If you saw the original Stargate movie with Kurt Russell, or even the Stargate TV series, you’ve certainly heard the term. Stargates, or portals into other dimensions, have always held a fascination for me since my own near-death experience in 2003. The ancients of early Egypt and Pre-Egyptian civilizations referred to them in their sacred texts as “Portals of the Gods” — stepping-stones to other dimensions of mind and matter. Are they real? Absolutely!
Recently, I was invited to test drive a man-made Stargate device created by John Haan from Valkenswaard in the Netherlands. Haan had an incredible experience in a forest near his home back in October 1997 which transformed him on many levels. Ultimately, it led to information received on how to build his own Stargate for both healing and enlightenment. It’s an interesting story…
While walking through the forest near his home, Haan saw a strange blue light between the trees that transformed into the silhouette of a beautiful woman. This blue light came towards him, then right into him, causing a tingling sensation all over. The blue light quickly turned into a white light as it moved throughout his body. Seconds later it shot out of him and was gone. He recalls that it left him with a magical sense of love more beautiful than anything he had ever felt. This experience later caused him to start receiving downloads of information from what he calls “the blue light beings” in all kinds of languages, including Latin and Spanish, which he wrote down. Not understanding either language or what he was writing, he had to have the texts translated and found to his astonishment that they contained specific instructions to build a device called a trainer, that would include lead-free crystal orbs. He was to place these crystals into the trainer to connect them with extraordinary energy. What resulted was a Stargate pattern with 24 charged crystals that includes bio-geometric codes which create a unique energy field. He was instructed that the name for this energy is “Dominus Cervix” – a Latin term meaning Original Portal.
As soon as I saw Haan’s creation, I was intrigued by the
Merkaba layout of his Stargate, as you can see from the picture. I quickly learned it is a two-dimensional form of the three-dimensional Merkaba, intended to create an experience of direct contact, deep inner purification and activation of the light body. I was game. Bring it on. I had done quite a bit of outer space exploration within the meditation state, so I climbed into the zero-gravity chair in the center of the Stargate grid, put on the headphones to listen to multidimensional tones, and went into my meditation mode. I quickly felt the energy of the Stargate crystal orbs. There was a tingling and buzz throughout my entire body. Haan’s device was working for me. Where it would take me was anyone’s guess.
About midway through my 30-minute session, I found myself out in the cosmos hovering near our fiery Sun. Many may not know this, but the Sun is believed to be a huge Stargate. It has an immense black triangular patch on its surface which emits quick solar-like discharges of unknown origin. SOHO (NASA) photographs have identified this anomaly, yet scientists have no idea what these strange discharges are. I was soon to find out.
Within my meditation, I found my mind projecting out into space to remote view the area on the Sun where these mysterious emissions originate. About 15 years ago, I learned how to remote view directly from Russell Targ of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Palo Alto, California after meeting him at a friend’s New Year’s Eve party. Targ’s background teaching the military and CIA how to use remote long distance viewing for covert spying is legendary and worth checking out. CLICK HERE Anyone can acquire this skill with a little practice.
In my remote viewing mode, I saw several huge spacecraft going into the Sun’s black triangular patch. They were the size of 2-3 football fields in length and were lined up like some cosmic Panama Canal awaiting passage. Curiosity got the better of me. I followed one of the large space vehicles into the Sun’s portal and suddenly found myself traveling through it at warp speed. To my surprise, I shot out on the other side into a multi-colored universe. Gone was the black space of our universe, replaced instead by the most incredible colors I had ever seen anywhere.
At the opening to this other universe was an arc formation of Federation-like spaceships. I suddenly knew, with all certainty, that they were the “gatekeepers” to this dimension. I watched as each spacecraft coming through the Stargate was energetically scanned in a nanosecond of time for intent and purpose. I remember wondering if being in our solar system caused possible contamination and perhaps this welcoming committee was responsible for neutralizing such things. As each ship quickly passed the “gatekeepers” they shot off into space, each in a different stream of colored light. One ship exited on a burst of pure white light, another in purple. I knew that the specific color of light identified not only the occupants on the craft, but also their mission. It would be akin to flying the colored flag of one’s nation on an ocean-going ship here on Earth.
Unfortunately, my 30-minute session was over too quickly and I found my awareness being pulled back to my physical body sitting in that wonderful anti-gravity chair back here on Earth. I never did get to follow those other spacecraft awaiting passage back through to our own solar system. It appears the passage goes both ways, which might explain those strange discharges from the Sun’s black patch. By all means, the Sun holds some pretty incredible secrets. The ancients knew and understood this and even referenced it on their artifacts (see the video). I definitely plan on going back to that Sun Stargate sometime soon in hopes of learning more–or as Captain Kirk would say: “to boldly go where no man has gone before.” Thank you John Haan for a wonderful enhancement tool to further our own explorations into that final frontier we call consciousness and space. For more information on Haan’s Stargate: www.DCIEnergetica.com
Is our Sun a massive UFO Stargate? (5:47 mins)
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Dr. Kathy Forti is a clinical psychologist, inventor of the Trinfinity8 technology, and author of the book, Fractals of God: A Psychologist’s Near-Death Experience and Journeys Into the Mystical