While the mainstream media distracts us with salacious reports about Donald Trump’s alleged improprieties and Bill Clinton’s indiscretions, the American public is kept in the dark about how close we are to an actual nuclear war with Russia over Syria.
Russia recently warned its citizens to not only know where their nearest bomb shelter is, but TV viewers were repeatedly told to be ready for a large-scale war. Shortly thereafter, 40 million Russian citizens took part in a massive country-wide defense drill to prepare them for a possible nuclear holocaust. Over 50% of the Russian people now believe that a serious conflict with the West is inevitable.
While our news tells us very little, U.S. military members who are in and around Syria have been calling their families back in the states telling them:
“We have been told to prepare for a tactical nuclear exchange with Russia in Syria and forces at home in the U.S. have been ordered to prepare for one-for-one intercontinental ballistic missile exchange(s) with Russia once the fighting breaks out in Syria!”
Further, those conversations have included warnings to families to immediately relocate away from U.S. Military bases which are expected to be targets of any intercontinental attack.
While this information can be found on the world-wide alternative media press, our mainstream media is ignoring or dismissing it, much like some of those damming WikiLeaks revelations. The Fourth Estate appears to be deaf AND in denial.
I am no supporter of any of the presidential candidates, but I do know one thing. Putin has made no secret of his stance regarding the U.S. Presidential election: “If it’s Hillary Clinton, It’s War.“
Hillary, a known War Hawk from her policies in both Iraq, Iran, Libya and Syria, continues to blame all these damaging email leaks on Russia. Newly leaked emails from Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta show that Hillary Clinton’s campaign team was advising early on in the game to blame all leaks to Russian President Vladimir Putin, at the same time also linking Putin with Donald Trump in an apparent bid to distract voters from Clinton’s strategy on ISIS.
The media began beating the drums and conveniently released a story before the third and final debate that “17 of our intelligence agencies have confirmed that Russia is trying to influence our election”. Instead of 17 agencies, only the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have actually offered the public any input on this matter, claiming the DNC attacks “are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts.”
Without offering any evidence, these two (not 17) agencies HINTED that the Kremlin COULD BE behind the cyberattack. But saying they BELIEVE the hacks come from the Russians is far short of saying they KNOW the Russians were behind them.
During an interview on Aaron Klein’s Sunday radio program, former high-ranking NSA intelligence official-turned-whistleblower, William Binney, discussed the alleged Russian involvement in our elections, suggesting the cyberattack against the DNC may not have originated from the Russian government at all. Instead, Binney says a “disgruntled U.S. intelligence worker” is likely behind the breach.
According to Binney, the FBI has access to the NSA database and that it’s accessed without any oversight, meaning the CIA as well as the FBI have open access to anything the NSA has access to.
“So if the FBI really wanted [Clinton’s and the DNC emails] they can go into that database and get them right now,” Binney told Klein.
Asked if he believed the NSA had copies of all Clinton’s emails, “including the deleted correspondence,” Binney said:
“Yes. That would be my point. They have them all and the FBI can get them right there.”
So why continue to blame Russia and “poke the bear” towards war over alleged election influencing that could cost thousands of innocent lives? By now, most of us are well aware that the CIA has been influencing elections for regime change for decades in countries all over the world. As they say, “people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.” Responding to accusations last week, the Russian presidential press secretary mentioned that “tens of thousands of hackers” try to break into the sites of Russian officials on a daily basis, but this never prompted Moscow to point a finger at Washington. Are we really ready to go to war over hacking practices both governments are guilty of?
You have to ask why is there a growing drumbeat for the United States to go to war with Russia—especially over Syria. When asked, most people will tell you they are not even sure why we are in Syria in the first place. No one invited us. Some will spout the standard Western propaganda line they have been fed: “Because their president is a cruel, evil tyrant, that tortures his people.”
How often have the people of the United States been lied to about the need for war using a “humanitarian crisis” to justify mass slaughter and the creation of a failed state as in Libya; Weapons of Mass Destruction that did not exist in Iraq leading to a war that created much of the chaos that exists in the region today; and the 9/11 attack that has led to the longest war in U.S. history when it should have led to the arrest of the prime suspect, Osama bin Laden, and his trial in the Hague.
For those who need a quick “Why are we in Syria?” overview, here it is: The Syrian Civil War started in 2011 while Hillary Clinton was U.S. Secretary of State. This was shortly after the U.S. regime change in Libya. What were her reasons for the U.S. getting involved? Some of the answers come direct from a recent WikiLeaks release:
“The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad,” Clinton states in one of many unclassified documents by the US Department of State under case number F-2014-20439, Doc No. C05794498.
The email makes it clear that it has been US policy from the very beginning to violently overthrow the Syrian government—and specifically to do this because it is in Israel’s best interests. Russia is simply getting in the way of accomplishing that goal, so therefore they become our enemy.
Clinton also asserts, this would allow Syria (and other “adversaries of Israel” such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt) to “go nuclear as well,” all of which would threaten Israel’s interests.
Clinton says Syria has to be destroyed…
“Iran’s nuclear program and Syria’s civil war may seem unconnected, but they are. What Israeli military leaders really worry about — but cannot talk about — is losing their nuclear monopoly.
An Iranian nuclear weapons capability would not only end that nuclear monopoly but could also prompt other adversaries, like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to go nuclear as well. The result would be a precarious nuclear balance in which Israel could not respond to provocations with conventional military strikes on Syria and Lebanon, as it can today.
If Iran were to reach the threshold of a nuclear weapons state, Tehran would find it much easier to call on its allies in Syria and Hezbollah to strike Israel, knowing that its nuclear weapons would serve as a deterrent to Israel responding against Iran itself.
The end of the Assad regime would end this dangerous alliance. Israel’s leadership understands well why defeating Assad is now in its interests.”
But destroying Syria for Israel is not the only reason we are embroiled in this quagmire. There are those that claim the real reason the U.S. wanted Syrian President Bashar Assad out of power was due to what has been called the “Pipeline War.”
Qatar wanted to run a natural gas pipeline from its northern gas field, through various countries, including Syria, to supply natural gas to
Europe. The US and Europe wanted this gas pipeline to lessen European reliance upon Russian-supplied natural gas and therefore lessen Russia’s world influence.
Since Syria has always been a Russian ally, Assad realized that this pipeline would harm his Russian ally. He refused permission to have it travel through his country which did not sit well with Qatar or its Sunni-Islam allies, like Saudi Arabia. At the same time, Iran, which is Shi’ite Muslim and thus an enemy of Sunni Muslim countries, was proposing a gas pipeline of its own to Europe, via a different route. (You can see from the map that all proposed pipeline routes HAD to go through Syria for easy access.)
Shortly after Assad refused the U.S. backed pipeline going through his country, there was a vast media blitz about him being a “ruthless dictator” who “abused his people” and all the same rhetoric the world heard about Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi and the like.
Shortly after the media assault, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Bahrain decided to begin funding “freedom fighters” and “moderate rebels” to “liberate” Syria from its democratically elected President, Assad. This began the so-called Syrian Civil War. It was not a civil war, it was groups of mercenaries, hired and paid by Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the rest, to oust Assad so as to get their pipeline run.
Their motivation was not simply earning profits from the gas pipeline, they also wanted to make certain that their arch-rival, Iran, could not run a pipeline and thus get access to vast monies from expanded sales.
Fighting broke out inside Syria and as the conflict grew worse, Assad asked his ally, Russia, for help. Russia agreed and sent troops, planes and war-fighting equipment to Syria.
The Russians not only tipped the balance in favor of Syria, they uncovered the fact that the terror groups ISIS and Al-Nusra Front (a.k.a. Al-Qaida), were actively profiting from stealing oil from Syria and from northern Iraq, transporting that stolen oil into Turkey, where it was being processed, re-packaged, and sold. The Russians proved that this oil theft and smuggling, with the cooperation of Turkey, was earning ISIS about $100 Million a month in profits to fund the terror group.
In order to stop ISIS terrorists, Russia began bombing the convoys carrying the stolen oil. This immediately put a crimp in the amount of stolen oil being smuggled into Turkey, thus impacting the clandestine profits of certain Turkish government officials. Turkey asked Russia to stop bombing the oil convoys. Russia refused.
Shortly thereafter, a Russian plane was shot down by Turkey, which claimed the Russian aircraft had violated its airspace. That claim was a lie. Turkey shot the plane down to send a message to Russia to stop screwing around with the oil smuggling. The message did not work.
Instead of halting the attacks, Russia publicly released video showing miles-long convoys of oil trucks, streaming into Turkey almost 24 hours a day, with stolen oil smuggled from Syria and Iraq. These smugglers didn’t even have to stop at border checkpoints; they got waved-through by border guards. This made clear who it was inside Turkey, profiting from the smuggled oil: Turkish President Recep Erdogan, the same man who ordered the Russian plane shot down.
Russia then imposed a travel ban on Russians visiting Turkey, and imposed economic sanctions on Turkey, which seriously damaged Turkey’s economy.
As the months of fighting in Syria continued, the Russians enjoyed success after success in stopping both the terror groups and the rebels trying to overthrow Assad.
This did not sit well with the U.S., which was aiding the “rebels” in the effort to overthrow Assad. It also didn’t help the U.S. that the media was full of stories about Russian successes, and this got people asking why Russia was having so much success, when Americans had been in Syria for over a year prior, and did not make any progress against the terrorists?
The uncomfortable truth emerged when it became undeniably clear that the ISIS and Al-Qaeda terrorists are the “moderate rebels” being helped by the U.S.
While all this was taking place, NATO was expanding eastward along Russia’s borders. This violated a promise made by then Secretary of State James Baker, who promised after the Soviet Union dissolved, that “NATO would not move one inch eastward.” Since Baker’s promise, NATO has added the Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to its membership.
In an effort to increase NATO presence around Russia, the U.S. spent $5 Billion to foment a violent overthrow of the duly-elected President of Ukraine, so as to install a puppet government favorable to the West (our CIA at work). This was discovered when Assistant Secretary of State Gloria Nuland got caught using an unsecured phone to call the State department. It was during this call, which was intercepted by Russian Intelligence, that Nuland notoriously said “Fuck Europe” when told the Europeans had concerns about what the U.S. was doing in the Ukraine. That phone call was made public by Russia, thus proving U.S./NATO did organize the overthrow and lied about it.
Most recently, Poland and Romania became home to a U.S. Missile Defense systems, designed to shoot missiles out of the sky. Russia says these systems are designed to prevent Russia from firing back if it is fired upon, making them a “sitting duck” for a U.S./NATO first-strike, and they strongly warned NATO not to activate the systems in Poland and Romania.
NATO said the Russian fears are nonsense, the systems are there to protect against launches from Iran. There’s just one minor problem: All the radar stations connected to this missile defense system are aimed east/northeast at Russia instead of south/southeast at Iran. So the U.S./NATO lied, again. And got caught, again.
There are those who claim this conflict in Syria is not just about a “Pipeline War” or getting rid of Assad for Israel’s interest, but is a U.S. decision to support Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia (three Sunni Allies) in order to continue to maintain key U.S. military bases in the region and protect Pentagon, CIA, State Department and the Obama White House interests. It’s likely all of the above.
But now the U.S. is opening an even bigger can of worms. They have awakened the “sleeping tiger”. This week, China told Moscow that they will join in the bombing in
Syria from their Aircraft Carrier. This has serious implications.
Iran has two chief allies, Russia and China. They have stood by Iran through the thick and thin especially with controlling interest as permanent members of the United Nation’s Security Council. Without Russia and China, Shiite Iran would have been history decades ago.
Today, once again, they are proving that they will be prepared to stand in opposition to the United States and NATO because all four are vying for world dominion. The world’s prophetic nations are aligning themselves either for or against either of these two global forces.
Being realistic, the U.S. must have a death wish to come up against both Russia and China, and their wise generals have to know this. It’s a no-win situation. We, the American People, have to stand up and say NO to War just like they did during the protest days of the Vietnam War. There will be no more lives lost for foolish and failed policies. It has always been prophesied that World War III would be nuclear war of immense proportion. While the rich may have their well-stocked bunkers, the rest of us would have to live with the dire consequences.
Russia is now claiming the world’s first weapon to use microwave energy ‘death-rays’ to target military drones. According to Russia’s United Instrument Manufacturing Company (OPK), the weapon has undergone successful prototype testing and is ready to be rolled out. The generals claim there is no other weapon like it in the world.
Wake up America and pay attention! All that Russian propaganda and saber-rattling is just another way to control the people in getting onboard and sacrificing their loved ones, once again, for a stupid and unconscionable war. We are at a critical juncture. As John Lennon and Yoko Ono once proclaimed on a Billboard in New York’s Times Square, “War is Over! If You Want it.” Choose wisely. Choose Peace not War.
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