Mission to Inner Earth – Is it Really Hollow?


In February, 1947, Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd, leading a United States Navy Task Force expedition, flew for seven hours beyond the North Pole and reached a place never before recorded in history. The expedition, known as Operation HighJump, proceeded to penetrate the hollow region of the Earth for 1700 miles. There they found a Land that was green and lush with growing plants, flowers and thick forests.

Nine years later, January 13, 1956, the same Rear Admiral Byrd, leading another official expedition to the Antarctic, flew from his base at McMurdo Sound. which is 400 miles from the South Pole, and entered the hollow region of the Earth near the South Pole, for 2300 miles. Was he looking for the other Polar entry point to this hidden Land?

Byrd’s controversial diary on Operation HighJump, now allegedly missing, tells of his plane being greeted by “flying machines,” a type he had never seen before. They conveyed to him that he had been allowed to enter “Agharta” (the most celebrated city in the hollow Earth) because of his high moral and ethical character. They had decided that it was time to make greater contact with the outside world to make sure we didn’t destroy this planet and their civilization with it. Eventually Admiral Byrd and his crew were guided by their hosts back to the outer world, their lives forever changed.

On March 13, 1956, Admiral Byrd returned to the United States and said,”the present expedition has opened up a vast new land.” (which he later referred to as an “enchanting continent in the sky.”)  He reported how sea water changed to fresh water nearer the Pole opening and the waters became warmer and more tropical. He believed the opening to the Poles was convex versus concave, whereby ships or planes could accidentally float or fly into the opening.

These explorations were divulged on the radio at that time, having world-wide significance. Although millions of people heard the announcements and press releases, the U.S. Government decided to strictly censor the information and prevent its circulation. No additional details were given and the reports of Rear Admiral Byrd were forgotten—well, almost.

A more sinister version of the story is that Byrd had an altercation with Nazi forces that MAP of Inner Earthoverpowered them with their strange “flying machines.” It was said that the Nazis had gotten to the North Pole first and had already established a base there after reverse engineering alien spacecraft which had crash-landed in Germany. The Germans claimed to have also encountered human beings inside the Earth that were what Hitler would come to call “Aryan,” in nature or “the Master Race,” something he would later attempt to emulate in the Third Reich. A video has recently surfaced which shows a 1944 map from the Third Reich detailing not only the direct passageway used by German U-boats to access this subterranean domain, but also a complete map of both hemispheres of the inner realm of Agharta.

Later in 1959, the Antarctic Treaty was signed by 12 nations that protects Antarctica and any foreign intelligence that occupies this area. The area on the mainland between 90 degrees west and 150 degrees west, combined with the interior of the Norwegian Sector is the only major land on Earth not claimed by any country. This, in itself, is interesting.  Why would so many countries be so concerned over what appears to be a vast icy wasteland? The Treaty states:

Article 1 – The area is to be used for peaceful purposes only; military activity, such as weapons testing, is prohibited but military personnel and equipment may be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose;
Article 2 – Freedom of scientific investigations and cooperation shall continue;
Article 3 – Free exchange of information and personnel in cooperation with the United Nations and other international agencies;
Article 4 – The treaty does not recognize, dispute, nor establish territorial sovereignty claims; no new claims shall be asserted while the treaty is in force;
Article 5 – The treaty prohibits nuclear explosions or disposal of radioactive wastes.

The hollow Earth story is fascinating—especially since I met someone back in 1971 who allegedly claimed to have come from “Inner Earth.” It’s a bit of a bizarre story. I was a college undergraduate at the time, when a friend introduced me to a young 20-something-year-old, blue-eyed, blond-haired, tall man named “R.J.” while walking through Downtown Chicago’s Grant Park.

R.J. was very relaxed, found everything most curious and interesting, and seemed quite friendly. I asked him where he was from, to which he slowly replied, “You’ve probably never heard of it.” Upon further questioning, he told me his mother had been born in Inner Earth, as had he, and that he was just visiting after meeting relatives in Arizona for the first time. My first instinct, like most everyone else’s, was to wonder if he was either on some serious drugs or was pulling my leg. He seemed sincere and dead serious. At that point in time, I had never heard of Inner Earth, vaguely knew of Admiral Byrd’s expeditions, and this was the pre-internet age before one could quickly go look up such things.

My friend, who was with R.J., nodded that he was for real. I played along and asked R.J. what his Inner Earth was like. He related that people all got along with each other, that it was beautiful, clean and verdant, more heart-centered and spiritual in nature, and there was a sky and sun just like on outer Earth.

I just had to ask him what airline flew him here? He smiled patiently, told me there were entry and exit points in outer Earth, and some day I would know and understand about his world. Was it some type of prophesy? Frankly, I didn’t know what to make of it until years later when I came across information on this very subject.

Plato wrote of enormous subterranean tunnels both broad and narrow that made up the earth’s interior. Dr. Edmond Halley, of comet fame, believed that all heavenly bodies were hollow and in a speech before the members of the Royal Society of London stated that beneath the crust of the Earth, which is 500 feet thick, is a hollow void.

Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), a noted mathematician and one of the founders of higher mathematics, stated that mathematically the Earth has to be hollow. He also believed there was a center sun inside the Earth’s interior, which provided daylight to a splendid subterranean civilization.

The Hollow Earth was also theorized by William Reed in his 1906 book The Phantom of The Poles. Based on his studies of early Arctic explorations and scientific evidence, he wrote that the Earth is not solid as widely believed, but hollow with openings at both ends. In the summary of his revolutionary theory, Reed states: “The Earth is hollow. The Poles, so long sought, are phantoms. There are openings at the northern and southern extremities. In the interior are vast continents, oceans, mountains and rivers. Vegetable and animal life are evident in this New World and it is probably peopled by races unknown to dwellers on the Earth’s surface.”

4The Poles ARE magnetic phantoms. While airlines may claim they “fly over the Poles” to cut flying distance time, they actually fly around the rim of the Poles, avoiding the opening.  If they actually flew over the Pole area, which is a restricted no-fly zone (ask any pilot), their compass instrumentation would become so unstable as to render the plane dangerously inoperable.

In fact, according to the author of Deep Black – Space Espionage and National Security by William Burrows (my former NYU Journalism professor), the very first Polar orbiting satellites that the United States attempted to launch fell out of orbit over the Poles and crashed due to the unanticipated gravity pull.

It’s important to remember that all these hollow earth theories by past scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians were written long before Admiral Byrd made his discoveries. While the concept that the Earth may have an interior sun sounds beyond imaginable, there are some findings that may support this concept. Polar explorers speak of a phenomenon they called a ‘mirage’ where the sun would appear in the sky at locations that they could not explain.

This so-called ‘mirage’ would look very red and ‘brazen’ in color. What makes this most curious is the fact that these explorers were extremely adept at telling their location from the layout of the stars and the position of the sun.

The further these explorers would proceed north, the more erratic their passage north would become, until finally they would be forced to turn backwards until they regained their bearings. This confusion can be easily explained by the unexpected curvature of the earth they encountered as they approached nearer the opening into the inside of the earth. The phenomenon they titled a ‘mirage’ was actually the sighting of the inner sun rising over the horizon of the inner earth opening.

An October 2015, a news article reported that NASA had picked up radio signals coming fromnasa-earth-signal inside the earth that were “mathematical codes” of a complex nature. While there were those who immediately claimed it was signals from an alien civilization, there might be a more scientific answer if the Earth is indeed hollow.

The curvature of a hollow planet would be such that radio waves could bounce around it almost ad infinitum until they lost their strength. The fact that the time delays of these radio signals varied so much seem to suggest that these waves were bouncing around inside a hollow cavity.

This could only happen if the Earth’s crust contains one or more gigantic holes in it. A signal could enter via the North or South Polar holes. Exiting from the Polar holes would be extremely difficult since they cover only a small fraction of the Earth’s surface area. Some radio waves may move around the outside of the Earth, while some may go inside then later emerge. All manner of variations could result from radio waves bouncing around the outside and inside of a hollow planet.

It has been said that Tibetan monks know of openings into Inner Earth. Other writers have proposed that Ascended Masters of esoteric wisdom inhabit subterranean caverns. Some of the locations believed to be entrances to another world inside the Earth are accessible in Antarctica, the North Pole, Tibet, the Himalayan Mountains, Peru, Bolivia, the Andes Mountains; Rocky Mountains in Colorado; Mount Shasta and Mount Whitney in California; Grand Tetons in Wyoming; the Secret Valley near Tucson, Arizona, Mount Fuji, Japan and the Pyrenees Mountains along the border of France and Spain. But, of course, none of these points can be verified.

I recall that R.J. said he arrived in Arizona after departing from his home in Inner Earth. Whether he came through the Secret Valley near Tucson (as suggested above as an entry point), I will never know. I regret not having asked him more questions about the mysteries of the world he claims he originated from. It will forever have me wondering…

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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God

11 replies
  1. Janie Martin
    Janie Martin says:

    Hi: I heard about this way back in the 60’s. I found this whole “Hollow earth” to exist only in the Etheric dimension. The Etheric dimension connected to our physical body is the first energy body. It is part physical and part Astral laying between the two. I have found in my inner world travels this Etheric is a whole universe in itself. Now the thought occurred to me to see what the ET Bashar had to say about this, because even though they are who they are, no matter what your opinion of them is, they are still very very smart and have a broader perspective where they are than we do while in our physical body unless you can travel in the inner dimensions and even then, we all have different perceptions and interpretations of what we are viewing outside our physical selves. So Bashar said this:
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7Go1aafNVE where he answers the question about the “Hollow Earth” This is just an offering and does not represent what I might think about it.

  2. Christopher Rudy
    Christopher Rudy says:

    Fascinating, and it DOES exist in the physical dimension. Corey Goode recently discussed this with David Wilcock on the Cosmic Disclosure TV series. I’ve followed this for many years. The Inner Earth folks are waiting for us to wise up and rise up with sufficient heart coherence for civil relationships. That means ending the secret corporatocracy cabal whose time is short and hubris is great, trying another false-flag fiasco in Belgium which has been exposed thoroughly on the Internet already. It is only boob-tube Americans who don’t know what global netizens have discovered… as I recently reported at http://www.heartcom.org/ASCEND.htm

  3. Carl Gifford
    Carl Gifford says:

    Hi Kathy,
    I am one of the Inner Earth believers and I am 100% sure of its existence and I know exactly who those people are. If you’re familiar with the “lost ten tribes” of Israel then you may recall that about 700 BC timeframe when Babylon was fighting against Assyrians the Israelites were stuck in Nineva. Because of the war they took the opportunity to flee northward through Turkey area and through southern Russia and to the Ukraine area (modern day applications of course). Most of the tribe of Ephraim settled in the Ukraine area and then proceeded west to the European area. The remainder of the ten tribes continued north. They at some repented of their sinful behavior and so God led them into the Northlands and (though not documented) into the inner earth where they have been ever since. Because of their repentance an dedication to peace they were able to become a highly advanced society in technology, science, agriculture, and medicine. Reports are that many of them live to be hundreds of years old, up to about 800 in some cases. Everything in Inner Earth is huge because of the perfect atmosphere. There is also an inner sun which is 50% shaded and revolves allowing for daytime and nightime. The people have reported to visitor that Jehovah dwells (at times?) on that inner sun. The flying saucers we heard of so often are their creations and not from other planets. God has set the limitations that other of his creations are NOT allowed in interfere with the affairs of THIS Earth. Write me back and maybe we’ll discuss a bit more of what I know. Regards, Carl in Utah

    • Cat
      Cat says:

      I read The Smoky God it was amazing book. I feel so sorry for Olaf Jansen.. what an ordeal he went through. Apparently a researcher found that Olaf did exist he found records in USA of his address. I am def a believer of inner earth and these beautiful giants. More and more outer earthers like us are becoming aware and are coming out of the cabal spell. I prayer I get to meet inner earthers in this lifetime, my heart fills with so much joy thinking of them.

  4. Judith Mepal
    Judith Mepal says:

    I remember when I was young I was visited by glowing people who claimed they were angels from the centre of the earthl.



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