
Living an Examined Life – The Hieroglyph of the Human Soul

photo(9)If one’s home is truly one’s castle, then Leigh J. McCloskey has created a portal into another dimension in his Malibu house.  His upstairs “living” library is an acrylic painted road map into the psyche, with vivid, colorful archetypal symbols that leave each visitor enthralled.   I just had to come back for more of his enchantment, and I did.   McCloskey, an artist, actor, author, and philosopher, might well be remembered for his role as Mitch Cooper on the hit TV series Dallas.  But acting was his day job—his real passion is and always has been his art.  It all started for him on September 11 when the World Trade Center Towers came down and our concept of reality was forever changed.  “I tried to make sense out of it all,” Leigh explains.  “The only way I could search for answers and find true meaning, was  through painting.”  What transpired for him was a look into the journey of the human soul.

Man most often searches for life’s answers when he is confronted with his own mortality.  But for Leigh, he found that by examining man’s history he could get a glimpse into his future. He explains his symbolic art like an ancient philosopher.  And like a wise sage, his students hear a lecture that, ultimately, will prompt their own self-examination.   He is a brilliant narrator and it’s no coincidence he had a long and profitable acting career.  Every inch of ceiling, floors, walls, and bookshelves are alive with his murals and paintings.  Even his sofa cushions are made out of canvas and display his creative mind at work.  Flip over the cushions, and they tell a different  narrative.   Even what is hidden has underlying meaning.  Everything in his library is a metaphorical visualization.

Leigh-McCloskey-in-Back-of-LibraryWhat is truly amazing is that Leigh created his “Hieroglyph of the Human Soul” collection in 3-D, without even realizing what he had accomplished.    When one dons 3-D glasses, and looks down at the floor paintings, one feels like they are looking below the ocean surface to the mysteries of the deep.  And so much is hidden there, like life itself.


Throughout this experience, one feels an affinity with divine creation—a sense of oneness. Whenever I listen to Leigh, I see the ancient alchemist at work, weaving his magic into symbols that will forever awaken and transform us towards  a deeper understanding.

Enjoy it for yourself. Follow Leigh’s story and art  by taking a short video tour through the Hieroglyph of the Human Soul (5:02). CLICK HERE

To learn more:

Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor, and author of the new book, Fractals of God.