,600-year clockwise (retrograde) elliptical course and struck Tiamat which was moving in its ordained counterclockwise orbit. Mars is said to have suffered the nuclear fallout of Tiamat’s catastrophic demise, decimating all life on the Red Planet.
Much has been lost about our ancient and planetary history, so we have to look to the ancient texts to provide clues. More thorough exploration of Mars may provide some of those answers—or it could leave us with even more baffling questions. Stay tuned.
UPDATE: For those who have asked if this story is real, CNN and other media outlets around the world released this story earlier this week before I did—Google it. NASA just released another pyramid-looking object found–but this time on Ceres. CLICK HERE to hear NASA’s own people talk about it on the CNN news website.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God.
Geologists Report Man-Made Earthquakes on the Rise
/by Kathy J. FortiIn the last month, multiple dormant volcanoes, showing “unexpected” earthquake activity in the 2.5 – 3.0M range, started happening in California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Oregon and Washington State. Soon after a 5.9M quake hit off the coast of Oregon, swarms of quakes hit Yellowstone National Park (which sits on what geologists call a “supervolcano“). Should Yellowstone blow, it would be the equivalent of several large nuclear bombs going off simultaneously.
Earthquakes are happening more frequently in never before, or rarely hit, areas of the U.S. Many of these quakes are occurring on current and former oil and gas fracking operation sites. Old and new wells are fracturing as they release liquid under pressure into the surrounding bedrock, which then places hydraulic pressure on fault lines. Yes, big oil and gas is fracking on known fault lines and volcanoes (if you can believe the stupidity of that)! But then, profit oftentimes trumps good sense.
West Coast quake movements affect the fracking sites, which then react and further destabilize the fault lines. Why else would we suddenly start to have rare quakes in Kansas (a recent 4.0M) and Alabama (3.0M near Tuscaloosa)? Professionals in Alabama claimed “confusion” over the cause of this rise in quake activity, despite the fact that the quake was practically on top of a fracking site. One earthquake reporting website found that some of these fracking quakes are actually being deleted from the U.S. Geological Survey maps, even though they can be seen on high-resolution satellite maps. Is the truth being censored?
It’s hard to disguise what’s happening when many of these “fracking” earthquakes are occurring on the same latitude lines as other earthquake fracking areas across state-lines (minutes apart). Perry, Oklahoma (4.3M) and Ridgecrest, California (3.5M).
The USGS has finally admitted that “thousands” of these earthquakes are now prevalent in 17 oil and gas regions where fracking is carried on. It is astounding to learn that Oklahoma now experiences more earthquakes a day of 3.0M and higher than California.
Although fracking operations have greatly contributed to fault line instability leading to quakes, other parts of the
world are also experiencing increased seismic activity. For the first time in history, scientists can no longer deny that quakes can travel along latitude lines and lead to cluster volcanic eruptions and/or quakes that are countries or oceans apart. Papua, New Guinea felt four strong quakes in one week’s time—one measuring 7.2M. This was then felt in Sumatra, Indonesia where the dormant Mt. Sinabung erupted leading to mass village evacuations. That eruption then re-awakened the nearby Toba supervolcano, larger than Yellowstone and more deadly, which has not shown activity in over 75,000 years. This has governments extremely worried.
Japan is also feeling it since June 7 when it experienced over 85 different blasts in one day from the Sakurajima Volcano. Now 800-year dormant Mount Hakone Volcano is also coming alive.
While many climatologists support a global warming theory (and no one would dispute our weather is WEIRD), NASA scientist and President of the Space and Science Research Corporation, John L. Casey, says Earth is in fact in a “global cooling” period not a “global warming” stage. This is due to recent sunspot activity “collapsing” and becoming weaker. The sun goes through this cycle of retraction every 206 years. The number of sunspots has declined substantially in the last 11 years and we are now in a solar “hibernation” period. Casey warns of challenging times ahead:
NASA’s Science News Report, once a big proponent of global warming, has changed their tune as more information is emerging. Before, few were paying attention to solar activity effects on our planet. Now they are. On January 8, 2013 NASA stated:
This same concern is increasingly being echoed worldwide. The Voice of Russia reported:
When the Sun goes through this solar hibernation cycle, global cooling causes the Earth’s core to react, much like expansion and contraction. This affects fault lines, increases seismic and volcanic activity and, of course, contributes to chaotic weather patterns.
What can we do? The Earth has gone through at least five major documented Ice Ages during the 4.6 million years since the Earth was formed. While no one can stop the effects of the Sun’s solar cycles on our planet, what we can do is stop fracking operations which place even more stress on Mother Earth. These man-made earthquakes can lead to massive loss of life and devastation. It’s time to stand up to the 1% who rape and pillage the Earth for their own profit. Say NO to fracking and help protect this planet we call HOME.
For worldwide seismic activity reports by click here then scroll to the bottom of page left to subscribe free.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God.
John L. Casey, NASA Scientist, on Global Cooling:
Invisibility Made Real
/by Kathy J. FortiI have met a few individuals over the years who claim to have perfected the art of psychic invisibility. One such individual was able to walk right past former President Jimmy Carter’s Secret Service detail in 1979 when former Egyptian President Anwar al Sadat took Carter on a personal tour of the Great Pyramid. The area around the Giza Pyramid had been sealed off for the private visit, but my friend really wanted to see the pyramid. He claims he simply assumed an energetic air of invisibility and walked right past everyone with camera in-hand until he was inches from Carter. Carter, assuming he had security clearance as the official photographer, asked him to get some good pictures for him. My friend chatted it up with Carter and consequently was allowed to join the group inside the pyramid. He has the pictures to prove it. Unbelievable, but true.
I marveled at his chutzpah, or rather his remarkable invisibility talent. He was not a professional photographer, but an Australian soldier on leave at the time who always wanted to see the Great Pyramid and only had a day to accomplish it before returning to active duty. But as timing would have it, he couldn’t get near the Pyramid in the conventional way that day due to the tightened presidential security. He found another way instead to have his wish fulfilled. Psychic invisibility.
I often wonder just how he did it. I can’t imagine anyone just waltzing past the Secret Service. Some people by nature just seem to be able to blend naturally into the scenery and remain unnoticed, but in my friend’s case, what he did was intentional. This ability is taught in advanced Yoga trainings known as “siddhis” (supernormal states) or “attainments.” It takes practice and is not easily learned.
Psychic invisibility requires a kind of single-minded clarity of thought in order to manifest the effect, either by summoning and manipulating large amounts of psychic energy to envelop the object or person that you wish to turn invisible, or to send clear telepathic signals out to influence those nearby.
One can attain the art of invisibility by being either “unseeable” or “unable to be seen.” We see objects
when the visual cortex receives light through the eyes and arranges it into identifiable images in our brain. If light is bent around an object, it becomes “unseeable” because the eye cannot receive the light that is bounced off the target. The military uses this kind of “cloaking technology” to hide tanks and infantry on the ground. Mastering “unseeability” is a lot trickier than rendering someone “unable to be seen.”
To accomplish “unseeability,” one has to surround themselves with a dense field of psychic energy that is tuned to “astral colors” that are so incomprehensible to the untrained mind that the brain assumes it has received “bad data” from the eye. It then becomes one’s “blind spot.”
One can also create a kinetic barrier, that becomes one’s psychic armor, where you make yourself invulnerable to physical harm. Another friend, who knew how to do this, told me he was on vacation, out walking alone in Sydney, Australia when he found himself in what he immediately perceived as a bad area of town. Nightfall was quickly upon him when two threatening men came up behind him. Thinking fast, he said he became “the essence of a rattle snake,” spun around and hissed at them in a coiled position before shrouding himself in invisibility. The two men took off running like they had seen a shape-shifting wild creature. My friend used psychic invisibility to transmit a message to the other men’s brains, much like a hypnotic suggestion, that “There is nothing here to see, but a dangerous snake.” It obviously worked.
Some individuals are also able to create a kind of telekinetic/electrokinetic bubble around the target that warps light so that no reflected light from the invisible person reaches the eye of the viewer. Cameras and/or motion detectors might pick it up, but it is invisible to the viewer. The viewer’s brain might identify that something is not right, or even feel someone is there, and instinctively move away from the spot. They may even try and convince themselves that nothing is there, even though their senses tell them differently.
I am always amazed and in awe of what we are capable of affecting when we allow ourselves to think outside the box. Or, this case, the invisible box.
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God.
Pineal Gland DMT – A Pathway to Psychic Abilities
/by Kathy J. FortiThe pineal gland especially intrigued me after a friend revealed how a head injury she suffered in 2000 completely changed her life. By that I mean, suddenly seeing and communicating with deceased family members, telekinetic ability causing objects to fly across the room when emotionally distraught, a psychic all-knowing about details of stranger’s lives, and an overall feeling like she was losing her mind. At the time, my friend was a high-powered executive for a multi-national corporation. Her life-changing event occurred while she was leaving work. Upon getting into her car, she accidentally misjudged head clearance and hit her forehead so hard on the door frame, that she almost lost consciousness. I’ve done it myself, leaving me with only a nasty bump and no permanent damage, but her injury was so severe it caused her to bleed both internally and externally.
As she related the story, I could see it all happening in slow motion in my mind’s eye. I saw her pineal gland (or third eye)
had been pierced from the direct impact and a substance that was not blood, flooded into her blood stream. Without knowing how, I was certain it was the natural compound or simple molecule called DMT (N,N-Dimenthyltryptamine). Sometimes I know before I understand, an after effect of my own near-death experience in 2003, so I did some quick research to find out why I was so certain it was DMT which caused my friend to start moving heavy tables around a room without the aid of human hands.
Dr. Rick Strassman, the leading researcher and author in the field of DMT, calls it “the spirit molecule.” Strassman is sort of the DMT Timothy Leary of our day. His research experiments with volunteers receiving plant-based DMT injections for consciousness exploration are fascinating. While his subjects reported a wide range of experiences, from alien encounters to visiting other dimensions where the natives don’t seem hell bent on killing each other (like Earth), no where in Strassman’s work does he address DMT’s possible role in the onset of elevated psychic ability due to head injury. In fact, I could not find anything on the Internet linking these two variables—other than mainstream science’s acceptance of the fact that head injury can bring on some very strange and unexplainable psi abilities.
My friend describes her post-head injury experience as if there was “no veil” or filters between this world and the next—something I’ve seen in Schizophrenic patients. Does DMT flooding do this? No one knows why the pineal gland produces DMT and what its true function really is. Yes, it’s a chemical that elicits dreams, influences melatonin production, and even sleep/wake cycles. But, oddly enough, DMT is also the most potent psychedelic known to man and our brain produces it every day. That’s what one might call a real “head trip.”
What is DMT doing in our bodies? This naturally produced narcotic can be found in human urine, cerebrospinal fluid and our brain tissue. DMT is the simplest of the tryptamine psychedelics and closely related to serotonin. Unlike other mind-altering drugs, the brain likes DMT and actively transports it across the blood-brain barrier into its tissues. Japanese researchers discovered it is the only psychedelic drug the brain “hungrily” accepts like some kind of “brain food.” You have got to be asking yourself—what was the intelligent design behind placing a veritable psychedelic drug dispensary in our head?
The relationship between the pineal gland and DMT is intriguing. The human pineal gland is visible in a developing fetus at seven weeks, or 49 days, after conception. This is when male and female gender is determined in the embryo. An interesting correlation is Tibetan Buddhists believe 49 days is the time required for a soul to reincarnate to the next life. Strassman reveals there are important life events when DMT plays a key role:
As with conception, this flooding of DMT occurs again at birth. When we die, our life force passes through the pineal gland again, releasing the final flooding of DMT. Strassman likens DMT to a “spirit molecule” but maybe it’s really a spiritual transport fluid for human evolution and/or dimensional transition. This would explain why DMT is elevated in the brain during peak spiritual as well as near-death experiences.
With respect to head trauma induced psychic abilities, perhaps the DMT release valve in the brain is stuck on “free-flow,” thinking its in a chronic death release spiral and, due to injury, doesn’t know how to stop flooding the system with “transport oil.” This is why psychic abilities are permanent in those with head trauma versus symptoms that quickly wear off within hours after a plant-based DMT injection.
Medical doctors are quick to prescribe anti-psychotics to those exhibiting such symptoms. My friend encountered the same mental health thinking. Today, she is still “off the charts” psychic, yet not on any medication and still high functioning. She has learned to accept and work with her new abilities through grounding techniques and uses her special gifts to help others.
I’ve always wondered if people naturally born with psi abilities have enlarged pineal glands to start versus the shrunken calcified ones the majority of people have due to hybrid foods, synthetic chemicals, GMOs and the multitude of toxins that pervade our daily life. The Ancient Egyptians were known for their practices of enhancing the growth of their pineal glands. This tells us that the pineal gland, as we now know it, is not being fully utilized. If it were, perhaps we would all be psychically tuned in to each other and the very Source of all Creation.
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical
My Recent UFO & UMG Experience
/by Kathy J. FortiTopanga Canyon is about a 30-minute drive from where I live in Santa Monica, California. Topanga Canyon is one of the country’s top three hot spots for UFO activity. Don’t ask me why. Anyone who has ever lived there for some time, has a UFO story or two to tell. My friend and his teenage daughter, who live on Topanga Canyon ridge, were once out on their back deck when they both looked up to see a very large, slow-moving object in the sky “the size of a football field”. She turned to her father and said, “Dad, is that what I think it is?” All he could manage to say was “Yes” as they both watched, what they later described as some type of “mother-ship” move over their house.
I was not new to the phenomenon occurring at Topanga Canyon. I drove up to the deserted ridge at sunset and from inside my little sports car I watched the sunset. It was beautiful. I decided to do a CE-5 meditation, as had been taught me by Dr. Steven Greer of the Sirius Disclosure Project. After about an hour of meditative bliss, I waited for something to happen. At exactly 8:45 pm, three bright orbs popped out of a dark cloud flying in perfect triangle formation. They stayed stationary in the nighttime sky for what seemed like minutes. By the time I contained my excitement, I had the urgent sense to reach for my cellphone to take a picture. In the split second it took to turn on my phone, my UFOs blinked out and were gone. They did not return. Damn! (The picture in this article is obviously not my picture, but it was the only image on Google that looked exactly like what I saw.)
I decided that the sighting was a personal confirmation for me. Triangles are trinity symbols and trinity symbols are special to me. My work is with the Trinfinity8 technology and even the time the UFOs appeared comes out to the number “8” (8+4+5= 17 = 8). I’m big on math and signs, so I wondered if the evening had any other signs waiting for me. I was determined to stick it on the ridge until 1:00 AM. It was deserted, I was in a locked car alone, but felt relatively safe. Okay, so sometimes I’m a foolish risk taker!
Around 11:00 pm I started thinking about going to the bathroom and stretching my legs. Something told me “not yet.” Within minutes after thinking this, a large flotilla of lights could be seen coming up the winding mountain road leading to the observation ridge. The noise was deafening. I put my ski jacket up against the driver’s side window to block out the flashing glare of bright headlights. Within the next 30 seconds my car was totally surrounded by an unidentified motorcycle gang (UMG) of between 50-60 big, hulking bikers. Crap! I was trapped. No
way out. I donned my wool hat and slithered down low in my seat. The rider’s headlights panned my driver’s window, but my ski jacket blocked my face from being seen like some deer caught in the headlights. The unknown fear factor made my heart race. A woman alone surrounded by a UMG. I had no idea if they were the good guys, or the bad guys. I decided to play possum.
While my heart was still pounding away, I silently prayed they would not stick their noses up against the car window to peer inside—or, God forbid, try my car doors for entry. Thankfully, they were locked. At that point, I realized I could allow myself to totally freak out at the potential danger around me, but instead I couldn’t help but laugh at the unbelievable predicament I found myself in. Who would believe such a scenario? I watched as they used the spot as a giant bathroom stop, many of the men standing along the ledge, peeing over the side in full view. They had no idea they were giving a lone woman quite a show.
The bikers wore heavily padded leather jackets with double backward/forward R’s on their back. Later I would learn the UMG was the Ruthless Ryderz—a motorcycle gang comprised of Hollywood stunt men, music industry rappers, and racing addicts. I have to admit some of those guys looked pretty scary with ski masks over their head to keep out the cold night air. I half envisioned getting out of the car, surprising them all, and asking them to take a memorable selfie with me—but immediately nixed the idea.
After about 15 minutes of listening to them smoke and shoot the breeze, I really had to go to the bathroom. I had no idea how long the UMG planned on making that ridge their own. I could be stuck there for hours. I silently sent them the message “Please Go Home.” It must have worked. Five minutes later, they packed up and raced back down the winding mountain road. I took that as a SIGN to go home as well. As soon as I saw their lights disappear around the last bend, I got the hell out of there. All in all, it turned out to be quite an evening. I have to say I am thankful for my incredible and amazing UFO sighting. And, I will always remember my unexpected and humorous UMG that turned into an OMG (Oh My God) experience that had me laughing all the way home.
If you would like to hear a interview I did on other “close encounters” I’ve experienced, enjoy this podcast I did with Paul Riedner, host of CE5 Minneapolis:
If you like this article, please subscribe to my free weekly blog on this website. Thank you and have a wonderful day.
Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God.
Exploring the Dark Side of the Moon
/by Kathy J. FortiWhat was the big NASA secret? Number 1: NASA discovered back in the 1960’s that the Moon is not only inhabited by strange structures, but intelligent life. Number 2: NASA Moon probes showed the far (or dark side of the moon as Pink Floyd would call it) is home to some sort of extraterrestrial base and their huge spacecraft vehicles. I kid you not and neither was our NASA scientist.
This was back in the early 80’s when I first learned all this. At the time, few even suspected what NASA had found and the general public was relatively clueless. Our NASA Deep Throat told us about domes and perfect geometric-shaped construction that signaled whoever its builders were, they had vast mathematical knowledge. We listened in awe as he described NASA pictures he saw which showed vehicle tracks, mile high spires that might be some type of transmitting tower, and machinery that suggested a mining operation was underway.
For NASA, the Apollo lunar missions were more about finding out what was going on up there than making one giant leap for mankind. It was clear we were not the first humans and/or humanoids to land on the Moon. We also wanted to find out what happened to our Moon probe, which mysteriously disappeared in 1967.
From 1966 through 1967, NASA sent five Lunar Obiter satellites to circle and photograph the lunar surface and select potential landing sites for the manned landings. The orbiters were very sophisticated and contained highly classified cameras which could supposedly “photograph and read a gum wrapper on a street in New York City…” The missing lunar orbiter was later found on the far side of the moon, rendered inoperable. Was it intentionally short-circuited to avoid outsiders spying on these extraterrestrial Christopher Columbus in their New World?
NASA shared and exchanged findings with the Russians, hoping to heaven it wasn’t them who had secretly colonized the Moon first. But it wasn’t Russia that beat us out and no one knew who, what or where these ETs had come from. From the depth and breadth of their buildings, it was evident they had been there for quite some time. Close, yet so far—observing us.
NASA took note of the strange gas ejections, mist, and clouds escaping from fissures in the moon’s surface, suggesting that whoever the inhabitants were they were living underground and had devised some type of sophisticated air filtration system. Since it is virtually impossible to have continuous stream of clouds, mist, dust, or gases on the Moon, without it dispersing, this also confirmed some kind of subterranean community. NASA observed what appeared to be a large metal extraction project on the Moon’s surface. If these ETs were mining the Moon, it was a vast reservoir for iron, nickel, aluminum, titanium, uranium and thorium.
Objects in moon craters were observed having moved from one location to another over time, as evidenced in time-lapse NASA photos. Since craters don’t just move over time on their own, NASA suspected it might be parked space vehicles coming and going.
Strange moving bands of lights, odd markings and ground symbols were also seen on the lunar surface. The Moon has no rain to wash away or erode these symbols, so they are permanent markings. Large visible arrows and glyphs with letters that look like A, Z, P, E, and F were
observed near many structures. They are said to resemble ancient rune symbols. Perhaps they simply serve a more useful function—like runway/landing markings for a cosmic aircraft base.
Astronauts report having seen mountains carved in exact shapes, and unusual fleur-de-lis like insignias. Crosses dot the lunar landscape. Not like our Roman cross, but more like Xs. NASA can only guess at their meaning.
So why haven’t we seen high-resolution pics of all this from those cameras that can supposedly “read a gum wrapper on a street in New York City?” As taxpayers we paid for all this lunar mission stuff and should have access to all raw data. What the public sees instead are fuzzy-grained photos when we clearly have the technology for crystal clear pics.
Today, much of this covert Moon stuff is already known in UFO/Disclosure circles and it hasn’t driven us over the edge, just increased our curiosity. Many of us find it interesting how we suddenly stopped going to the Moon when we were so initially hot on it. Some in NASA have hinted that we were “warned off” the Moon and are not welcome back. Could this be because in July 2009 we actually bombed the moon for some insane, never fully explained, reason? These ETs have already seen our way of trying to conquer and invade other lands. The size of their ships must have scared the daylights out of our government, astronauts and NASA.
In his book, Penetration, Ingo Swann, the granddaddy of all remote-viewers, described how the government asked him in 1975 to view some coordinates on the Moon. Swann had no idea what to expect and within minutes after mentally zeroing on the coordinates, thought he had made a mistake. He saw rows of large tractor tread marks.
The government agent gave Swann another set of coordinates, to which he was instructed to again report what he saw.
Swann thought he was being asked to remote view a Russian base. He was re-assured that he was indeed viewing the Moon and encouraged to keep reporting what he saw.
Swann went on to describe a mining operation with domes and tubes, bridges, nets and what looked like houses. He described seeing some unusual people.
All at once, Swann knew they had somehow spotted him psychically watching them. He immediately stopped the session, very fearful. He had an all-knowing that these beings had psychic GPS-like abilities.
While technology, like Google Moon, makes it easier for armchair space sleuths to scout our Moon looking for signs of intelligent life, even they report strange anomalies. One researcher questions whether Google Moon footage is even real. He reported a barely detectable strange wave ripples over Google Moon visuals every few seconds—like video that’s re-looping. He questions whether the Moon footage is actually a projected hologram on a very short reel. It may be that none of us is actually seeing what’s really there, because NASA or someone else doesn’t want us to. Scientists believe the universe may be a giant hologram. So who knows, maybe the Moon (as we know it) is as well. Contemplating the mysteries of the world we live in is never-ending. As my mother used to tell me: “Kathy, you think too much.”
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical