Lost Atlantean Structure Discovered in Baltic Sea
Our oceans hold many secrets to man’s early origins. Back in 2011, while searching for shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea, some marine treasure hunters using sonar detection equipment picked up an unusual giant underwater object.
The seafloor structure was 200 feet in diameter, circular, and had a terraced stone construction. Initially they thought the anomaly might belong to the Paleolithic Age. Now, due to its strange properties and further testing, the Ocean X team that discovered it believes it was built by the highly advanced Atlantean civilization over 14,000 years ago.
Co-discoverer and Ocean X team leader Dennis Aasberg describes just a few of the geometric features presented by the disc-shaped temple rising above the sea floor:
“It looks like a round object separated from the bottom. It looks like concrete. When we brush it off its [surface is] black. The object looks the same underneath as on the upper side. Same color too. Just like a plate on the bottom. And it has something that looks like big stairs perhaps one meter high each step. Its strange We have not been able to find more holes besides the 2 meter hole with a [recessed] square [formation] around it.”
A detailed Ocean X report states that there are prohibitive conditions that have severely limited filming of the ancient monumental structure, especially rough seas and very poor bottom visibility. Animated digital terrain models allow a clearer perspective of the massive proportions and complex geometric configuration of the submerged monument.
The greatest hindrance to the seafloor site investigation is an intense electromagnetic vortex that perpetually interferes with all types of electrical equipment situated on or above the ancient monument. In a vertical water column formation, it affects onboard ships on the sea surface and even low-flying airplanes.
The same researchers report that this special type of potentially dangerous EM vortex causes digital magnetometers and compasses to spin perpetually in proximity to the temple and directly above it, a fact that is familiar to military and civilian pilots working in the vicinity of pyramids all over the world, especially in Egypt, Mexico and Guatemala. (Also similar in nature to the anomalies experienced intermittently in the Bermuda Triangle.)
The Baltic Sea Monument (60.826°N 19.796°E) is situated 2,194 miles from the Great Pyramid; a distance corresponding to 8.81% of Earths mean circumference distance of 24,892 miles. The artificial stonework of the monument effectively transduces EM fields from localized infrasound resonance.
The sharp geometric design of the giant disc-like structure (which some claim might be a UFO) displays parallel corridors with flat, vertical walls and horizontal terraces forming perfect 90° angled corners that can be clearly observed in the latest digital animations by Ocean X.
The most conspicuous man-made geometric structure on this massive stepped platform monument is a large hemispherical dome feature emerging from the slimy silt that likely served to focus ultra and infrasonic waves into a hemispherical inner chamber, accessed from the adjacent recessed corridor.
The elevated position of the submerged Atlantean temple site provides for slightly greater current flow over the structure. This has reduced the total amount of silt deposit on the monument over the course of 14,000 years since its cataclysmic submersion. The upper platforms of the sunken temple are covered in only 10-20cm of silt, which allowed the Ocean X divers to discern huge geometric symbols cast into the ancient cement building that represent Paleo-Sanskrit hieroglyphs of an ancient culture.
The 2 meter hole with a square around it described by lead investigator Dennis Aasberg forms a sacred votive ligature combining the symbols of a square and a dot at its center. The square glyph represents a planet, while the dot represents a numeral, together reading: Indra , meaning Jupiter, the One.
This phrase was also airbrushed in charcoal paint on the 19,000 year old geopolymer limestone cement walls of Lascaux Cave, France, as a square with a long row of dots reiterating Jupiter, the One, the One
The same Atlantean votive phrase was cast in hieroglyphic format multiple times in magnetized basalt stonework at the Puma Punku megalithic temple, constructed 11,000 years ago at Tiwanaku, Bolivia. Elevated square healing platforms referencing the transduced infrasonic resonance of the plasma giant Jupiter are prominently featured at both Puma Punku and the Baltic Sea monument.
The circular format of the entire temple and its singular dome present the Paleo-Sanskrit numeral 1 used by Atlantean spiritual traditions to praise The One—the universal divine creative force. Reinforcing this phrase are Edgar Cayces statements concerning the spiritual tenets of The Law of One:
“[I]n that sojourn in the earth environment in what is called Poseidia, in Atlantis we find there had been the separating into groups The Sons of Belial were those that sought more the gratifying, the satisfying, the use of material things for self those without a standard of morality save of self, self-aggrandizement.
The other group, those who followed the Law of One, had a standard Their standard was that the soul was given by the Creator or entered from outside sources into the projection of the mental and spiritual self at the given periods. That was the standard of the Law of One, but was rejected by the Sons of Belial
[These opposing groups directed] those forces that came with the use of the light that formed the rays upon which the influence from without was crystallized into what would become as the sound from the outer realm to the static or individual realm.
These were not only the rays from the sun, set by the facets of the stones as crystallized from the heat from within the elements of the earth itself, but were as the combination of these For it was these gases, these influences that were used for what we call today the conveniences as for light, heat, motivative forces; or radial activity, electrical combinations; the motivative forces of steam, [HHO] gas and the like for the conveniences.
The use of these influences by the Sons of Belial brought, then, the first of the upheavals; or the turning of the etheric rays influence from the Sunas used by the Sons of the Law of One into the facet for the activities of same produced what we would call a volcanic upheaval; and the separating of the [Atlantean] land into several islands five in number. (Reading 877-26)”
Cayces detailed trance statements identified a technological class of Atlantean crystalline stone consisting of a combination of the elements of the Earth, corresponding to the modern scientific definition of a geopolymer, of the same class as the reconstituted limestone blocks of the Great Pyramid.
Modern Vedic language traditions in India have preserved the Sanskrit technical term for this advanced type of artificial metallic geopolymer stone, based on the root word anala, meaning fire. This type of manufactured stone was designed to ignite HHO plasma around the Atlantean pyramids and monuments, and was commonly known as analopala, meaning fire-stone. (This term does not refer to simple flint rocks that are struck to produce sparks, as the word flint is specified by the Sanskrit agniprastara.)
Further details were offered on the subject of synthetic stone over the course of decades of readings given by Edgar Cayce for individuals with past lives in the Atlantean lands, naming the scientific leader and inventor of Atlantean firestone geopolymer as Ajax of Ode, called Ax-tell in the area of present-day Egypt:
“The entity came from the Atlantean land into Egypt when there were those periods of reconstruction in the land, and from those turmoils and strifes there arose much that made for individual and group development and the attempt of those in the experience to foster those things that were good The entity came then, in the name Ax-tell, from those forces that were in charge of the Law of the One. (Reading 487-17)
About the firestone that was in the experience did the activities of the entity then make those applications that dealt with both the constructive and destructive forces in the period The preparation of this stone was in the hands only of the initiates at the time that directed the influences of the radiation that arose in the form of the rays that were invisible to the eye but that acted upon the stones themselves (Reading 440-5)
The stones were of the magnetized influence upon which the Spirit of the One spoke to those peoples as they gathered in their service, are of the earliest Atlantean activities in religious service (Reading 5750-1)”
These astonishingly detailed descriptions of advanced technological and spiritual means of the Atlantean civilization, spoken in trance in the 1930s, provide a viable explanation for odd EM vortex phenomena experienced by the Ocean X team at the sunken Baltic Sea Monument, as recounted by Peter Lindberg:
“Electronic disturbances with equipment started on the waters surface, but it was on their way down to the anomaly that the problems increased. The satellite phone didnt work when the boat was directly over the object, but just some tens of meters away from [that exact] position they worked again
Electrical problems were experienced on all expeditions to the anomaly. The camera stopped working, lamps stopped working, satellite phones stopped working, [and we experienced] some technical issues with the robot. [The] electrical camera [on the ROV and the] BlueView [multibeam imaging sonar] function stopped working
A strong radio signal of 40-50 megahertz was picked up when they were near the object. (Dennis [Aasberg] said that [the signal] wasnt coming from the [seafloor] object.)”

A multilayered, roughly rectangular sample of the stone-like material composing the monument was found laying on its surface, under several centimeters of silt at a depth of 85m. The sample was subsequently broken into several fragments for conducting various petrological analyses, including chemical resistance tests, morphological characterization by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and determinations of elemental composition by energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS).
An initial visual inspection reveals an abundance of fine metallic inclusions throughout the stone-like material that appears to have been reconstituted from a finely pulverized mixture of basalt, quartz and tourmaline, conferring piezoelectric properties to the composite artificial basalt material.
Tests conducted by the Weizmann Institute and Tel Aviv Universitys Institute of Archaeology included SEM imaging of the artificial basalt sample, exposing a variety of distinctive features not found in naturally crystallized volcanic basalt. Instead, these features characterize ancient magnetic geopolymer basalt and andesite now conclusively identified at multiple sites dating to the Paleolithic period of high civilization.
The sample taken from the object was analyzed by the Weizmann Institute in Israel. Their tests indicate this is no ordinary rock. It contains abnormally high concentrations of titanium, manganese and iron. The metals are all key materials in the manufacture of high-tech aerospace components.
EDS results identified high metal concentrations of iron, manganese and titanium elevated far above standard abundance values for natural, geologically-formed specimens. Manganese and titanium are paramagnetic metals not found in pure states in nature, but as mineral compounds. Iron is ferromagnetic.
The interspersed particulate combination of ferromagnetic and paramagnetic metals with piezoelectric crystals observed in Atlantean firestone represents a high-efficiency semiconductor material that converts and amplifies all frequencies of electromagnetic energy into an EM vortex surrounding the construction.
The high-tech metallic composition of reconstituted basalt comprising the Baltic Sea Monument decisively indicates a man-made origin for the extensive site as an ancient geopolymer fabrication, matching similarly manufactured stones from Paleolithic pyramid complexes in Visoko, Bosnia; Cianjur, West Java, Indonesia; and La Maná, Ecuador.
The advanced technological remains of such Paleo-Sanskrit civilization are closely linked with the work of Nikola Tesla. Atlantean pyramids, stepped monuments and megalithic temples conform to a global wireless power and telecommmunications network displaying a spherical Fibonacci distribution pattern defined by the quantum function [ zn+1 = zn2 ]. Infrasound is transduced and focused by Atlantean temples through the same standing wave resonance principles rediscovered by Tesla in 1899.
The function of the Baltic Sea Monuments enigmatic stair-stepped feature is also hinted at in the Life Readings on Atlantis given by Edgar Cayce. He explains that Atlantean society included humanoid species of various sizes, from diminutive dwarf species to extraordinarily giant humanoid species:
Q: Please give a few details regarding the physiognomy, habits, customs and costumes of the people of Atlantis..
A: These took on many sizes as to stature, from that as may be called the midget to the giants, for there were giants in the earth in those days, men as tall as ten to twelve feet in stature, and in proportion—well proportioned throughout. (Reading 364-11)
The sunken monuments unusually slanted staircase was specially designed for use by 1m dwarves on the far left side, by humans on the mid-left and by 4m giants on the right side of the wide-access staircase. This group included the little people known to Shoshone culture as Nimerigar (ie. the Pedro mummy), and the Nephalim of Biblical legend—a giant, domineering extraterrestrial species associated with human sacrifice—best known from skulls excavated at Paracas, Peru (the Paracas Skulls).
The many profound sociological, technological, historical and linguistic implications of the Baltic Sea Monument have certainly contributed to Swedish Naval interference with the Ocean X marine expedition in June of 2012, as reported by team leader Dennis Aasberg. He asks the obvious, unanswered question: Why does the [Swedish] military want to take part in this [marine site investigation]? What do you think? Perhaps they already know what [it is that] we have found?
The strong 40-50 MHz signal registered in the immediate vicinity of the massive Atlantean monument corresponds to a very high frequency (VHF) sonar beam, most likely emitted from the group of six command ships deployed by the Swedish Navy to intercept the June, 2012 expedition. The Naval group waylaid and actively disrupted Ocean X investigators by beaming the monument with high-intensity sonar, intentionally overloading electronics with the strong EM field resonantly transduced by the firestone.
Subversive goals being pursued by the Swedish military pertain to the ongoing worldwide governmental black-out of free energy technology embodied by ancient pyramid complexes on every continent. Wide ridge formations at the Baltic Sea site have been recognized by Ocean X researchers as elevated causeways linking the main circular monument to two nearby megalithic structures that have been only partially revealed by initial side-scanning sonar surveys.
The Baltic Sea Monument is part of an extensive megalithic complex dating to the remote Paleolithic era, much like the gargantuan complex of stepped platform monuments, temples, caves, plazas, roadways and a complete amphitheater documented at the submerged site just offshore at Yonaguni Island, Japan. The same oppressive scenario surrounds the discovery of a submerged pyramid site in the Azore Islands, as Portuguese military involvement has effectively prevented release of further details on the subject.
These giant structures constitute resonant platforms for sophisticated bioelectrical qi healing practices that have been preserved in strict secrecy by adepts of the Buddhist spiritual traditions of Southeast Asia.
As for the Ocean X teams Baltic Sea site investigation, the Swedish military along with TitanTV Media, delayed film editing for six months without explanation and effectively silenced Aasbergs team with piecemeal project funding and mandatory non-disclosure agreements offered under the guise of purchasing film rights to all data produced by the investigation.
Since 2011 this discovery continues to be embroiled in scientific controversy. Some scientists are actually claiming the structure is a natural geological formation—even the stairs. Yet, no one has been able to explain the strange EM phenomena coming from the site. Consequently, the finding has been appropriately dubbed the “Baltic Sea Anomaly.” As new testing is revealed, some day we may actually put this controversy to rest. It would be great to finally put Atlantis back on the map.
(Source excerpts by Alex Putney)
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Great story and it “almost confirms” that Atlantis did exist. I don’t really understand why so many governments seem to want to prevent finding proof that Atlantis was real. What would be the ramifications if it was proven that Atlantis did exist?
America can no longer be called the New World and the reality that ‘African Americans’ are the indigenous people of the lands of Atlantis/America, which predates Kmt/Tamari/Egypt would change the World Order…All the artifacts are hidden in the musuems and institutes, purposely vandalized/destroyed or even remade in image of others..the story of the anciently established One World Order would reveal whats been purposely hid for so long..superior culture, natural technologies and pyramids all over the world aligning as a world system. The esoteric knowledge of self and all things will free the world from the grasp of the devil (lower self) and those that seek vanity and power for selfish gain.
Ramifications…lets see…the ‘New World’ would no longer be new, but old and that would reveal that ‘African Americans’ are the indigenous people of the Americas and the masters of Atlantis, shattering the slavery myth and changing the current World Order for starters. All the artifacts that are hidden in the museums, institutes and pyramids around the world would also reveal that these same people and others like them built all the megalithic cultures and civilizations, thereby shattering the paradigm of White Supremacy. It would show superior culture, natural technologies and understanding of self and expose the devil (lower self) and those that operate on that frequency as the biggest liars the world has ever known…thats kinda scary if you think about it if you the one lying.